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Top Ten List

Top Ten Favorite SS words/abbreviations

10. EZ (sick of wasting time typing "easy"? Just type this! Especially if you are a neg and you warped right in to a duel and let off a burst killing the combatants. Then you can let them know how little effort it took to kill them)

9. $ (Do you want paid for killing someone? Or are you offering to pay them for the damage?)

8. Looser (Typing extra letters is fun!)

7. Yur (example: "yur bty is 2 low" Leaving out letters is FUN, and saves time!)

6. Your (example: "your an idiot" Sigh. Your sounds alot like YOU'RE, but has a different meaning. Dictionaries are your friends. )

5. N00B (Short for "newbie". What better way to insult someone who you lobbed a bomb onto from halfway across the board? Especially cool when zeros are inserted instead of Os)

4. STFU (Stew-foo. Get your point across with out acually saying "fuck" It -IS- scary to say sometimes...daddy gets mad at me when I say that...also saves you the time of typing several letters)

3. Vulcher (Derived from "vulture" a carrion bird who feeds off of others killls. God, please don't let the next generation of SS players grow to manhood not knowing this....)

2. L33T (Derived from "elite". Meaning, a group or part of a group regarded as being the best, or finest. Again, saves you the effort of typing an extra letter, and looks cool with 3 or € substituted for Es.)

1. Turrent (Many myths and much disinformation surround this legendary word. Derived from "turret" this word was invented c. 1996. Turret = a low, armored, revolving structure for a gun or guns, as on a warship or tank. Not to be confused with "torrent" which is "a swift, violent steam, esp. of water")

1337 Haiku

Cool guy teenager

Grounded, can't go to the prom

Jacks off in bedroom

Angry teen is tough

Talking shit on computer

Monitor protects

Mad at mom and dad

Cause he had to clean bedroom

Gets even; online

Random Thor passing

Source unknown Purple lotus

Death contained within

Ashes to ashes

Dust someday returns to dust

Negs are greens again

Wormhole spins pulling

Pink orafice ships orbit

Bombs not seen again

Bionic Rabbit

Titanium claws rend flesh

Loves Cyber-Lettuce


Rabbit taken from a field

Transformed to killer

CIA secret

Diverted funds for black ops

Enchanced war Rabbit

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