Google     Special4u     2013

Select new apps and topics in 2013


Top-end smartphones     Smartpico

Sync smartphones with PCs, tabs …

Videos  about  apps  at  YouTube


New information technologies  IT

New information systems  IS

CS Computer Surveillance   Stop CS

Home,  surroundings,  surveillance


Individual DNA register before birth

Hacking, hackers   Top penetration

Hack videos      Anonymous      FDE



Satellite launch   Sat internet   Sat list

Easy hack any sat com      at YouTube

GPS apps for smartph       at YouTube


Drones   EMP   ERW in WW3   WW3

Risks  with   EMP  -  ERW   attacks ?

EMP-ERW bombs made in the ME ?


Nobel info      Citizen science

Mind reading   

Graphene       New Mat       LIEBNIZ


Dark matter, dark energy

Black Holes are in fact grey !   

White stuff in giant black holes

is gateways to and fro in

multiple-universes systems?” .PAT



Media Players




Basics  for  super computers

Basics  for  robot-reading

Human-robot com ● ● Robot-robot com ● ● ロボット ● ●

Robot Stock-Trading ● ● Insiders - Predators ● ● Hack ● ●

Site for human and robot-reading.    Brain Computer   tobii

Electronic eyes reading, artificial intelligence.   Big  bug

Barcode     Mind-reading      BrainGate      KE     SelSort

Vib - WL - UV      IR  ...  Resurr

Most important to humanity just now,  by 2000 to 2020

No salvation if no nano, new, and hi-end supercomps (Linux)


Examples of robot-reading anticipating possible news about:

Assange,  Ecuador,  Esequibo,  Guyanas,  Belize,

Falkland-Malvinas,  Guantanamo,  Panama,

West Indies, Caribbean, and Atlantic Islands …

more “post-colonial” troubles in Latin America ?


Greed +     Food-giants spreading new pesticides ?     Troubles ?

Dole capital + Food giants’ shit ?   Bisphenol - Toxics   Food Shit

More shit in your food    EU + G8 vs tax-evaders ?     Soros & Co


14 years after the start at this site in 2000 of the World’s 1st

larger financial Insiders and Predators investigation,

9 years after the “recent Wall Street abuses“ in 2005 (Wiki),

after a 1st Hard Investor inquiry in 2005 (merci Skippers, Paris),

after a 1st Naked Short initiation in 2008 (merci Alex Dumortier),

6 years after the 1st internet video references about Banksters

on this site (thanks to J. K. Galbraith, Bill Moyers, Max Keizer,

Webster Tarpley … ),

and 4 years after the 1st opening at this site in 2010 of the

1st internet nominal listing of these top financial manipulators

with their public identification, it is a great pleasure to see

that younger, braver, and more internet skilled guys, have

got the guts to fulfill a broader exposure of these monkey

money Insiders and Predators,   in the press and new media  

(Thanks to them all … )”.  


Lagarde stuff” :

A Lagarde open list” with about 2000 names

Follow the money, you’ll find the shit       G20 vs tax-evaders

A Lagarde reserve list” with 130 000 names


Secret lists with European, American, Asian tax-evaders,

290 000 names, companies, private persons, their heirs


DSK+   DSK fun 


Diams   Antwerp : tax cheat ?  Antwerp : fake-diamonds frauds ?

Double insurance / diamond-biz insider fraud, then they split ?

50 years of fake diamond heists, insurance insiders coup ?

Europol insiders


Tax havens lists       Illuminati getting ill ?      NWO in disorder ?

Main sources:   Preds     WEF  turning clean by 2013 ?


“Often ugly but also useful to a certain extent

in a wild capitalistic system like ours,

global predators can still loose control

over their tools,  including their  monkey money”,

and over themselves. Should they be followed in

hell, or dropped, off a better world… ?”


By insiders at  The Wall Street Journal,  Time Mag,

The Washington Post,  The New York Times,   TI,   CF,

Marygoround, Financial Times, News, Canard Enchaîné,

Internal affairs  lea  fbi  dea  irs  cia  nsa  Wikileaks

Google  cfr  fp  fpa  flg  ig  kgb  Bilderberg  WEF  TED ...


Don’t talk bullshit coz we often see, hear, and know

about your money and what you do with it, how much

is clean, how much is monkey, and where you hide it.“

by New media


These market guys are crooks   Al Capone

At least, he knew what a crook is …


“Follow the money, you’ll find the shit”   Deep Throat

More sources through   SC    GA    PMC


Won’t say you didn’t know!   Greed worst ?   Societal collapse

Societal change started 1990 ?          Organizational resilience

La résilience vue de Davos     Davos Resilienz     in English 2013

Himalaya melted by 2035 ?            60% of USA Latin by 2040 ?


Examples of top issues,  topics,  questions,  news …, recently

reported, or debated by readers of these pages, sites, blogs … :  

The bad quality of your sperm is part of a societal collapse?

Making you a top individual, before your birth?  DNA+register

Remaking you after  your death ?  - Ok, but in much better ...


”Genetic selection”  already easily possible in your bedroom ?   

Isolating the human intelligence genes   Isolating greed genes ?

“Genetic resurrection”  soon possible for selected humans ?

Separating brain from body, storing  mind,  spirit, in Scomp ?

Solving life and death  ”fundamental questions”  jointly ?


No way travelling away from our solar system with today’s

original spacecrafts carrying biological bodies:   New ways?

New materials      Synthetic chemistry      Synthetic biology


Inter-galactic voyaging robots-webnodes,  self-recreating

biological cells,  organisms,  human individuals   , out of

selected genetic-dna mathematical formulae. People with

prime  bodies and minds,   choosing suitable challenging

environments,  and pre-programmed Universal Evolution

in time-beating extreme-high-speed motion schemes, can

make it real ?      Here in 2-3 generations, or virtual SciFi ?

We must prepare the “Grand Depart” before it’s too late?


Space +   JohnZ   Space Science   Cassini-Huygens   Videos


Travel insure      EA      MA            Earth from sky

Nordic countries     Baltic      N-W Europe      S-W Europe

Eastern Europe     Atlantic     EU     Northern Hemisphere

Flight Status       Realtime Flight-Tracker on map

Weather     Water     Ice videos     Citizen science

Climate change   Climate models   Trees die   Ice melting

Species’ disappearance        Birds disappearing from UK

In a near future,  biological life under  AC  gigantic bells ?


Keywords, topics selected from 1993 to 2012       

Special4u  web-archive from 1993 to 2011      Dec 2012

Archive 1  -  Archive 2          Lists of the many reviewed

press articles,  investigations,  studies,  works,  issues,

debates, research topics, webpages, and internet sites

by PAT are published here.      Also vailable by email at in 2013 and on.

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