Special4u Dec 2012

Special4u aa Front Page aa 中国互联网

Google translations in most languages

Русский aa .ua aa .by a 한국어 a 日本語

Asia a India a Pacif a AmLat a  Es a Po

Web tools on Google aaa Y aaa aa  

Special4u Central Archive - 1993 - 2013

special4u.webs.com a aa Champagne

Media Players- Art- - -


Dark matter and energy. NASA. ESA

Black Holes are in fact grey !   White stuff in Giant BH is

gateways to and fro in multiple-universes systems?” .PAT


Keywords, topics selected from 1993 to 2013 aa aa aa

Examples of top issues, topics, questions, news …, recently

reported or debated by the readers of these sites and blogs:

Making you a top individual, before your birth ? a BodyMind

Remaking you after your death ? - Ok, but in much better ...


Basics for robot-reading :

Human-robot com ● ● Robot-robot com ● ● ロボット ● ●

Robot Stock-Trading ● ● Insiders - Predators ● ● Hack

Site designed for both human and robot-reading. tobii

Electronic eyes reading, artificial intelligence. Big bug

Barcode aa Mind-reading aa BrainGate

Vib - WL - UV      Resu . IR . ...

Issues most important to humanity just now

No salvation without nano and giant super computers


Examples of news about :

Assange,  Esequibo,  Guyanas,  Belize,  Falkland-Malvinas,

Panama, Guantanamo... US-UK troubles in Latin America ?


Food-giants in spraying, pesticide conflicts ?  More trouble ?

Behind Dole capital ? . SC . GA . PMC . PriMil . Water . VIDEO

Behind most manipulative, speculative capital, fictive or real?

Won’t say you didn’t know!  Greed so bad?  Societal collapse


EU Health insurance ”Blue Card” . Travel insure . EA . MA .




Google Deutschland       Leipzig        Kfz-Kennzeichen  

Es  FR  Fr  Linguee

Google aaa Total Google aa Geek stuff     Champagne


Music  YT  Tv  FTV  Ggltv   YP  


Nordic countries Baltic N-W Europe

S-W Europe Eastern Europe Atlantic

Climate development models   Nor Hemi


Smartphone, tab based easy program for your own stuff,

with your own free robot-reading and multi-tasking apps,

for free 4u, 24/7, with news & media watch, professional

info, jobs, interests, phone calls (own-voice, robot-voice),

email, sms, mms, social stuff, money, transfers, payments,

health, skin, body, kids, self-d, home-sec, household, cars,

travel, LED, hobbies, mega-structures, new multi-internets,

new webs …  Anything you need to know any time …  

No popups, no ads, no advertising, if not wanted.      Hack


Choose among many pre-selected item categories,

add yourself any topic you need at hand, or in mind,

and park” the keywords  you don’t need at once in

a store, a “reserve” memory, or “archive”, let’s say

odd stuff you want to know about, but don’t need

every day, like “Pearl fishing in Japan”, or

“Swedish naked witches’ moondance”,  DSK,

private weapons,  tooth care,  sex (or do you?),

offshore money,   Predators,   System error !

climate change,   plastic soup

Make your own keywords too, if you want ...


Special4u follows up your confidential stuff with 100 %

anonymity and secret access codes. It feeds you back

anonymously  (thru TOR,  VPN ...),  with selected facts,

info, data about the new knowledge you need to have

in mind.  All for free. Uncensored, and Anonymous!


Full insight in anything going on is not a right anymore,

it's a must ?     Who is denying that ?     A list of names.

See videos at insiders & predators, System error !, Tett


“ - Probably the best site on new media and new webs,

uncensored, with free access services.”      WebBoss

Net Commanders. He-She. Knights. RLG. NewQuest.


Headlines and sites not yet linked , or underlined,

or highlighted on this page, but already mentioned

or listed here, are under upgrading by the readers

and co-operators of this site at  arc1 and arc2,

both updated yearly from 2012 to 2018.


Many internets !

By PAT * ** *** **** ***** at Good Ideas Bank


The Virtual Revolution This site is changing the world

New old climate Demographic tsunami Hunger riots

Food crisis Food shortages Water wars (water videos)


New wars Cyber wars Flame more Web wars Web cops

CIA vs NSA FBI Spy-Police wars Guerre des polices

Secret America Corpint Corpsec NuremHunt Nurem


Videos showing how social media changing the world

Economic collapse Financial crash Speculation smash


Top tax tricks lists (by country) Greece USA France ...

taxtrick-hattrick, tax-trickers, born-tax-trickers top list


Search engines    More browsers    Multi systems options

Google alternatives     Google 2   3   4 …     Google pirates

5+    100 more googles  Citizens’ thinktanks  News future?


Google w   Pay serv   flattr    face     twit    Soc Photo YT

Google c   Non-print media   New media    Easyweb

Google prod’n serv    Gwatch     Google is Good 4u


Google F   Firefox   Ubt   Linux        Search Engines

Google Special4u   Google4u      Yahoo    bing    $

Google Language   Languages   Hisp   Port   FR   D


Gearth      Gstreet     Mystreet      MAPS      Dmoz      Whatis

Wiki    Topics     YP     YO     Wiktio    Dictio    SyAn    Thesa

Google+    ITknow    KE   Add here  services of your choice


Google Analytics            Google Apps            Google Alerts

Google Watch       New Google at YouTube


New human systems   New monetary system    +new    

Euronews in 12 languages on iPhone,  iPad,  Androids …

Life quality  Drastic changes in way of life  MegafiltersAC

Megastructures  Risks to society, humanity  Laacher See


WW3 scenario 2012 ? Brown cloud Permafrost Laach.See

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics - Himalaya Pyramid


Overpop  Overcons  Hypertrop  Deforest  Dimming  Water

Overfishing    Pollution    Plastic soup   Sustain    Growth


  Disappearing animal species   Birds   Fish   Bees

►  Fertilizers  Pesticides  Insecticides  Aerial spray  VIDEO


  Fish discard The SHAME VIDEO


Changing production - distribution patterns


Front Page  A-nomos  B-driver  S-park       UR   BFMB   FU

New bus-coach


hackersinternets.hi    Hackprog    NewEso    Space Nodes

( Try TOR, VPN, Proxy pattern thru Proxy servers,

then a Meshnet with MESH, get away at Gateway,

and finaly move into DHT top security, and Nodnetz.nod )


( Check then if the stuff below is already on, or still on )

DreamHack   NorHack    Constellation    Commotion   more

Serval   Tor   OpenBTS   OpenGSM   Asterisk   PUV    IMDb

ChaosCom.Berlin       28C3 Alexanderplatz        SasserBoy

cr.Darmstadt    Stuttgart.Hack     Glockenspiel      LüneLink

ZüGePo      MaasMasters      EUBRUX      BigOst     Cyrillics

LeHack  LeFuck  ParisTowerPower  Francity   Italno  Iberid

Latelat    Medhack   FreeAlbion  TopKnights  Whitehallside

OLSRd    BcBug    BristolBuddies    RowBot    Chambanana

SecretSavers   MindUS   OWS   GP   .CAN   Torrent   Megup

Kad   Coral   YaCy   StormBot   StormZombies PIB PPI ZNod

Indihack   Singsing   Cat   MicBlog   Chin   Weibo   Pac   Asi

Auzizi     Kiwiwi     Polishac     Reclaim     Protest     Occupy

Anonymous    Indignants    Blockupy    Anticap    

Flashback.org  Flashback.se  Telecomix  Jonsdottir Iceland

Olaricssiders   .waround   .bypass   thruYTnowon   .coord


Many new are joining, and those who want to keep it secret,

anonymous, can be put thru with .kodkonekt on Nodnetz.nod


Surf soon with mini-drones Minidronet micro-drones

Nowirconect HackSatNet Hackattack + Skyscraps

Fribalondron Overange OverLord WildAngels (more)


Free lecky, new power, new energy, key 2 newnet stuff ?


On newnets, create new own free .domain .name .business

.games  .jokes  .fun  .interest  .topics  .values … ,  with short,

excellent, top, easy to remember, to see, to associate, visual

and/or  audio,  olfactive,  tasty,  sensitive,   conceptual  stuff.


See soon list, just the things robots can’t do, yet.   Don’t say

you  cann ’t  afford it !! Go on some super thieves !!!    Fools

never see when they have become irrelevant …    dust .bean 


How to bypass internet censorship, filters, anywhere

Contrôle internet ? Contrôlable ? Elysée Torrent ++

Comment contourner la censure internet Multilingue

Hollywood lobbies   SOPA   PIPA more Get around

ACTA already fucked more Bypass suckers Fuck CISPA


For invincible superguys :

How to hide a computer

How to make your computer completely anonymous

How to hack supercomputers

Make supercomps your slaves

How to bypass the ICANN system

Root zone files

How to create DNS wildcards

How to create a root zone


Check further below :

Proxy pattern Proxy server

Gateway Telecom Gateway program DHT


Cyber+++, Cloud Codes :



Micro-nano-robotics, New-human-systems,


As by 2012 to 2018, future developments already

on their way in many places around, are involving

integrated”  KE and micro-nano hitechs in many

fields of research, trade, craft, industry, and human

relations as listed below, and at many more sites:


Space nodes                    Knowledge-clouds


Touch-talk-look           Think-notalk-notouch


MRI   Brain-body Scanning   Neuro-imaging



Nano-robotics    Laser-tech    Bio-metrics


Computer - smartphone - tab  integration

Info-select    Priority-access    Info-advice

Sponsored pro advising           Ad-tagging

Blocking not needed, not wanted advertising


Integration of search engines,  ( Exio+ ),

new media, social networks, apps, and

system software in super-smartphones


Ethnic-socio-psycho-genetic  mapping


Medical  teminology     Medic     Pharma

Distance-healthcare      Remote-doctors

New pharma


Food   Food labelling   EU food labelling   Drink


Air quality          Water quality          Food quality


Life quality        Sex        Sex aboard ship ahoy !!!


Diaper snipers    Kiddy fiddlers    Chicken hawks


Woody Allen    Roman Polanski    Cohn Bendit


Jack Lang Coral 1  J. Lang Maroc 2  Lang fillette 3


Marcial Maciel     DSK     sex fun


Cops found both her and his DNA, on and

in !! the gloves, how come ? What they did

by hand, before and after ? + his voice spectrogram,

+ his visible characteristics (belly, size, sex … ),

+ her testimony, + the cameraman’s, + the pimps’,  

see yourself.


Flying frogs 1     -2-     -3-     -4-     -5-     -6-


Insiders  Predators ?                Top names at Telecomix

Goldman Sachs,  JP Morgan,  Moody’s,  S&P,  Fitch …,

financial terrorists, ugly hyenas, but useful predators ?


Social-commerce   Citizen-marketing

Virtual-payments    NoBanks

Direct-pay-to-seller system




Automatic GPS - geotagging - time - dating

in very small to very large scale of all form

of earthly, bio, animal, and human activity


ESA-NASA        EXPOP in 3D


New-war & defense-technologies   Drones   more


Communities’ and citizens’ mini-drones multitudes

can jam and protect from enemy big drone attacks

in and after WW3 ?  


Iran attack conventional or nuke ?     VIDEOS


Growth?      Economic growth       Videos


The future of human societies on earth,

in this galaxy, in this universe, in others ?


Smaller groups of A-humans can make it anywhere ?


More  top projects 4u ?  by 2012-2018

Much info from the worldwide Scientific community,

PHYSORG,   the Scientific press,  research centres,

university institutions, businesses and companies,

selected at Google Special4u.


Energies   Alternative   Clean

Earth crust energy   Earth crust deep drill

PAT in deep sea project 1986  Virgin sub 2011


Spallation   Fusion


Synthetic bio   Synthetic gen

Bio-informatics                 Bioins & Biomim

Intelligent Materials                Mind reading


Synthetic Life

Synthetic Lifesize Live Barbies

Men can be made out of a woman’s womb,

can’t women be made out of a man’s rib ?


Robot Expo TOKYO    Robot expo

Self-operating intelligent-systems

Intelligent robots’ evolution


Nanotech    Faster than light    Ereditato

Nano-robotics     Bio-metrics

Laser-tech            Laser energy research


Facts’n Lies                What people think’n wish

Rumors  Urban legends   La rumeur d’Orléans

Girls faster than internet at spreading rumors ?


New  ad  age       3D printing     at YT      ADEX


Satellites      New internet systems      HackSatNet

Earth-based    Satellite, Space-based    Minidronet

Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer  Alpha Mag Spectro


IP-based satellite ad-hoc network

IP routing onboard over satellite

End-to-end latency,  Cross-layer design

Transmission control protocol over satellite

High bit error rate, Large delays, High asymmetry


Cosmic rays for interacting with Cyber nodes

in 2011-2018 at COSMIX ?

ICRR  東京大学宇宙線研究所は    )))    )))

Interact with outer space multi Cyber internets

from your super-smartphone in 2011-2018 ?


Rockets  and  Rocket  Science  not  the

only way  to  leave,  and perhaps return

to the Solar System. Return necessary?

What if better elsewhere?         With space nodes?

Disposable new earths? With disposable bodies?


Apps   Appscout  Top apps 4u   Top free downloads

Top big stuff4u   Top insider stuff4u    Top reports4u

Topevents4u  Whatsonwhen  EBU    B R I C SA AN SI


Free internet services          Paid web services

Minipayments   Microfees   Pay little, get a lot


Top computers 4u    Asian lang    Top hack  Anonym

Beauty   Advanced  Projects   SciFi  Top site  Donate

Multi Int    Drones   Smart sites   Int control   Protests


災害情報     ミクシィmixi          JAPAN      twitter jap

Nuke or not ?     Radio     TV     News       Euronews   

New media  sat TV  TextTV  G8  G20  BRICS  bricsaansi


Human activities    Economics    Raw materials     IT

LTV = Long Term Viability of Renewable Resources

in a New Planetary Weather System     NASA   Econf

Arctic oil    Uranium    Alt energy      Ocean       Space





Mini blogs

Million apps


Best wishes come true   EXIO    X +   Tip of iceberg

Free: News tickers  Search box  Add-ons  Plug-ins


Music of the month:       Vazquez-Talbot   kid video

Videolaricss      ♫♪                 Isiwebs

Top videos       Music    YO     Easy use


Corporate Consulting                Beyond the Internets

Media integration  Microsoft    Altimeter  Solis   micc

AFCEA  GearDiary  Social media  Mi   BRX  製品情報


Thibault   info org   Aldea         Thibault   brain power


Corporate sponsors           Cooperating teams

Yearly meetings, click below for info by email:

2007 at Olso Universitetsbiblioteket,

Aker, Gaustad sykehusene, HolmenKollen Hotel,

2008, 2009, 2010 at Dreamhack and Universities

in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Lund, Maastricht,

Lille, Paris, Reims, Genève, and Heidelberg,

2011 at Dreamhack and Jönköping University,

Langelinie, Copenhagen Mermaid, 25-26 Sept 2011,

Epernay, Châlons en Champagne, 15-22 Oct 2011,

2012, send email.


New web search

Research for new multiple-internets systems

Select your own  layout, icons, display design...


Smartphones  Supersmart GLF  Tabs  Altern int

Internet2  Int3  Int4u   Hidden internet  Deep web

Bighub   Spyweb    Cybwar   at YT   in 2011-2018


USA  NATO  EU  Nordic Countries  in  Cyber war




Japanese  Korean  Chinese web browsers

Japanese Korean Chinese search engines


Internet running out of addresses at Google

Internet running out of space at Chris Pirillo


Mini drones                 Micro drones

From interviews with Walter  and  Reimar  Horten  1982

in  Baden-Baden  and  Montevideo by PAT, and articles

by J.-D. Merchet and Douglas Bullard. Photos at Drone.


Videos:     -1-    -2-    -3-     Microdrones Gmbh

Off-the-shelf stuff at toy-shops! Cheap! Legal ...

Secret   silent  invisible   Stealth   Drones

Stealth  drones    more Mini stealth drone

How to build your own mini stealth drone


Top  smart  sites  4u

By KE, KEOD, Knowledge Engineering,

Ontology at Google,   Ontology at Wiki,

and Self-operating intelligent-systems.


In many languages and using many jargons as

FE     ESP     ESL   ESOL   EFL     CompE

IMCS   ChatS   FacebookS   SlangatWiki

BlogS   SchoolS   SexS   MusicS   SportS

DrugS  ShowbizS  MilitS  CorpS  WallsS

Hackers slang         Slang jargon dialects


For those who really want to know and do

a lot more, click / touch here, or think about the

underlined and linked letters, words, symbols,

alphabets, runes, signs, pictograms, ideograms,

ideographs, graphemes, phonograms, logograms,

logotypes, numerals, numbers, digits, figures,

ciphers, cyphers, maths symbols, colours, colors,

icons, images, pictures, drawings, photos, videos,

animations, in Русский, 日本語, 中国互联网, 한국어,

कामसूत्रAsian Languagesmany languages,

and with multidata, facts, stats, graphs...

(check these words at Google  Wiki   Wikti   Dic...)

or new codes, and about new language systems

for human, machine, and robot communication.


This site is also developing and preparing 4 (=for)

instant-easy item-access as parts of phenomena,

matters and events in times that are not related,

bound or linked to any form of human cognition,

of human experience in history, of human

knowledge recorded whether in nature, wood,

clay, stone, concrete, metal, glas, ceramic,

porcelain, or any new material, in buildings,

on Carbon 14 material, in print on paper, textile,

cardboard, as well as with electronic non-print

technologies, or that will have uncontrollable

causes and effects in KE, topics and questions

as: Are we needed on earth?, Definitely not? ...,

or otherwise, by PAT, any sort of


and for super-computer command-control from

most mobile smartphones, tabs…, with optional

Voice only,   Eyes only,   Think only,  and Visualization

functions, wireless, no touch, with visible ubuntu and

invisible thesonto” bubbling clouds of dynamic ideas.


Example of choices with possible mixed systems

shifting automatically and instantly to best suitable

solutions for a designated simultaneous computing-

communication task:


mac  pc  lin  ub  win  os

browser  player  wo  an


Event  Probability  Random  Nature vs nurture

Large group dynamics  Small  Internet rumors

Internet group dynamics         Consumerology

Shop’ til you drop”,    consumer   knowledge

Apps’ til  you  collapse”,   top  select  at  S4u


Remote access,  computer control,  smartphone,  tab

Multi-tasking  super-smartphones, tabs,  when asked,

with gesture and motion control on demand

Touch’n edit whatever  Touch+  New  ad age




Art +

2 unexpected Raphael Madonnas ? by PAT

( For advanced art connaisseurs only, identify

yourself and ask for an access code by email only. )


The URL  internet  address of this web page is:


or access also thru  Angelfire Special4u, 50megs Special4u

Top 10 Web Browsers   bing    123   Weblinks   Links

mishmash   Google Special4u   Olaricss ...


Click or Touch  underlined or highlighted  hyperlinks

How this site works      About this site       Site history


This site is upgraded 24/7 according to a consensus

among the co-operating teams about the selection

criteria of the items mentioned here, answering as

much as possible your requests and suggestions when

sent by email to Google Special4u at: wetry2@gmail.com


A site supervised by 30 Free Internet Advice Groups

Thanks to Martin Koster, Chris Pirillo,

and many other top guys at YT


Special4u archive access       Archive1       Archive2

Lists of other major press articles, sites, studies,

issues, works, investigations, and research topics

by Pierre André Thibault, PAT, either published or

not, are available on demand at wetry2@gmail.com

by 2012 and on.


Most material can be updated on demand after

estimate of cost for the working time needed.


Website editing and web publishing or not,

according to indications provided at

Special4u’ s 1st site, with even more about it,

and according to demand.


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