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Music Control

Not Ebay at Auction Island

FOR SALE . . .

All six are for sale

There is only one coin. This is the front & back of the SAME coin.

This rare and beautiful uncirculated coin commemorating the 1000th anniv. of the Cairo mosque university has a 30 year date misprint that caused almost all the others to be recalled to Egypt to be remelted, this may be the last one left on Earth!
It is still in the original plastic case it came in & I scanned it at high resolution so you could see its detail. If this is what you have been looking for, then drop us a line, and make us an offer.


Just click here to send us an email.

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TRYTEX1 /Jus da FAQ's /Search engine /Auction Island /All Links /Titusville /Weather /Busness /Logo /Dancers!