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UML CASE Tool Tutor

A free UML Tool
Filling in Use Case Description
Conduct Use Case Scheduling
Elaborate Use Case using Activity Diagram
Generate documentation for your use case model
Related Resources

HTML Tutorial
Use Case Modeling
Documentation Generation
Interactive Tutorial
Use Case Diagram
System Boundary Support
Extension Point Support
Textual Analysis for Use Case
Use Case Scheduling
Use Case Description
Editing Flow of Event
Create Sub-diagram
Sample Project
HTML Document
PDF Document
Use Case Modeling in Visual Paradigm for UML

Use Case Modeling is the process of describing the system behavior of the target system from an external point of view. A use case focuses on the external aspects of a system and captures the functional and behavioral requirements of the system that help the users perform their tasks. The UML notation of the use case is only an ellipse with a Verb + Noun naming. It only indicates what action is performed on a task that can achieve an observable user goal. Visual Paradigm for UML provides a set of use case modeling toolset for assisting the user to identify, document and prioritize the Use Cases.

Use Case Modeling
Use Case Scheduling Use Case Scheduling Elaborate Use Case using Activity Diagram Elaborate Use Case using Activity Diagram Use Case Description Use Case Description HTML/PDF Report
Use Case Description  
Filling in Use Case Description

Filling in the use case description is very important in use case modeling. Use case description includes descriptions of the use case, preconditions, post conditions, flow of event and whatever which is important in modeling the user goal.

Use Case Scheduling  
Conduct Use Case Scheduling

Use Case Scheduling can help you to prioritize the use case. It is very useful for planning the work in different phases of the system development life cycle. The main philosophy behind is to reduce the risks and uncertainty of the system development project at easiest at possible, i.e. in other words, the use cases are ranked according to the significances to the successful completion of the system.
Create Sub-diagram  
Elaborate Use Case using Activity Diagram

Sometimes sub-diagram is useful for clarifying the tasks involved in the use cases. For example, you can create an Activity Diagram under the use case for documenting the business logic.

Generate HTML/PDF Document  
Generate documentation for your use case model

After you have finished documenting your use case model, you can generate the use case model into HTML or PDF documentation. The generated document will show your use case model in detail, including all use case description, sub-diagrams has been created under the use case.


Sample Project
VPP File
Zip File
HTML Document
Zip File
Pdf Document
PDF File
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