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Salyut Skylab Mir The International Space Station Biosphere.

Salyut salute or fireworks in Russian The Salyut Stations 1971-1983

The Salyut capsule was the Russians first project involving capsule in space that can be docked like a space station. The astronauts would be able to move around and experiments could be preformed in an environment much larger than a capsule. The Knowledge of the long term effects of life in space would be gather and changes made as thing went along. They used different Salyut capsules for each mission so they could change thins if it did not go according to plan. They up graded the last to Salyut capsule to mini stations by adding a second docking ring so that two capsule can be docked to the mini station at the same time. These could then resupply refuel the Salyut mini stations. With a second capsule visiting mid one crews visit. The Salyut craft had a mass of about 19 tons and were 14.5 meters long.

Skylab Heavy on the Lab 1973 - 1973

Skylab was America's first mini station. This was just one lab that was used by the astronauts of different missions. Each mission growing in length. Over the length of its use conditions will of course be less pleasant. Over 300 experiments will be preformed by three crews of astronauts. The Skylab station was a modified third stage of a Saturn-IVb rocket that had a length of 17 meters and a maximum diameter of 6.5 meters. It weighed 85 tons It carried in it a solar observatory that was 10 tons in weight. The solar observatory was heavier then the first capsules. It will in 1979 be slowed down by the drag of the thin air at above 100 Kilometers or 75 miles. Till it breaks up and falls in the Indian Ocean. There was concern that the final stages of the slowing could not be predicted. The America's Skylab could fall anywhere depend on how it broke up how it turned as it lowered or any number of factors and been a major embarrassment.

Mir means peace 1986 - 1999

Mir was the Russians next station program. More like our Skylab than their Salyut mini station. But Mir will be more advance in design and larger then Skylab. Mir was to be in use for 5 years but it was in use for 15 years by many crews of astronauts. Mir will be brought down by the Russians after they decide to bring it down in case they should lose remote control of Mir. Keeping every thing working was getting difficult and there was one in docking that damaged Mir. It good to see that the Russians had watched America have to sit through the Skylab crash and planned for it coming down. They will join the International Space Station Program.

It is important these were not called Space Stations

This was saved back for what will be very close to a Real Space Station. The International Space Station were people from 13 countries can go to do experiments. This is America's attempt seeing if a international space organization can work. It has to at this point have a different name then any of our craft labs or programs. It really would not have be good to call it the International Skylab. It could have been call the International Work Station and leave the Space Station of and living environment. But what ever happens the whether it is a ring or donut or sphere or spheroid everyone will say this is a space station. I like the act that everyone held back using the name.

The International Space Station 1998

It is still growing in 2003. It is a 13 nation cooperative. The International Space Station has had a crews on it all the time since 2003 and will used for over 10 years. The internal volume is more the that of 2 Boeing 747. But there is no artificial gravity. The International Space Station is the first space station. The various sections brought up by the Americans or the Russians. It was originally to have 6 astronauts on board that has been reduced to 3 astronauts. The International Space Station will require boasting to keep it in obit every 90 days. It is light enough compared to the square footage that even at 240 miles it will be slowed by the thin air.

The Biosphere

The Biosphere was constructed in the late 1980s to see how people could handle an enclosed environment. They tried putting eight people in the Biosphere an earth bound sealed environment. The first two-year Biosphere experiment was violated with in a week a fight and a injury. (Most of my earth bound projects have been troubled by trouble some people.) The Biosphere while not in space it is an experiment to live life in an enclosed environment with out side supplying. Biosphere now is used as an extension of a University.

I did not learn much from any of Salyut Skylab Mir Biosphere

I would have liked to know if the Russians had better luck in breathing full air rather than just oxygen at reduced pressure. From the first time they let one of the X-planes drop from the wing they knew things were going to be different. During the release the x-plane pilots heart rate went to 140 and usual stayed high the whole flight. This was the main reason the first astronauts were experienced pilots who had seen it all where chosen. Flight were started a in minutes not hour or days. I planned to do short term open environment with part of a G artificial gravity followed by full artificial gravity and full air all the way.

I am sorry at this time I am not able to include any pictures of the Salyut Skylab Mir The International Space Station or the Biosphere.

Bob Petersen

Bob L. Petersen

Salyut Skylab Mir The International Space Station Biosphere Capsule Astronauts