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Goa'uld - English Dictionary!!

If you ever need some goa'uld language for in a fan fic or if you just want to learn it, here is a list of most of the goa'uld words we've heard through the series
Sam x :-)
I've collected this info from various sources on the web and in books. If you know of any words that I have missed please tell me :-)

Ai`emain : Stand up!/ Rise!
Aray Kree: stay where you are
A'roush[aroosh]: village
Ash'rak: assasin; an elite assasin that carries out the orders of System Lords; it also means hunter
Ba'ja'kakma'te: I greet you too
Bashaak: the training ritual of Jaffa
Bon'iqua?[boneequa]: Why?
Bi`bo: Do you want? / Take!
Bonniewae: very good; tasteful
Bradio: Come on! / Hurry!
Cal mah: Sanctuary
Cham'ka Groves: a place on Chulak where Teal'c would take R'yac to play
Chaapa'ai: Stargate
Cha'hari: Don't Shoot!
Chel'nok: Very cool/ cool
Chel'til: Untrained warrior
Cord'ai Plains: hometown of Drey'auc on Chulak
Dal Shakka Mel: I die Free
Dal mek creon te shree tal'ma: Our love does not end in death
Di`bro, das weiafei, doo`wa!: People, welcome them, the gods have come!
Di`dak`dida: You dare?!
Dis'tra: master
Fi nu [Finoo]: Finish!
Gonach:An insult exact meaning unknown
Hakoor kra terak shree: Banished to Oblivion Hak'tar: Advanced Human?
Harakash: Goa'uld term for system lord
Harek rel kree lo'mak onak rak shel'na: I know everything. Theresnothing you can do to help. I will destroy you!
Hassac/Has'sak: someone who is very weak; fool
Ha'tak: Goa'uld Pyrimid ship
Ha'taaka: Vile one
Harsesis: the child of two Goa'uld.
Hi`ato[Heeato]: walk on!
Hylk'sha:Gods of the Underworld
Intar: a weapon that changes it's appearance into others, used to train Jaffa
I`jaji`biai: May I have that? I ra be`bju?: Is this for me?
Jaffa: the inhabitants of Chulak, this word is more commonly used as one who serves the Goa'uld.
Jankin: search or tell at once
Jolma'sheku:Challenge of Leadership
Ju`iu [joo joo]: See!
Kalach shal'tek:Victory or Death
Kalash: one's soul
Kal'ma: Child
Kegalo!: Silence!
Ke`i! [Key]: Kneel!
Kel'cha: it will be so
Kel'mah: Sanctuary
Kel mar tokeem: "revenge by the wearer of the horn"
Kel'no'reem: a deep medative state where a Jaffa can communicate with his/her Goa'uld larvae.
Kel'nok shree: I am not
Ki`banja`swei![Keebunjaswai]: We must hide!
Kla mel harek:Too Late
Korush-nai: turn back
Kree: Listen up!/stop!/Yoo Hoo
Kree'ta: stop that; go away from there
Kresh'ta: outcasts
Lek tol: goodbye
Mai'tac: damn
Mid`cha:Pay attention.
Mik'ta Butt/ A$$ Mi`la tu`tu? [meela tootoo]: Is everything all right?
Na`binim!: What`s that?
Nafi![Nufee]: Right!
Nanb'tu'qua: How are you?
Na`noweia si`taia: You are here to destroy me.
Ne'nai: not; don't
Niush nio [niush nioo]: Everyone, look!
Noc: no
Noc'ri'ton: help me out of here
Nowe: Here
Oma Desala: Mother Nature
Pa'kree: so what's up now?/what's up?
Pel'tak: flight control room on a Cheops Warship
Prim'ta: the larval Goa'uld symbiote carried by each Jaffa. Also the name of the ceremony of implantation when a child receives his first symbiote.
Quellshak: advice us
Rak'lo najaquna shel're hara kek:Its time for you to die!!
Ral-tora kree: A wish of Good Luck
Re`sapai?: Is this yours?
Rhe`u: Stay back!
Rin'tel'noc: go away from me
Ris`vi he`u [reeswee he-u]: Close the doors
Satta-cakes: a kind of food; desert/treat
Se`biu? [sebjoo]: Come with us?
Shak'ti'qua: what do you think you are doing?
Shal'kek:Leave us
Sha'lokma'kor: get them/kill them
Shes'ta: Goa'uld currency/money
Shibio diu! [shibio dioo]: Strangers!
Shol'va: traitor
Shor`wai`e! Yas! Yas!: Hurry up! Now! Now!
Si`nu: Wait!
Swaic: understood?
Tacluchnatagamuntoron/ Tacs: a small globe shaped device that fires upon anything that moves; a guard device
Tal'chak'amel: I won't do that
Tal'matte: A greeting
Tal'mac: I am/ my name is
Tal mal'tiak mal we'ia: I am honored
Tal'pat'Ryn:Falling Star
Tal'shak: come on/ do it,br> Tal'tak:Transport Vessel
Tao've'nu: you won't believe it/it's unbelieveable
Tau'ri: Earth; also a reference to humans
Teal'c: Strength; also the name of a member of SG1.
Tek'ma'tae: Hello
Ti`bia [Tibja]: (that`s) Yours
Ti`u [tiu]: Yes!
Tok: against
Tok'ra: against Ra; resistance
Tun'cma'le: great/super
Unas: The first ones; a species that was the first host for the Goauld.
Vi`toi [Witoi]:Give me that
Vo'cume: a small sphere that records and plays back messages; a holographic communication Device
Ya`isid ma`gue: We must leave!
Ya'ol'wa [Shaol'wa]: What is the matter?
Zat'n'ktels: a gun that discharges energy; the first shot causes great pain, the second kills, the third disintegrates the victim.

Sam x

Disclaimer: None of the characters mentioned here are mine!Stargate SG-1 and everything in it is property of MGM! I guess everyone knows this already but I have to put it don't I. :D