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A Birthday Unforgotten

ATF Precious Gems AU



Vin and JD were worried.  No one was doing anything about Ezra’s birthday.  It was tomorrow and nobody had said a word.  Maybe Chris, Buck, Nathan, and Josiah didn’t have birthdays, like his mother didn’t?  But JD and Vin had promised they would never forget his birthday, ever.  The first year Ezra and Vin had been together, Ezra had gotten sick and babbled in his fever that he had never had a birthday.  


Since then, every time one of them had a birthday, the others would horde some extra food, and try to find something special for the birthday boy. 


This year, though, since they had been taken in by Chris Larabee more than four months ago, Vin and JD had thought that Chris would take over the preparations, but nothing was happening.  Finally the two young boys decided to take matters into their own hands and set something up.  Between them they had about seventy-five cents, so Vin decided to buy Ezra some candy.  For the first time, what little money they had didn’t have to be horded for survival.  JD also decided to ask Chris to make spaghetti for dinner tomorrow. It was Ezra’s favorite food.


As Chris walked into the kitchen the next night to start dinner, JD followed him.  “Chris?”


Chris squatted down to talk to the young boy, “Yes, JD?  Want d’ya need?”


“Could you make pas’getti  tonight?” JD asked quietly.


Chris frowned momentarily.  Although he had told the boys that they could ask for things, they rarely did, and when they did it was usually for something very basic that the four men hadn’t thought of yet.  “Sure, JD.  Any particular reason?”


It’s Ezrwa favorwite,” JD explained quickly.


Chris nodded, though he still couldn’t figure out what was going on, and stood reaching for the pasta keeper that held the spaghetti.  He froze when JD continued, he heart pounding in his chest.


“It’s his birwthday, and we werwe hoping you wouldn’t mind,” JD said.  “Ya’ see he neverwe had a birwthday before he met Vin, and we prwomised that he’s always have one frwom now on.”


Chris swallowed heavily, he had thought that Ezra would tell him when his birthday was coming, JD and Vin had made sure he knew when theirs were.  Ezra had been going to let the day go by without bothering his foster father with it.  It’s okay, JD.  We’ll have spaghetti tonight.”  JD nodded enthusiastically, then left the kitchen to go play with his brothers.


As soon as JD was out of ear shot, Chris grabbed the cordless phone that sat on the counter.  Hitting the speed dial for Josiah, he put it to his ear.  “Josiah?  Yeah, no, there’s nothing wrong with the boys exactly, but we do have a problem.”  As Chris explained what was going on to the man on the other end of the phone line, Buck came in the back door.  Waving his hand at his friend to keep him quiet, he and Josiah finished their conversation.  After he hung up, Chris recapped all that he had found out for Buck.


“Damn, I never thought to ask him,” Buck muttered as he helped Chris cook.


“Yeah, I figure he would tell me when it got closer or something,” Chris answered.  “What kind of mother denies her son a birthday?”


“The same kind that dumps him on the street at five,” Buck snarled.


Chris said nothing for a few minutes as he chopped lettuce for a salad.  “Josiah and Nathan should be here in about half an hour.”


Buck grinned.  “We’ll make sure this is a birthday that he never forgets.”


Chris smiled as finished putting together the salad.  His boys were never going to go without again, if he had anything to say about it.


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