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NEW LOOK!! :-)

Let me know how it works for you. Use the buttons above to navagate the site. If your browser does not support applets or cgi script, use the simple html links at the bottom of the page. Sorry about the popups and ad banners - CKC may someday buy an ad-free domain, but until then just close the popups. There seem to be fewer ads using netscape/mozilla? CKC does not neccessarily endorse any products advertized. See the links section for recomended local retailers.

KAYAK POLO EVENT APRIL 9-10 in Edmonton. See events page for details.

AGM announced See events page for details.

Perscibed Burn on Upper Red. Details here.

We hope you can find this site of some use to you.  If you have any questions, or suggestions for something to include here, do let us know!

Keegan Smith -
Richard -


HEY!  Do you have some good kayaking pictures or stories?  Share them here!


March 15 - Realized that newest news should be at the top. Will not re-sort old new news.

- Library section has been updated. Email your contributions to take part.

- Feb. 11, 2005.  We are starting the first update of this page in a long time. Sorry for the wait, thanks for your patience.

-The AWA link has been updated ( )

-The Cup of the North was an awesome event. Maybe we can post some pics and results.

- Pictures section added. Email any pics you want added.

- March 9, 2005 - updates have continued. New top banner with buttons added. Watch for this at the top of all pages - for ease of navigation!

-Library section being built. This is for anyone who wishes to share kayaking books or videos.


The club has had a good year with lots of members and successful events!  However, we depend entirely on volunteers to keep this effort going.  Current president, Dan Groenveld, has worked tirelessly for us, but this year the rest of us are going to have to step it up!  The AGM is coming up soon, and there will be many opportunities for you to volunteer - for executive position, event and program organization and support, webpage maintenance, and more.

About CKC / Club-based events / Events / Links   / Pictures / more photos / Contacts / Library

Last updated March 9, 2005
 Keegan Smith -
Richard -