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Ryan Wins OVKA Champ Race

Ryan returned to OVKA for one of his few races ran at OVKA. This is a special race ran where the competitors qualify. Ryan qualified outside pole. In the first race on the start Ryan was bumped back to 4th for possibly jumping the start. So on the start Ryan moved up to third. He stayed there to finish in the third spot. In the feature Ryan ran 3rd the whole race but on the second to last lap the leader incounterd lap traffic and made a mistake to where Ryan passed him and moved into second. On the last lap coming of of turn 2, going down the back straight away Ryan passed for a exciting last lap move to go on for the win.


Ryan dominates at Ohio Sprint Series

On the dates of Saterday the 16th and 17th Ryan ran East Lancing Kart Track for the first time ever. Ryan went out in practice adjusting to the track extremely well. In the first heat Ryan started 9th out of 10 karts. On the first lap Ryan had already made his way up to 6th. From watching other drivers, Ryan found his spot to pass on the track. Going into the right hander Ryan passed the rest of the field and by half way Ryan was leading the race. He went on to win. Ryan started second in the second heat and finished second. In the feature Ryan started pole. He got a good start and lead from there. When the checkards came out Ryan had lead every lap in the 15 lap feature. In Formula Yamaha Jr. Ryan qualified second. He got and exelent start and got the lead in the first turn. He was passed once but capitalized on a competitors mistake. He went on to win the race. In the feature Ryan jumped the start and took off. The race was close but Ryan was able to keep the lead and at half way Ryan was still leading. Before Ryan knew it the checkard flag fell and Ryan went on to win lead all 25 laps in the feature.


Ryan runs MRP for the first time

Over the weekend of the 19th and the 20th Ryan and the team ran at the 1/4 mile track of MRP. Ryan had never raced at the track before and was confident that he would do good due to the fact that Ryan has raced several tracks such as MRP before. Ryan was a middle of the pack runner in practice. Ryan qualified sixth. In the first heat Ryan made his way up to third in 10 laps and was patient in effort. In the feature Ryan had a good starting position due to the fact he was on the inside. Ryan's teamate and good friend Earl Legree started pole. The two knew they had to go. So on the start Ryan pushed Earl through and the 2 took off. Coming out of the first turn on the first lap Earl all of the sudden threw his and up and pulled off. Ryan passed him for the lead and didn't look back. Ryan won Super can in only his 3rd Great Lakes Race. Ryan also set the fast time of the day.


Ryan Dominates At Ohio Sprint Series

Over the weekend of the 12th and 13th of May Ryan raced at the season opening Ohio Sprint Series Divisional race. On saterday Ryan started 5th in the first heat race and he finished 3rd. In the second hear race Ryan started 7th and made his way up to second. For the feature event Ryan started outside pole. Ryan's first concern for the beginning of the race was to get a good start so he could get a lead right of the bat. In the first turn Ryan passed the pole sitter on the start and held the gas full bore to rocket around the first turn. In the final lap fellow competitor Liz Lehman (2nd) had a run on Ryan going down the front straight but was not able to make the pass. Ryan won by a kart length. On sunday Ryan raced Formula Y Junior. Ryan has had some troubles in the past with this class. In practice Ryan was very fast but was worried if he could keep the speed into qualifying session. Ryan was the first out on the track to qualify. Ryan ran a 31.87 lap time. The closest competitor was 1 second off of Ryan. In the first race Ryan won by a half track. In the 25 lap feature Ryan once again started pole and wanted to make sure to get a jump on the field. At the green flag Ryan once again rocketed around turn 1 and took a lead right from the start. When the checkard flag flew Ryan had won by 3/4 of a lap. In teck unfortunatly Ryan was disqualified. Ryan was disqualified because the pipe flex was 1/16th of an inch to short. Ryan would like to thank all of his sponsors.


Ryan Makes His Great Lakes Sprint Series Debute

On saterday April twenty first Ryan made his Great Lakes Sprint Series debute. On saterday the day started of with sever storms. Ryan praticed in the rain and was very fast. After the three rounds of practice the sun came out and the track dried out very quickly. Ryan was doing very well in the first heat when he was collected in an acident. Luckly Ryan was able to get back going and finished 8th. That ment Ryan started the feature 8th. After the start Ryan and teamate Calube Loinski were following behind a fellow competitor. Unfortunatly the fellow competitor was not smart in his choise of racing style and decided to block Ryan and Calube. Calube got by. When Ryan went to pass his fellow competitor Ryan was punted out of the way. Ryan shruged it off and went on to the next day. On sunday Ryan practiced in the rain once again. Ryan also qualified in the rain. He qualified 7th out of 13. Ryan had a nice sound race and ended up finishing 7th. All and all Ryan had a good weekend for his first Great Lakes debute


Ryan Improves on Driving

On a saterday Ryan and the team went to his home track (G&J)to test. Ryan's team mate Tim O'brien came out to help Ryan on his setup and driving. Thanks to the help of Tim and his team Ryan picked up almost a half of a second on his driving. Ryan is currently preparing for the season opener of the Great Lakes Spring Series. Ryan and the team will inform you one his finishes after the the race. Wish him luck


Ryan and the Team Returns From Charlotte

Ryan and the team have returned from charlotte. Ryan was fast in practice and was hoping to do very well in the Supercan and Formula Y classes. In Ryan's first practice Ryan went to take off from the pits and the motor was acting funny. After about 3 laps Ryan pulled the kart in and reset the carbrator very fast and got back out. Unfortunatly that did not help. The team changed the spart plug and did a quick run down the garage road and the motor was fine. In the first heat race Ryan went out and the motor did the same thing. So after the race the team, with the help of Bryan Haddox, switched motors in teck. In the second heat Ryan started 12 and was fast. The problem had been fixed and Ryan was moving up through the field when the unexpected happened. Coming off of turn 14, 2 fellow competitors spun and went sideways right infront of Ryan. Ryan hit on fellow racer very hard and flew over top of is fellow racer. A few parts were damaged but everyone was ok. Ryan did not qualify for the final. In Formula Y the team were having problems with the chassie setup. Ryan did not qualify for the race so Ryan had to race the last chance qualifier. Ryan won that. In the final Ryan tried hard but only finished 17 out of 25 in the final.


Ryan's Site Prevails

Thanks to the outstanding help of Ryan's friend and racing competitor Brandon Adkins, the two work together to get The Official Site of Ryan Demmitt on the web and accessable to the automotive world. Thanks to the help of Brandon the site was up and running in no time. Without the help of Brandon the site would not have come about. Ryan has expectations to build on to the site and make it the nices it could be. As of now the site is more than acceptable and is providing information for sponsors and competitors. The team would like to thank Brandon for all his help and loves the site