Maz finally gets what he deserves

BRADENTON, Fla. - This was a special week for me because I finally got to see Bill Mazeroski get elected to the Hall of Fame. I've been in the major leagues since 1996, and every spring, I thought it was the year Maz would make it. Thankfully, I don't have to do that anymore. I had the day off Tuesday. So after I got my work in, I went home and immediately turned on ESPN2 because I wanted to see the announcement live. All morning, when I was in the clubhouse, I didn't say anything to Maz about the Hall of Fame because I didn't want to jinx him. I talked to him about things but didn't bring up the Hall. I just went about my business, did what I had to do, went back to my place and turned on ESPN2. It was neat to see because he is so deserving of that honor. Everybody knows what he means to the city and the organization. He's one of the guys who makes Pittsburgh Pirates baseball what it is. As a kid, you dream about playing in the big leagues. But, number one, it's very, very hard to get there. Number two, it's hard to get there and stay there. Number three, it's hard to get there and be an All-Star. Number four, it's hard to get to a World Series and win it. Number five, it's hard to do all of those things and put together an amazing career like he did. That night, after the election was announced, I attended the private party the Pirates held for Maz. It was nice to hang out with him that night. It was really an emotional scene, and it was neat to hear all the stories the old-time guys told. It's something that the people who were there will never forget. To me, he's a piece of history, and like I said, he should have been in a long time ago. I've tried to follow the game my whole life, so I've been aware of Maz and what he did for some time. My dad told me about him. He said Maz was unbelievable and the best defensive second baseman to play the game. Who knows, maybe in two years he can help me out when I switch positions. Just kidding! The week also was special because I got to see Gene Lamont on Wednesday when we played the Red Sox. It was nice to see Geno again as a friend. I hadn't seen him since the final game at Three Rivers Stadium, and it looks like he's doing fine. It was kind of funny to see him standing down there at third base. I like to look down there when I'm catching to see if I can pick up any signs from the third base coach. It was strange because the past four years he was in the other dugout giving them. But it goes back to what I always say: Once the game starts, it doesn't matter who's on the field, you have to go about your business. It's the same thing I say when we play against my dad. When the game starts, it doesn't matter who's on the other side. You have one goal in mind, and that's to beat the other team. This is also the time of the year when I start to get my timing down as far as my hitting. We've almost played two weeks of games, so I hope it happens soon because I'm 2 for 11 heading into the weekend. Right now, I'm not feeling comfortable when I'm up at the plate, and it's something I go through every year. Even though I go through it every year, I still don't like it. You don't feel like you're in a groove, and you go home at night and beat yourself up about it because it's frustrating. Defensively, I feel fine. Russ Nixon has worked with the catchers, and it will be a huge advantage for us having him around the whole year to help us out. Next week, we go to Mexico City for two games. I'll give you a preview of that in my next column. Pirates catcher Jason Kendall writes this column exclusively for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.