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The Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network

The Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network (APLAN) is a prisonerguided initiative, formed to provide legal aid and outside support for imprisoned anarchists. We believe that anarchists need to support those who are arrested and already in jail. This isn't always easy, yet is a challenge our movement needs to take on.
There are dozens of anarchists in prison, many of whom face abuses by the prison authorities. Some are even held in segregation units with violent white racists. We can fight repressive action taken against anarchist prisoners, but it will take effort from inside and outside the prosons to do this.
Anarchist prisoners can contribute to struggles on the outside, but need outside contact to do this. APLAN aims to facilitate these efforts and thus strengthen anarchist practice as a whole.
We hope to provide sound legal advice and aid for anarchist prisoners. This support for imprisoned comrades is not based upon respect for the judicial apparatus, but is provided in the spirit of mutual aid and solidarity in struggle. The sharing of research material and resources will be an immediate goal. We welcome contact with those who have specific knowledge of legal matters.
We hope for board involvement, in multiform ways, from throughout the anarchist movement. Write for information about current activities and how to get involved.

Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network
P.O. Box 2175
Bethel, AK 99559/ USA

APLAN needs Support!

If you are able to donate money, help write prisoners, provide photocopies for fliers or pamphlets, donate 6/9.5" envelopes or stamps it would be greatly appreciated and extremely useful. If you are able to donate things such as a computer, scanner, graphic design programs, a stapler for binding zines and/or advice or contacts or anything you think might be of use for us...please contact us through our post office box or email.

