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My Personal Journal

[ :-) ] My Journal...Rated PG
A Memoirs Of Thoughts and Something Funny...

? Saturday, 7:23 p.m.

The wedding Story

This is a true story of a recent wedding that took place at Clemson University. It was a huge wedding with about 300 guests.

After the wedding, at the reception, the groom got up the stage to talk to the crowd. He said that he wanted to thank everyone for coming. He especially wanted to thank the the bride's and the groom's families for coming and to thank his new father in law for providing such a fabulous reception.

To thank everyone, he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift just from him. So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair was a manila envelope, including the wedding party.He said that this was his gift to everyone, and said to everyone to open the envelope. Inside each envelope was an 8x10 picture of his best man having sex with his new bride.

He had gotten suspicious of the two of them, so he hired a private detective to trail them for weeks prior to the wedding. After he stood there and watched everyone's reaction for a couple of minutes, he turned to the best man and said, "F--k you! He turned to his bride and said, "F--k you! and then he turned to the dumbfound crowd and said, I'm outta here!

He had the marriage annulled first thing that Monday morning. While most of us would have broken off the engagement immediately after finding out about the affair, this guy goes through with it, as if nothing was wrong. His revenge making the bride's parents pay over $32,000 for 300 guests for a wedding and a reception.

Letting everyone know exactly what happened. This guy has the balls the size of church bells. Elegant wedding for 300 family and guests...$32,000, photographers for the wedding...$3,000, deluxe honeymoon accomodations in Maui for 2 weeks...$8,500.The look on eveyone's faces after seeing the bride and the best man having sex...PRICELESS!

? Tuesday, Before Midnight

Inside Your Naughty Mind...

Meanings of roses: ...With long stem = I want your kiss, ...With thorns = I want your love, ...Stem and thorns without rose = I want your flower.

How should COFFEE and your BOYFRIEND be alike? 1) He has to be rich. 2) He has to be hot. 3) He has to keep you up all night!

What is the difference between a GOOD and a BAD girl? A GOOD girl... goes to a party, goes home then goes to bed. A BAD girl... goes to a party, goes to bed then goes home.

WHAT IS LOVE?...Love is the manifestation of affection with the intention of injection and ejection in the midsection done in a nice position during a private session.

? Everyday, Everysecond, Everyhour

The Look Of Love...

You know you like someone when: 1) You wonder where that person is. 2) You start to look for him. 3) You feel uneasy around him. 4) You start to watch his every move. 5) You're jealous and you don't know why!

3 special people in our lives: 1) people we love but have to hate 2) people we hate but we can't live without 3) people we can't live without but have to go

How do you know if you've fallen in love real hard?... It's when someone hurts you and still you love him. And then he hurts you more only to find out you love him more.

Love?!?, It's kinda complicated but I'll tell you this... the second you're willing to make someone else happy, that's love right there!

It's so easy to think about love, to talk about love, to wish for love. But it's not always easy to recognize love, even when we already hold it in our hands.