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Si'aon Sims II

Full Name: Si'aon Sims II

Birthday: January 14th

Age: 28

Favorite color(s):
Purple, grey, black, forest green

Fondest memory of '01 season so far:
Standing at the wall in Tulsa when they put up our prelims score, finally putting everything on the floor and most definitely, the 2001 TCGC championship show. Brought tears to my eyes. Almost being tackled by Josh after that show is another great memory - our little team had just pulled off a great one.

Is there anyone you would like to dedicate this winterguard season to? kids and especially Terry Martin. I think this was her baby more than it was mine - and I appreciate her for that. Thanks, big sis.

Personal Goal for the season:
To form a team with a group of young performers and establish a love and respect for each other and the activity that reaches far past any trophy. Furthermore, to build a staff of individuals whom I love and trust - and don't fight with more than twice a week.

Previous Guard Experience:
12 years of color guard experience, been teaching since 1994. Former Blue Devils color guard member, 1994 DCI Individual Flag Performance World Champion, Voted '94 Blue Devils Outstanding Performer Award. Teaching credits includes Union HS, Mustang HS, Tomball HS, Insignia Winter Guard, Reunion Winter Guard, Nite Express Drum Corps, Emblem 281 and six year staff member of the Marching Auxiliaries of America program.

Plans for next season:
Lead another great group of kids onto the competitive arena, and explore more vast possibilities with another intriguing show concept and design. "Dies Irae" from Verdi's REQUIEM will be the focus for the 2002 season as we make plans to attend WGI in Dayton, Ohio!

Would you like to thank anyone for your training in colorguard?
Brian Greenleaf, John Philpot and John Ladd receive the most thanks for actually putting the equipment in my hands. Thanks to Wes Cartwright for teaching me that discipline is a necessity in this activity and discipline can get you anywhere. And To Scott Chandler - no one can make you feel more love for the silk, stock and silver. You are all loved and appreciated.

Anything else you would like to share with the world about yourself?
Look out for Emblem in the future! It promises to get better from here - I promise you that.