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Restorations: XXP-275

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See the XXP-275 Gallery

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when finished this gun becomes a hard hittin water throwin hydro-animal!!!  Heh, I think thats what I'll call this gun, Hydro-Animal!!!

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These pictures have allready been taken after I had allready restored the weapon, but I simulated the restoration by taking the weapon apart.  Just imagine all these pictures+a lot of dirt, and you get the original restoration!!!

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here is the weapon on the workbench

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The first cover is off, when the screws are not extremely rusted and stripped, it comes apart fairly easily

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now, both covers are off and the pump handle as well.

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the underside of the barrel comes off.  Also on this piece, the pump slide unscrews as well.

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here are all the pieces apart(mostly) and they are allready cleaned.

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Here is a closeup of the trigger mechanism.   It is very strange how it works.  It is like a ball valve, like the screwable pieces you can put on the end of a garden hose.  The lever operates the trigger by way of threads.

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Here is a picture of the front of the gun, showing both nozzle caps off.

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here is a close up of the repair I did to the handle for the restoration.  I could have put the original handle back on, but it's strength would have been compromised.  Anyway, this works great.