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St. Peters College

Kamaal McQueen 6'5 280 F


Yes, he does weigh in at 280, and though at times it appears he may be better suited to play on the offensive line in the NFL, he is a player. Though he usually gives up three to four inches in the post he has no trouble on defense, and when he gets the ball in the low post on offense it is an automatic basket or foul shots. Though he may not have the classic post player build, he is a very good player and one that has the ability to play somewhere overseas.

Rodney Rodgers 6'8 220 F


Played in one of the finest high school programs in the state of New Jersey at Paterson Catholic with future NBA player Tim Thomas. Rodgers is a fine all-around player. He can post up down low, he can score from the perimeter, and he can take the ball to the basket. He is a solid defender who will get some looks from some CBA teams, but definitely has the ability to play in the IBA, IBL, ABA 2000, or overseas.