Usually with the start of training camp, I begin another year of Oilers coverage on this web site. Instead this year, I'm changing the site. To be more precise, I am putting the site on hiatus. There are two main reasons. More on that in a moment.
This site began as a University Project and consisted of about a dozen pages. At last count, it stood at over 200! Over the years, it basically served two purposes. One, it allowed me to stay on top of things that were happening with the Oilers. I felt an obligation to the half dozen people who regularly viewed my site. I went from being a big Oiler fan, to a rabid Oiler fan. My obsession with the team is no longer healthy I presume. :) The other thing it did was allow me to experiment with some web design techniques which I applied to other web sites I worked on professionally.
Over the past couple of months, two things happened that made me make this decision. One, my account size was knocked down by 60 percent. This meant that suddenly this web site was too large for the account. After switching host sites every year since I started, I was simply didn't want to move it again. And I didn't think it was worth buying a domain name for. Secondly, I recently took a new job, that will mean I won't have the ability to update the site on a daily (and sometimes hourly) basis, like I would want to if I was covering the 2002-2003 version of the team.
However, I do plan on replacing this site. Over the year, I plan on doing up a historical site, so that is why you'll notice the "PAST" section is still alive. I plan to expand on that aspect of the site. This way, I keep my Oiler presence on the 'Net but don't have to work on it on a daily basis.
In the meantime, for those of you who may have visited this site to read the commentaries, or see the gag photos, those will continue, only over on The owner of that site once said, I had the second best Oiler site on the 'Net. I agree. His is the best. So, c'mon on over and join in the Oilfans community.
I promise you, I will let you know when the new site is done. Go Oilers!