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Our Instructors are the Greatest!

"A hundred years from now it will not matter what kind of house I lived in, what kind of car I drove, or how big my bank account was. What might make a difference was that I was somebody important in the life of a ......... CHILD !" author unknown

Brad Stapleton, Owner/Chief Instructor

Brad Stapleton, owner/chief instructor is a 3rd degree black belt. He has owned Stapleton's Martial Arts for 4 years. In 1999, he was given an "Award of Honor" for his contributions to the development of Martial Arts in the state of Texas. He was awarded the "Instructor of the Year" in 2000. He has trained 3 Grand National Champions, and numerous National Champions. He has also trained a Junior Olympic Gold Medalist. Brad had the privilege to train in Hapkido & Tae Kwon Do in Korea and China this past summer. "Not everyone is blessed enough to have their hobby turn in to a full time job," says Brad Stapleton. "Martial Arts is not just for the young of age, it's for the young at heart as well. I love what I do, and I want everyone to love this as much as I do!"

Brandon Stapleton, Head Instructor

Brandon won the 1997-1998 Grand National Championship in the 11-12 year old division. He is also a 3rd degree black belt. He has won numerous National Championships throughout his years in competition. He travels to Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and around Texas training. He is Head Instructor at the studio, and assists with classes every day. "I enjoy teaching Martial Arts to our students because it has helped me so much in life. I like to share what I've learned with others. I would like to see every one of them reach their highest potential."

Bruce & Jackie Thompson, and Eric Schule - Instructors

Eric Schule recently commented, "As a long time participant in Tae Kwon Do and other martial arts, I have seen first hand the enormous value it brings to young and old alike in the forms of discipline, self-confidence, respect (for self and for others) and physical well being. But perhaps more importantly, the martial arts teach us to be humble; for whether we are in the studio or not, we always have more to learn and everyone has something of value to teach. And to top it all off its also a great deal of fun...what more could you want!"