El Altilte Cave
Photo Gallery
Altilte Cave is only a few steps from this warm-spring-fed lake - Photo J. Pint
Sunlight, steam and Susy Pint in Altilte Cave's Entrance - Photo J. Pint
Luis Rojas filming a corner of Studio One - Photo J. Pint
A few of the millipedes that roam the Soup Shelf - Photo J. Pint
This cave drips everywhere - Photo J. Pint with special assist by L. Rojas
Tindarapos or Canclos are practically a foot long, counting the legs which serve as antennae. They are supposedly a cave-dwelling version of the whip-tail scorpion, but without the whip tail and without the vinegar smell emitted by vinagrillos. They are common in Western Mexico's warmer caves. Photo J. Pint
Is this the Creature from the Black Lagoon or John Pint? After spending the day wading through the cave's guano pools, there's only one place to go: The Lake, only a five-minute walk from the cave entrance. - Photo S. Pint
To a Canadian, this may look like a swamp, but to Claudio Chilomer (in the boat) it's paradise. The warm springs that feed the lake bubble up right near the shore - Photo J. Pint
On weekdays, dynamite blasts pose a certain problem. José Luis Zavala demonstrates the Cavers' 2-step Defense (take down tent; hide behind tree). Unfortunately Altilte Cave is located inside the marble mountain they are chopping down.
Space voyager or the great-grandma of Nancy? Is this meter-high figure wearing a helmet and carrying a flashlight or have I been caving too long? The marble cliff face was used as a bulletin board, probably over many centuries. - Photo J. Pint