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Valeska's Alexei Yagudin Page

Hello everyone!!! Well, the World Championships are over, and Alexei fought like a true Gladiator!!! I suppose all of you know that he was injured (and still is). Alexei got a handful of shots to deaden the pain in his right foot every day during the competition, and it must have taken enormous strength and courage to compete with a foot injury plus the pressure of being the title defender. And I gotta say I admire the man for being able to just put that disastrous performance in the qualifying round behind him and skate a clean and wonderful short program, combined with a great long program! Alexei - you rock!!!!!! Okay, now to the other stuff: I know, I know - I am sooo behind on everything. I wanted to have my Lalique report done ages ago, but something always came up. Well, part of the report is up, also a few of the photos I took at the fan meeting we had with Alexei at Lalique - enjoy!!! I promise to finish the rest as soon as possible! Until I do so, you can read about the Master's Miko or Summernight on Ice, and if you are interested in trading Figure Skating tapes, you can go to the tapetrading section of my page. I am also looking for nice off-ice (or really good on-ice) photos of my favorite skaters, so let me know if you're interested in trading pictures - I have a lot of nice off-ice shots (most are of Alexei Yagudin)!!! If you have any questions or comments - please feel free to e-mail me!

My favorite skaters are ...

Master's Miko 2000 report
Summernight on Ice 2000 report
Trophee Lalique 2000 report
Boston Ice Chips 2001 Show
Tape Trading
Skating Links
Alexei's Biography and Contact Information
About Me
Alexei Autographs
More Alexei Autographs
Other Skaters' Autographs
Other Skaters' Autographs (Part 2)
