The emotionally charged adventure "The Patriot" tells the story of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), a reluctant hero who is swept into the American Revolution when the war reaches his farm and the British endanger what he holds most dear. He takes up arms alongside his idealistic patriot son, Gabriel, and leads a rebel American Militia into battle against a relentless and overwhelming Redcoat army. In the process, he discovers that the only way to protect his family is to fight for a young nation's liberty. But his dark past haunts him.
Infomation on the cast, the characters the play, also there background.
Pictures from behind the camera, illistration, costumes, props, set pictures.
Information about the behind the scenes, and the crew.
Read up on what people are saying about The Patriot.
Bloopers, and funny stories from on the set.
All the information on this page was possible thanks to The Official The Patriot Site