Going Strong Since: December 26.1999
Member Count: 13
Number of Meetings: 10
Number of Meetings Attended by Steve: 8

You have just entered the homepage of the SeXXXy Steve Fan Club™, (SSFC™), The one and only Official Fan Club of Steve Fatone. We have been given Steve's seal of approval and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Find out all about the members, our encounters, pics, and info on the main man himself. You may even want to join the club yourself when you see all it has to offer !! Enjoy your stay and if you have time sign the guestbook.

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Find out how the fan club came to be

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Learn about all the members of the fan club

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Details of past meetings

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Some of our favorite Stever quotes

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Stories from Fan Club members lucky enough to have met Steve

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All of our personal Steve Fatone pictures

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Details on all the benefits of becoming a member

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"Mockery is the best form of flattery" - Bill Cosby

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We only know stuff Steve hates, so that's what this is

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Let Steve and the SSFC™ know what you think.

Before emailing us about anything, please read our:
Frequently Asked Questions

If you still need assistance, feel free to write us:
Regarding Fan Club Membership, Steve, Questions about members: SexySTEVEfanclub@aol.com

Regarding the website:SSFC_Secretary@hotmail.com

© 2000 SeXXXy Steve Fan Club™
All Rights Reserved
We are an idependent organization officially approved by Steven Anthony Fatone as his Fan Club. All material is owned exclusively by the creators of the Fan Club and the webmasters of this site and is not to be taken.

The Official Logo of the SSFC™
Designed by $ Amy $

We are NOT Steve Fatone.