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Some wonder what Blaze Racing is...


***click on name for links to prs

Patrick M. Sizemore is "John B. Blaze"

John B. Blaze is student at East Tennessee State University (go Bucs). He has finished his junior season and in currently training for some good summer base.

Jamie Williams stars as "James Flames"

James Flames is a graduate of Erskine College in the metropolis of Due West, South Carolina. He is currently training with Ginn in Charleston, when work allows.

Ginn White is no other than the famed "Ginn"

Ginn (pronounced "Gin") is a graduate of Wofford College and current working on being Dr. Ginn at the Medical Univeristy of South Carolina and employing James and John as full-time poolboys.


John and James and Ginn were summertime training partners. As our training became @$$-kicking fast, Patrick (John) coined the term "John Blaze" to mean a fast run or runner. Soon that term could be heard shouted at summer races by the three of us. Now it has developed into a lifestyle of insane running and having fun.

Some Blazin Sites

Track and Field Media... check out the message board

Runner's World Just remember... real runners don't listen to Oprah.

Southern Conference Sports

Southeastern Running Journal Schedules, results, etc.

Rock Hill StridersOur running buddies in Rock Hill

*Ginn's Tip of the Month*

Some inspirations for Blaze members and visitors
Blaze racing Runner of the Month of October)

Haile GebreSelassie (shown here in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics win) defended his title in the Olympic 10K beating longtime rival Kenyan Paul Tergat by a mere 9/100th of a second. His time, 27:18.20.
Congradulations to all of the Olympic athletes and I think I speak for all the Blaze Racing members when I say... Susy, we're sorry about your fall. If there's anything we can do, just let us know.

Contact a Blaze: John (Patrick), James (Jamie), Ginn (Ginn)