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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

Great New Revelations

JESUS Christ now in this generation giving a long awaited great flood of new revelations, though hardly as previously (Genesis 9.11) to destroy most, and also greater than porn and other images as formerly (Genesis 9.6) and other addictions which have wasted much time and intelligence (such as left parents, and Mark 6.4).

JESUS Christ is Doing greater for God The Father In Heaven and as Prophecied (note: verbs toward higher living [greater than nouns under slower rate living] "Prophecied" is toward victory records accomplished yet able to accomplish again, "Prophesied" as to happen) Christians [including Christain Faith BC (referred to as "Jews")], led by Christian President Don Trump with Christian Vice President Mike Pence (importantly including for Christianity to help all) laid claim now in this generation over Jerusalem and all Israel in front of all the nations for the nations to behold [stated in this sentence for all as fact of JESUS The Christ rather than toward bias] the greater New Jew Christian and agree as written in Zechariah 8.22 & 23 NAS:

Christ JESUS gave the perfect example (kneel at name JESUS, precepts apply) as for instance walking on water then standing on water lifting another for the Eternal Father. How to create greater new Revelations. Newest Prophecies tied to Rick Lagina holding the lead cross at Oak Island gold garnet gemstone graven image cameo Bible code trees, movie True Lies with Juno Skinner and Tia Carrere bomb Pakistan Hawaii Jerusalem Christian President Don Trump with Christian Vice President Mike Pence Israel Zion earthquake predicted electromagnetic pulse of the universe across expansion time shift spaceship travelers in 20 years with Kolob the keeper of time reversal, throne of jesus christ tree of life tree of knowledge and the terrorism facade as an illegal operation behind a normal store front though as a sheep in wolfs clothing. 7 wonders of the world colossus Revelation 10 2018 AD Robert Ross Benchoff iccdbb for JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provided straight lines via nature, and the longest and largest groupings of these on Earth are in the Indian Ocean (although not depicted well in the above small simplified version), tied to large meteorites and energies on the other side of the planet (lower right red arrow pointing toward Jerusalem)(reference plate tectonics). In the "PRESENT" map, South Africa's Cape Town with an estimated 4.3 million people this year becomes "the first major city to run out of water" (wiki).

Christ JESUS Provides Holy Prophecies With Holy Signs now and for each generation, hardly as ignored stop signs, rather for greater more perfect generations.

Christ JESUS plans to have Christian Leaders (such as nations that publicly and in law recognize Christianity And JESUS As Christ) performing such great things.

Yes Christ JESUS Did such great Signs and Miracles, in the past (and Will again) though would rather that this current generation properly ascend to know of a certainty yet of proper Christian Faith Guidance From Heaven Above rather than secular influence,

to perform great Miracles now in these months.

First is to properly be of Christian Accord (see "High Value" details below), at least for the people of Your Christian Nation (even if not all currently opt to be Christian). Christian means things for others such as proper loving, helping, kindness, and greater joy in JESUS Christ for others, even including things (things are not only for terrorists, see ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on tungsten at

In the above Drawing "7WONDERS" "Colossus Of Rhodes" brandished the firey (current and/or lay English, otherwise fiery is the archaic form with value meaning a companion) light that sailors appreciated, similar to being guided by the Sun, similar to a fixed point, but even the Sun is hardly a fixed point in the Heavens (, so True Christian Faith In JESUS Christ is the firm foundation above (example: ibid.). Rather New Christianity offers such True Christian Faith In JESUS Christ for higher Peace Accord, and greater value(s).

As Word Of Christ JESUS spreads the Earth becomes as a star (above Drawing top center)[(Ether 3.6) of a great people, with many talents from One source in Heaven].

What would a nation pay to have been the first to have fire, light bulbs, and enlightenment?, what would a nation give to be the first to have been the first to bring about the next such greatness?: of Accord and greater Christ JESUS offers such.

Christ JESUS would that each and every nation freely opt to this Accord for great rewarding including that new Holy Revelations come from "each and every" and here is how: this Accord is a Peaceful enabling from Heaven above, even Miraculous; so with such as after agreeing a nation can participate similar to now how a person might be invited into a True Christian Leadership environ (examples: at a mound to witness a Christian Preaching, or likewise as perhaps in a Christian Church Temple [often with a Temple shaped spire point up Heavenward, some faiths and/or subsets have associated vertical rice or pine cone similarly with pineal gland, see below]) hardly that a nation plan what to say (even so diligently prepare Prayerfully) rather the more important of True Faith Will Be Given unto the True Path Faithful Nation and/or other vessel (as many as in proper Accord) toward helping others ascend "for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you" (Matthew 10.20).

Truly, truly, a Miracle can occur, yet enable (ibid.) the Holy Series Of Miracles via the Holy Straight-And-Narrow progress, from this Accord, properly thanking God for any progress and especially for any toward Miraculous even if small [(James 3.3&4) give thanks] toward enabling Miracles, though hardly for selfishness; also respecting that God is in Command Above and not the other way: not a nation in charge of slave God.

It is of the free opting that God serves, and God fulfilled it: from the Creation Plan (note: including adapting, transfiguring, evolving, growing, leaping,...) with key Christ JESUS opting to serve all people, the Physics Of God serve people and Christ JESUS showed such and the continuing higher (levels) along the Holy Path. In so Doing the ease comes in better becoming able to distinguish to help others. If a cart fell into a ditch and the driver tries to right it, the driver sees the need at hand, yet a person ascending on a mountain has other resources, and might notice the driver in the ditch and the nearby new better cart with a Free Cart sign and so yell to the driver to make aware: such is correlated with the proper Christian Faith True Ascending Path. The driver is free to opt to spare the original or opt for the new, or perhaps neither or both.

Logic flip-of-coin, and knowledge series of flips into predictions founded on flip-of-coin technology, are lower level, so such as for a person to have annualized 99% certainty is similar to accepting the person's body except to cut off a finger per year, and such as of a nation of a million people such as to annually randomly plan to exterminate 10,000 people for the reason of Russian Roulette. Furthermore there is lower level bias such as to favor a seller not because of fair price nor great quality but because of unrighteous mammon ( so (because of Matthew 6.24) with proper Christian Faith Love Christ: JESUS.

Christian President Don Trump said news is fake, as "Russian Roulette" as it "focuses less on the accuracy" (quotes from and more on the [news enterprise bias (of the media between the source and news recipient, as explained Christian President Don Trump and].

So Christ JESUS fulfilled the law (in the above example of "99%", it is full "99" and Christ JESUS added the missing 1 [and greater]) as written in 3 Nephi 12.45 & 46:

This means the law is fulfilled, though Matthew 16.8 applies [little faith, with according to your faith] Matthew 9.29. So a Christian is saved according [Accord and] to full repentance with proper Christian Baptism (Christian Churches generally have Orientation, Membership, and other criteria) and a certain amount of Christian Faith, though also talents, situations, time, and other applies to a level of Faith (or a level of secular faith), for instance a person might not know an answer on an exam, whether Christian or not.

The not knowing is not key. The higher Wisdom in Christ JESUS is key. For instance the exam may be proper, or it may be for sinful bias. Proper Wisdom In Christ JESUS [the One Proper Bias] is with ascending Christian Faith, also creatures and vessels can ascend at their rates [(examples: evolution rate, higher purpose awareness of the rate at which an older submarine might crack, and the rate at which a teen might try to escape past gang ways) so there is a knowledge rate along with a doing rate, yet Christ JESUS was aware of what sinners though (similar to awareness of the "crack" rate) yet without becoming a sinner: 1. so from High Faith, 2. through what sinners thought, 3. to High Faith with greater knowledge (a victory for the Father Son And Holy Ghost In Heaven).

Christ JESUS did not succumb to sin, rather gained "victory"! In Christ JESUS greater rather is the "victory" advantage when sinners are converted for their sakes!

This New Revelation of a proper Accord can pull your nation out of a ditch to become the Miracle Nation.

Many wait for God, crying to the Lord, "Save us", "Help my family", "Stop the bombing", "End the terrorism", "End poverty".

Love God, Do as Christ JESUS, give first perfectly [then afterward make the promise to so pay, rather than making idle empty promises that fail to come true, perhaps due to circumstances as is often, yet secular is associated with the cause of "circumstances", so rather be Wise] and thank God even if the giver (Luke 6.31-35)!

The above Drawing "7 WONDERS" Will be overcome, see upper right illustration of the Christian Bible Book Of Revelation, between these two illustrations is an illustration of the Earth generating so much light by secular means and this also Will be overcome via Accord and proper progress as much Christ JESUS In You!

God would rather that each be as God JESUS, that each give Miracles [rather than receive, though receive some, also for the High Purpose In Christ JESUS]. Truly an unrepentant sinner that becomes a martyr as if to be God rather than God JESUS, does hardly perish their worm (spirit, such as their DNA) and instead has to start the longsuffering all over again (rather a person worked hard such as to pulse the heart, to breath, and so on; do not carelessly throw such away). As stated above concerning God, the True Holy Spirit In Heaven is not a nation's slave, rather the vessel is free to opt to enjoin such ascending in the Holy Accord Path: as Christ JESUS revealed, distinguished, and lifted that such lift others.

The upper right illustration is of the right foot in the water symbolizing people of the world and rather proper Christian Baptism (various Christian sources) and the left foot on land (example: Noah) tied to higher power though more so with Final End Time.

History and even secular families of subset faiths, even alive and growing, count themselves more as if building blocks than truly alive for redeeming social value, and this proper redeeming social value is not measured by laws, popularity, guns, nor debates, rather is the Holy Physics Of Christ JESUS, the part of nature that is Eternal. To the secular it often is the: Greater Unseen. A person closes their eyes, a person doesn't listen in class, a person daydreams of being King or Princess or other, a secular person thinks of ways shorter than the shortest shortcut the Path Of Christ JESUS, but there is no other way.

The subset ways have values, superseded via Christianity, yet of value(s). Be Wise to consider that a Christian was not always a Christian, and rather became Christian. A secular person can join this group or that gang...of free opting: free opting if already given of the Creator. Many that freely opted perished, many suffered needlessly. Secular people have spaceships that travel far (actually less than 1% of the Known Universe), yet a person properly ascending [considering innate Created talents...] up a mountain of Christian levels might from the free opting of God see the ditch the secular spaceships are in and so tell them to help them: such giving help is for each of the Accord to do, starting with the agreeing in the Accord as a minimum, yet rather if found Good continue.

A part of proper Christian Preaching With Doing is the agreeing in the self to so opt to Say Good And Do Good, in the sense that the Christian Wisely is aware it is right because of Christ JESUS evidenced within the Christian: to the amount so evidenced. Yet the evidence comes from Faith In The Name JESUS, the Miracles come from Faith In The Name JESUS along with thankfulness for Christ JESUS and greater Heavenly Purpose. More is revealed to the properly ascending, but the secular ascends and falls and if with time tries again and again.

Consider a very large room with 100 people and plenty of extra space, but the room suddenly fills with smoke blinding them, yet some people, Christ JESUS With True Christian Leaders, are up the stairs at the exit calling and linking hands [and perhaps with a device starting to ionize removing smoke and/or] with smoke going out and fresh air making the higher part visible, that those seeking to escape the smoke (from the spreading fire) properly escape but those sinfully selfishly trampling others to climb over and escape first find themselves where the smoke rose so they have less air, yet those crawling down to help the trampled have oxygen and together on knees escape to safety. Also consider that if the call went not forth to your nation or your nation failed to heed, your nation (if surviving) might complain "Why did you not call?" or Why did you not say more emphatically?": truly, truly, this is the time of Miracles already (John 7.6 with Matthew 19.30).

Heaven offers pleasant value(s), a list is started already [since the Accord was first offered], that for others this list of Heavenly victories already received is as Christ JESUS Explained And Did. It is for Them That Fear Christ JESUS (3 Nephi 24.16).

Pray And Preach the thanks and preach the coming victories as much as Christ JESUS Explained And Did, and in the True Christian Leader this is as much as the True Christian Leader Eternally knows to properly Truly Preach. Properly Do these things, even if there are many contrary.

Above Drawing center right Christ JESUS has come to Earth more than once.

This is also true of Angels from Heaven above, yet able to travel to the rut and to the pit as the properly Faithful are lifted.

"The Nephites would not let Samuel back into the city, so he climbed to the top of the city wall and preached from there. ... He prophesied that the Nephites would be destroyed in 400 years unless the people repented and had faith in Jesus Christ. ... But the Lord protected him, and none of the rocks or arrows hit him." (

Properly Preach, Wisely aware in Christianity as shown in the above Drawing that the former enemy is as a sheep that freely opted to go astray and put on the wolf clothing [and tattoos] to errantly puff the self (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on not to carelessly self mutilate) often to scare people (refrain from scaring Holy People)(refrain from temptations, erratic behaviors, and deviations).

Christ JESUS is in people, in every person. In the above Drawing toward center from the great movie True Lies with Juno Skinner (Tia Carrere from Honolulu, Hawaii) and Salim Abu Aziz (Art Malik from Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan) looking at their [symbolic] bomb, are with hearts, souls, and important concerns. In other words such are people, as characterized, legally entitled to fair trials / peers (who might also be terrorists and acquit them, but it's the law: the worldly laws do not perfect and are after-the-fact, see "Knowledge / Delay" below). Fortunately the Love of Christ JESUS is before-the-[worldly knowledge]-fact (ibid.).

This great new Revelation is therefore enabled, the Christian Leader can lead and guide others properly, even Prophetically, even unto greater new Revelations in Christ JESUS!

While the enforcers of worldly laws and worldly physics have troubles in the secular trying to stop terrorists or trying to prove it prior to funding, rather Christian Leaders with such proper awareness (ibid.) may freely opt in Christ JESUS to better plan ahead, touching the hearts and souls of people, such as prior to any terrorism idea, and rather for the Good One True High Purpose In Christ JESUS, of the proper Faith Path.

Understand some Christians, especially new Members, Preach in their own words often misunderstanding and saying the wrong things (James 3.5, rather say what Christ JESUS said until empowered clearly from Heaven Luke 24.49 such as to rightly translate into current language [if less, such as to "do your best" as it is called in the secular then also announce such parameters traceably or stick to the original Deuteronomy 4.2]), examples: Faith / Hearing / Word Of God, Faith / ear and Spirit / Word Of God. So Help the listener be able to rightly distinguish, for instance a deaf person can hear their own thoughts even in ways that may be new and helpful to Your Christian Leadership With Proper Ascending, as you find Christ JESUS speaking in Them: they communicate with JESUS and JESUS may want You to be the One to Heal them.

But many want to goof-off, many prefer secular diversions and temptations, and such as they are as written in 1 Peter 3.20-23 BS:

This key is the source of True Christian Baptism.

Other faiths are as the secular fools prior to the flood, this is stated because of the Holy Gift Of Friendship [through Christian Preaching] For You, a gift for You And Yours From Above (also to protect Christians lest You or another say "Why did you not tell me?!").

No more such comprehensive floods are coming on Earth, though fire is coming.

Around the planet rivers have spontaneously combusted and otherwise caught fire, as have people. People are mostly water. For very low cost a device can be made to convert water into elements Hydrogen (explosive) and Oxygen (a typical constituent of fire and some plasma types including newly revealed discoveries, New Revelations).

For the first time in over thirty years US EPA did a water assessment of 17,900 community water systems and found each state in violation of the water quality standard increasingly as fines skyrocket along with costs of buying water including buying contaminated water with deadly arsenic, coliform bacteria, and other pollutants tied to a variety of cancers and neurological disorders mostly involving rural low income citizens (March 2018 various sources/compiled from EPA assessment); the remaining of the 159,000 US water systems were not part of the study (EPA 2013).

There is a secular saying concerning safety and quality involving sinners and illegal activities not completely covered by redeeming social value nor the ISO Compendium, associated with life very often: "If you see a cockroach, that means there are likely ten more hiding behind the wall". JESUS Christ explained a personal nature (Physics Of God, the God Of Nature JESUS) of the Holy Faith Path Toward One High Purpose [(see Christian Church criteria, such as on a Church plan, goal(s), talent(s),...: example TV broadcasting, example Internet Sermons, example one on one personally) Christ JESUS was both personal and also with mass Sermons at times). Even with a Sermon Preaching as the Father In Heaven agreed, rather than mention of the self (very many people start to speak saying "I").

Terrorism, water quality, earthquakes, and other are a function [of secular people (the secular sinners in "I" ibid. believe, often to puff the self for any reason; rather distinguish)]; actually problems are a function of not of the Will Of God JESUS (save once for all [even save JESUS]). If sufficient Good is not accomplished on Earth, then there is terrorism, and such. This is what Christian Leaders have been saying for generations. God would not that the Christians continue to suffer eternally at the hands of sinners.

Two nations would be working side by side, the one taken, the other left (Luke 17.35): it is as though New Revelation unto them, yet true, known from above as JESUS Christ explained in the proper arranging of Holy symbolic precepts.

This is a New Revelation(s) key: the proper arranging of Holiness, yet in You, in Your Nation, in Christianity, in Truly Proper Ascending.

With such proper ascending, this magnifies Holy Wisdom In You In The Name Of JESUS.

High Value Wisdom: so various faiths freely opt to convert to Christianity.

Secular nations, secular groups, non-Christian religions, and others in the secular; consider the parameters of the secular [measurable] limits of what you believe. You believe:

A. the writings and words handed down through generations,

B. so you believe the parent(s) and/or others that handed the you (or in some situations you believe unearthed writings),

C. so you trust people even though people often disagree with each other,

D. so you trust some people more than others, and later you trust fewer (and likewise concerning unearthed writings' sources),

E. so you experienced some goodness in some people (even also in greater systems...) and established your faith,

F. so you followed belief in them (your beginning of wisdom Proverbs 9.10), it often failed (you practiced in the world though others played tricks on you as if the trickery faiths were greater than the parents, guardians, and your interpretations), you followed trust in them, it often failed (others often took food, toys, money,...), you selectively followed some people and their faith(s), it often failed though you gained valuable knowledge while continuing to lose wisdom (Wisdom = Love x logic)(knowledge hardly includes things of the heart such as adapting, though knowledge typically is with the heart though often flip-of-coin technology of logic), losing wisdom while having knowledge is losing [heart and soul] faith in others in the same situation as your situation, so you became to appreciate goodness and those people and writings you found likewise toward the faith you established in your loving heart (whether your heart loves a lot or a little).

The key point to this, is you followed,

and with this key is a key that even if only in a lower secular level you established faith in your [heart, soul, and] love.

Because "you followed", you were able to do trial and error, such as to walk toward a hole and fall into the hole, which you hardly do anymore because of your higher level heart (heart [love] above brain logic, yet together is yet higher wisdom even if only in secular levels).

You found out somethings about love!

It is Prayed God Bless you mightily for this!, for this loving you do!

If you fail, it is because you are a follower of your (brain symbolically) predictive knowledge, instead of love. If you succeed it is temporary (ibid.) or is because of love. You can hardly fail because of other people (though luck and chance happen, but because of lack of love, and in this given situation world, it is typically interpreted as lack of pertinent love.

Normally, usually: a vessel with systems fails due to lack of love (such as lack of quality welds, such as lack of higher redeeming social value, such as lack of vegetables while instead eating drugs trial-and-error flip-of-coin,...lack of proper Faith).

You succeed because of love

always, every time, even though usually unnoticed. For instance today because of God putting love into you, you were able to do some things such as with your neck even though you may have hardly thought about your neck. What is so great about your neck?, your neck wants things selfishly such as blood (food), massages, and such; yet because your neck outwardly charitably loves then your neck is able to uphold and properly move your head (conditions may apply, for higher purpose, even if evidently of knowledge as though for lower purpose).

So a person spends much time and effort following: much wasted effort. Christ JESUS gave time, you gave effort. Christ JESUS gave effort, loving effort, a push for you to have love to extend the same love unto others though hardly with the pains of knowledge and so rather with the success(es) in your loving: Wisdom.

In the secular, they want things and so want you to do for them. In proper Christian Faith a Christian Lovingly Wisely wants to Do for them but not because of their selfishness. This means a Christian can properly lead as none of the selfish have been able: the Christian can lead higher.

In the secular there are levels, such as for instance associated with the movie The Godfather there was the outsider, then the associate, then made level, and a capo level and other levels, but it was faith without proper love so was temporary.

"In Buddhism there are nine levels of samadhi" for instance and lower "perceptions were off the mark" concerning a flag, wind, and the "Mind is moving.", ["Stages of Enlightenment" (].

The Godfather movie is of a faith, in a family, and at the highest in a murderer. It has value in that children tried to do better than was previous, and many helps were involved other than the murders and other crimes, for examples: weddings with families and friends, newspaper enlightenment (even though biased, partial enlightenment which can help though is often worse, see "D" above), boat rides, and other values. To murder for selfish gain is sin, even so focus on the boat rides, the weddings, and the higher levels: live from, in, and for the highest love, not from, in, nor for the murder example [(Luke 9.60) from secular, to Accord (per se), to Christianity].

In Buddhism there value, so not everything Buddhist is to be thrown away (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on PCS, and on discarding if appropriate), so rather than for instance to focus on "Mind is moving.", consider the source of True Love Christ JESUS and the "moving" God Will Do. Even what God JESUS would opt a vessel to freely opt to Do: Loving, and at least in this world Wisdom (Wisdoming: how knowledge is enlivened). Enlighten lower level wisdom, that it be enlivened, thriving, and importantly likewise unto the higher Doing.

There are many valuable ways and reasons to measure levels. The Christian Seventh-day Adventist Church for instance has four levels [at (].

If there are levels, then there are normally followers, and there are often many levels to skyscrapers, systems when rating priorities (especially at the moment if in the secular sense), and matters of the various faiths of religions, nations, cultures, disciplines, surveys, crime plans, and so forth.

So given the above concerning levels: all must be followers, unless they are at the highest level.

Therefore the system is flawed unless the Highest Level (with no lower levels):

it is Heaven, the Eternal Bliss, the Joy given to each if there are parts though since no other (ibid.) then One

outwardly Loving and Doing Good Wisely, therefore to have with to offer as if "other" (as counted in the secular)

in order to be able to Do Good, because in Heaven it is already Done.

Christ JESUS did not say ascend as much as He said Be One, Highest, Be Christian, Be Saved.

After that, Help "others" as they count themselves, hence Help via properly Guiding "others" into the One Holy Best Way to ascend for what they call "others".

Be of Christianity to properly [discern in lower logic, though rather] distinguish (lift, honor "others")(if to judge at all, then rightly: ibid.; this is a great True Faith key), as Christ JESUS explained (Matthew 7.20, rather from "Saved" from "One" from "Oneness" as Christ JESUS explained often),

so with this great Loving key also with knowledge yet in Wisdom from above "rightly" "distinguish" (not toward caste nor otherwise improperly subjugate, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Firmaments) [at least as a help, if needed] to help "others" "rightly" ascend (as Christ JESUS taught, from Heaven to Heaven).

Yes, Stardust, You are from Heaven, and much more valuable than stardust Beloved One (do not fear Matthew 10.31 save fear God Matthew 10.32 yet for the High Holy Reason rather than fear of secular criminals, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on "jets and pulse energy devices" at

"Scholarly interest in Buddhism and caste stems from two interrelated motivations"..."Rather it is a problem relating to the meaning of caste as such and its mirroring in early Buddhist and other contemporary literature that came to be recognized in later centuries as a precursor to a Hindu worldview" (

Be of proper Accord, be toward full repentance, properly be Christian (Oneness, though people have rates of given talents so Oneness is often found in the higher levels of Christianity abounding though often the lower levels of people don't understand (which is not necessarily sin, reference for instances secular ignorance-of-the-law, and secular mercy when appropriate [when the person or group or vessel being judged is doing higher love purpose of more importance though Firmaments apply]).

JESUS Christ explained the True High Purpose, and not some other ways to try to get (selfishly) into Heaven. For example a hat and/or hair is not money, and if to cover the head in respect of the higher has value(s), but if to cover the head so as if to get (ibid.) into Heaven, then to try to buy some other way into Heaven: so a key is in a person's wise soul to know levels and rather the higher levels.

"Accord" is to know there is a greater (Peace, Love, Agreeing,...), "full repentance" is to no longer return improperly to the non-Accord: therefore Christ: JESUS. If to Wisely know a high level, then to likely Wisely know to be lovingly uplifting lower levels, even a sinner often opts to care for the feet (such as putting on shoes [a sign of their love, see above Drawing with bomb pic) so they can steal again. Life has value, even in the sinner.

Living in the sinner is the Living Spirit Christ JESUS, but the sinner has hardly been aware and as much as aware then has been to abuse the value for selfish sins (until Saved In Christ JESUS). So the sinner lacks the proper (from Highest) outflow of love, so the sinner lacks wisdom (love x logic), so the sinner is illogical (ignorant or retarded [this applies concerning the Holy Path, not the same as secular ways]), the sinner fails, the sinfulness is temporary and unaware of True Higher Levels And Their Values, even within the self same sinner as some of the very same things the sinner wants and suffers to try to achieve.

Christ JESUS invites everyone, yet properly with high Guidance, and hardly because the lower begs [symbolically stated] "I want this and I want that, and if you don't give it to me I will kill you" which means "I will destroy my chance to have it", yet rather from above help guide your group to steer them away from trouble: the shortcut is the Holy Christian Straight-And-Narrow, there is no other better way and any going otherwise would be returned according to the Physics Of JESUS The Creator With The One In Heaven. If to explain toward secular perspective, the Ones In Heaven As One, as often explained in Christianity as with the Trinity, as with multiple parents (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS including on cloning, on DNA modifying, and on the Father Of JESUS), and subset to Christianity are worldly laws, and under worldly laws are non-Christian religions (ibid. on above-the-worldly-laws having fulfilled all proper laws ["proper" in this sense referring to Higher of the Straight-And-Narrow, and in the secular "proper" in this sense refers to not breaking laws rather such as perhaps writing laws, though in Christ JESUS is yet an even more excellent Plan And Way for a person]).

New Christianity is hardly toward maintenance and rather solving from the planning stage via Christ JESUS, therefore New Christianity is hardly about former sinful ways of damaging the self and others, similarly nor wars, conflicts, inquisitions, interrogations, lower level question of bias agenda, contests, nor other; rather toward Oneness With Christ JESUS Of Highest Level In Accord so not only Holy Word Spirit yet rather With Holy Will (Spirit and as much as with Holy Opting Pure Flesh JESUS Christ One).

As much as the Holy Spirit Of Highest Heaven would freely opt, for New Higher Purpose (hence New Revelation, even with ancient Revelations in Christ JESUS growing into "New" in such "Accord") the Pure Flesh is with the new value.

If a person properly ascend [arising from low level secular to higher level secular has Accord value (rather into Christianity with New Christianity), none that gather against that person would endure and instead rather the person would see the disgrace and fall of any against (3 Nephi 22.15). Likewise if a group or nation properly ascend, any against such similarly fall (1 Nephi 22.14).

In the above Drawing the bomb does not solve. As written concerning sinners in Mark 9.48 NAS:

So if to vanquish your enemies (a secular cliche) those "enemies" do not forever disappear, instead they have a Created Spirit(s) of continuance: it is not about letting God sort it out, rather properly converting (Matthew 5.24) lest you not be with God (see above text on "free opting") temporarily.

If to opt to cast a person or nation to hell, then to stray from proper ascending in Christian Faith In Christ JESUS.

A fool might opt to go to hell (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on higher purpose and on exception(s)) such as due to many wayward failures (such as a terrorist hoping to be over God or be shot) though rather seek first to convert the terrorist: convert nations and faiths to Christianity. As for the fool, hell is no escape so to convert to Christianity with proper ascending is recommended. Hell is worse.

Pending Firmaments and high Principles of Christian Faith, if hell is worse, then properly ascending is better, though Christianity is hardly about what sinfulness is of sinners, and rather Christians are guided from Christ JESUS above. A secular formula is not greater than Proper Christian Faith. Not every mathematician can find the Holy Way per mathematics, not by math, not by English language, not by working side by side (see above text "one taken, the other left"). Many things and levels and systems help Christians, though converting to Christianity is only through Christ JESUS.

In the eternal, the bombed "enemies" ARE ENCOUNTERED AGAIN. Convert any and all to Christianity first, yet as much as appropriate (Firmaments and high Principles of Christian Faith apply, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on conditions over Firmaments [such as to not Baptize a snake], on DNA modifying, on spirits, and on One High Purpose In Christ JESUS).

In the Lord (LORD, Jehovah, Yahweh) above Joshua commanded the formerly [counted as if] main time piece [relative to Earth] the Sun (, and the Sun obeyed, along with the greater of the realm (ibid.): Joshua commanded Holy Time (in Christ JESUS God) above (pertinent levels) even if embodied Christ JESUS was in the sky, walking on water, or if JESUS Christ was in a tomb. Let your nation's proper Christian Faith be strong (greater than mere secular Accord).

Above Drawing lower right, if to travel in a spaceship in a straight line from the center of the "Big Pulse" to the right, then as time passes, with the spaceship in the expanding Known Universe the spaceship would expand some, and yet a larger expansion would be in the secular [logic] measure vast distance back to the "Big Pulse": the distance covered by the "straight line" trip would be shorter than the distance back. So is to now see again the secular logic fail, for instance in the point-of-no-return concerning a fuel gauge such as if to fly with wheels [not floats] under an airplane such as in a search over the sea.

The Creator JESUS One is over time, distance, fuel economy, added value, souls, nations, and much more. Though hardly as the former worldly ways. If an enemy attacks a Christian and the Christian is aware of the strong Faith of Joshua, the Christian might opt to stop the Sun (perhaps with earthquakes exploding Earth, or perhaps with calm Earth as Joshua had), or the Christian might opt His soldiers sit while He has the Sun visit the enemy Revelation 8.12 NIV:

yet rather if Christ JESUS agree for One High Purpose the Christian With Great New Revelation Faith In Christ JESUS might opt that a sign and presence be given to compel the enemy to become slaves under the higher people (as though), yet rather the Christian rather would find the enemy freely opting to be friends, even without Miraculous signs.

Christian Evangelism is great, greater is that the nations already be anxious in soul for Accord and One High Purpose properly for Good. Greater than secular Accord is Christian Evangelism.

Because they will not believe unless they see signs and wonders as Christ JESUS said (John 4.48) so the great Revelations would destroy sinners, or rather frighten sinners into cowardice into becoming "slaves under the higher people", or rather with Leadership experiences of values that they rather retain such bravery and guiding values yet for Good (Higher Good From Above, from Heaven) through Christ JESUS: of their own free choosing, of their own free opting, of their own free considering and with what faith they already have that they seek this True Higher Faith Wisely understanding nobody can see the Kingdom Of God unless they are Born Again (Christian John 3.3 proper Christian Baptism, similar likewise is Eucharist).

Now a key becomes available via this previous Christian Faith Trend Holy Precept: responsibility to help the lower levels, though first give for the Holy Higher; and concerning the lower is the minimal necessary giving lest they be overwhelmed and needlessly die [mainly a secular term] or needlessly longsuffer being overburdened with great values and powers over systems that they hardly comprehend (possibly exploding themselves by accident or having the Sun visit themselves while scaredly overwhelmed (Matthew 28.4) as if losing faith [relatively (toward lower, and toward secular)] to undo as if to turn against.

Faith From Heaven above comes via the Christ name JESUS.

Of such proper Faith, if to perform Miracles for Christian Evangelism, minimize the Miracles, then if more is appropriate, a little more....

So this is a rate key: it is a key for them to become Christian, and it is a key for the Evangelist.

Christ JESUS was aware of what sinners thought (see above text) and prompted to be aware of the things of the times (Matthew 16.3): so a key is, be aware of the above, which includes being aware of the doings of sinners, and similarly stated, to be aware of parameters You Create (In Christ JESUS). That is, if to establish Christian Church criteria and/or if to perform a Miracle, then of High Wisdom In Christ JESUS is awareness that the range of a person (as much as given to know of the level pertaining to You [Heavenward rather]) be not to overwhelm inappropriately, and so rather comprehensively Lovingly inviting unto One JESUS Christ.

If for instance to drop part of the Sun part way, toward sinners, toward people, the people might flee (as in distancing themselves, going into caves to hide, and/or other), instead of such as coming to visit Your Christian Church. Also be fair to the other Christian Church(es). Plan Miracles caringly, carefully, with their safety and higher Holy Grace value in Heart, Soul, Mind, And Strength.

The secular continues to fail (see above text "99%", and other lower numbers apply as above text "flip-of-coin"). Scientists continue to invent (some say invent failed, now they "innovate") as with discoveries, only to find the historic finds had stop gap values but failed as the new scientists find new solutions. Scientists fail because of the same above reason. First Christ JESUS, then One, then an even more excellent way; otherwise secular is failure after failure, save Christians enter into the "equation" rather the One Holy Equating Path, and similar to the first save the secular have heart and so even in the secular is growing wisdom at a less than perfect rate.

A person wants to jump ahead of the pack of others to lead the sinful gang, so the person fails. The scientist wants to be greatest. The Preacher wants to be greatest though when Saved In Christ JESUS is a Firmament conquered (see above concerning higher law(s)). Christ JESUS offers the unselfish Firmament, to help those under though for Higher Purpose. One Did travel in a straight line, and Will return: it is Wisdom In Heaven In Christ JESUS.

Heaven rather is a place of Accord, even adoring as to adore one another, though hardly as mentioned above, as the former worldly ways of "porn and other images"..."and other addictions" which eventually Will be found temporary if not already, as for instance if to form Heaven on Earth via Christ JESUS then hardly need of porn (save if of higher purpose such as others in secular with need of attractiveness to augment potential Christian man Christian woman Christian Marriages (though One High Purpose In Christ JESUS applies, also likewise Christian Church criteria may apply).

Yet while some are of proper Faith for Marriage to tie families together, some are of proper Faith for Marriage to release a person and/or both man and woman from parents and situations they consider oppressive or associatedly if to prefer a certain parameter (reference TV series All in the Family leaving parents, yet rather Do So For Proper Ascending In Christ JESUS); these are similar to the Mother feeding the infant or for the Wet Nurse or formula...(see Christian Church criteria and see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on arranged Marriage(s)).

So this key is given, some are prepared already such as for Accord though some are of rates. But some are of resistance and sin and illegal censorship desires.

A secular cliche is "Knowledge is power" with a truth at times (see above text on flip-of-coin) yet "Knowledge is power" in properly ascending New Christianity, in Christ JESUS Wisely, lovingly, respectfully, thankfully, caringly, and so on.

Because of this key, and given that sinners want powers over others, while the key is undone in sinners, as a broken key in a lock worsening their own situation, the Holy Path is with righteous utilization of the key, such as to freely offer the key yet responsibly, so for instance hardly to give the key to a person or creature unworthy of such "powers" and without understanding of ramifications reasonably and considerately.

So great new Revelations come with properly conquering the older Revelations of the Christian Bible.

Symbolically for example the great Christian Prophet Joseph Smith of recent generations prepared a group of great Christian Bible Book(s) perfectly (according to LDS) or near perfectly (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS, and reference how Christ JESUS freely opted to write directly with His Finger in the dust).

Christian Prophet Joseph Smith wrote as the previous. Consider how the secular teaches spelling, definitions, and how to write sentences and books. Christian Prophet Joseph Smith therefore wrote from Christ JESUS above, though also according to some teachings: in other words, a person comes from a background of education and experience, and continues in much until a better way enlightens them, even as with higher secular Internet and as with texting. While Christian Prophet Joseph Smith was allowed to build the Internet for JESUS for Christianity and for the sakes of others, it was more appropriate in Christ JESUS in that generation and situation that Christian Prophet Joseph Smith Did as He Did.

Now is given for all to Do greater, and as new wine into new wineskins, to Do in texting, in paper books, with Internet pics, and/or other for One High Purpose as appropriate, as often needful per se ("appropriate"), and as often urgent. Yes Christ JESUS Physics give people something(s) to Do properly: great new Revelations.

Former Revelations often involved destructions: caringly let all Your New Christian Revelations be even more perfect. Former Revelations taught lessons (also reference Christian Old Testament symbolic giant image of Daniel).

Form New Christian Revelations invitingly (say Holy things, make Holy things [yet Worship properly, Worship Christ JESUS]), that is hardly as a place to hang out and lounge about (though often appropriate) rather form new Christian Revelations in which to properly participate: systems, Chapel vessels, Christian Temples, better Manna Machinery, and so on.

Give new reverence to former great Christian Revelations, generating and as the Genesis of new growth growing, even as new crops come from old land yet as with far greater yields than previously.

Christ JESUS gave from perfection to Christian Prophet Joseph Smith a talent to wonderfully and accurately write as though a line start to finish without interruption (though even if to have written in margins as if unprepared though very well prepared, according to Prophets Of Christ JESUS as with Latter Day Saints), evidencing from above a style of formatting, straight through, and even into the emptiness of margins ["WHEN THE LORD would win his people Israel from their iniquities, he did not leave a stone unturned, but gave them precept upon precept, line upon line," (

Christ JESUS gave that format, and from perfection to Christian Prophet(s) now gives this great new Revelation, of rejoicingly uplifting value(s) for current generation current state of technology current Christian Preachers: a new format. While this format is already being utilized in the Christian Leadership and in the secular the ways editors cut, snip, and paste for best layout, the Christian Leadership can move blocks of text such as to maintain the former format flow yet also such as for higher value purpose in Christ JESUS Of One High Purpose, [counted as if to go back, though for such higher value in Christ JESUS to go higher in value] to insert a pic or vid or higher Holy Spirit event for the greater benefit of all for Good.

In other words, a Preacher today might at times try hard to Do Good though might be embarrassed such as by the talent of Christian Prophet Joseph Smith "from perfection". Yet the Christian Prophet Preacher of today hardly need be "embarrassed", rather as One In Christ JESUS, and of One High Purpose to hardly do as if to do less worthiness, rather greater along the even more excellent Christian Ascending Faith Path! Some Christians have felt censored for instance, perhaps by government, corporate, and/or other reasons; even so, Behold, the greater technology is already being Harvested Of Christ JESUS and of proper Baptism In Christ JESUS, not only to merely insert quotes, verses, precepts properly into systems, not only to insert pics and Spirit(s) Of The Holy Spirit, yet growing in Christ JESUS and so in all that Do most perfectingly, yet for Christ JESUS rather than for other reasons.

Here now is an example, this font size was written March 14, 2018AD while for instance see below text written "March 12, 2018AD". So for instance with this growing unto a great new Revelation in Christ JESUS Physics, if a Christian happens to be in a coma or asleep, with this great new Revelation comes awareness from above to be able to add proper value (even if in a coma), such as to insert "Spirit(s)" into the Sermon.

While for instance an old type of television electron beam would start at the top and write a line, then the next lower line, then the next lower and continue to doing such until the bottom and then start at the top again likewise to refresh the picture on the screen [monitor], so too was the way of covering the law start to finish with no omissions (examples: secular letter of the law, knots [each symbolizing a law though with higher symbolic True Faith being established as of the Daniel Giant as "first" as in Job 40.18-20 NAS:

so from laws to higher True Faith symbolism into the proper precepts of Christ JESUS] on the hem of the cloak of the Priest Matthew 9.21 [to fulfill the law], and Christian Prophet Joseph Smith writing straight through; and these and more examples are an excellent value and with excellent recordkeeping practices so also to reference accounting whether secular or higher [see "traceability" at]).

Christ JESUS also gave a talent to initiate and fulfill the letter of the law [already conquered], yet also precept on precept. For example a person when asked how old they are, can respond by starting at [zero or] one and counting numerals until they reach their age amount, or rather, similar to how "zero" is already understood often in conversational English the person can state their age anniversary numeral without having stated the other numbers; similar to measuring and only stating the proper numeral on a tape measure; therefore similar also to a parent doing things and looking at their baby only noticing a danger situation and so as if ignoring other matters (see "comprehensive priorities" ibid.). This is tied to proper quality and to documenting quality such as to calibrate a system periodically and continue the pattern unless something changes, not only if out of whack, yet also known as part of the greater unseen in Christ JESUS if something better is of ascending Christian Faith, or being properly Faithed [in or toward Miracle(s)] or at least manifested.

In the secular for instance ultrasonics were utilized to measure advanced Navy materials per strict old standards which hardly applied anymore, toward obsolete standards as technologies advanced; and since the Navy was often urgent, without going through the time consuming process of updating the old standards a new technique of micro liftoff was introduced so as to both meet the urgent criteria and to properly measure.

In another case the Wright brothers agreed the wings had to be a certain amount of square inches, though to meet that criteria today and if applied to helicopter technology then to have oversized props which is less effectual (reference Galileo Galilei design).

Christ JESUS broke the bread, the former standard, the worldly laws; enabling the wine to flow, though not new into old that both would fail, rather [One] living bread for living wine: properly growing precepts of Christ JESUS.

Without war, Christian President Don Trump conquered Israel. The faith was gone and no more in Israel as it was in previous times from the Holy Word Chosen People into the Promised Land and to this generation. Instead of former faith that many of the people freely opted to change from Chosen People to rejecting their own children (putting themselves under sin and under law to be non-Christian Jews) as they rejected that Christ had arrived in the greater new Pure Flesh (and Holy Spirit) into the world for to save them and the world from sin for the Father Of Heaven, instead is as written, from :

So the law is fulfilled in Israel via Christian President Don Trump saying things such as JESUS, peace, friends, and always. Faith Israel had is already fulfilled in Christ JESUS and so recognized officially in Christianity.

Faith in Israel is become the newer appropriate vessel Zion: with the Faith Of Zion: as also can be stated as Zion Christianity, and as also Christianity.

This may also be known as New Christainity, for the part "New", though True Zion consists of New Members new to Christianity following Christian Preachers, Christian Priests, Christian Ushers, and other Christian Leaders: Zion includes followers, while New Christianity is toward higher precepts and Christian Leadership Faith Path matters [proper Faith and pure matters].

In the former ways until the New Testament Of Christ JESUS, there were symbols, including involving good though also destructions, the scribes' ways of some faiths in secular and rather in Chosen People Faith, though Christ JESUS loosed [not broken laws] the strings that tied down His Chosen People Of Which He Was A Son.

Christ JESUS went from tied knots (see above "hem") to relatively from the secular viewpoint as if art and freeform though rather properly newly designing in the world from the new being given from Heaven above.

So it is art, yes, yet functional art. This agrees with the past, similar to how circumcision helps avoid problems, and similar to how adding a little salt helps the Holy Priest work harder without fainting so readily: yet this agrees without adding to the words of the Bible nor taking away the words of the Bible according to the New Way Christ JESUS introduced, the way a person shines a flashlight in the dark and says "This way". Note that the "way" was already present of the Creator Plan and then with Creation with the Physics Of The Creator, though the intelligent people did not see it or otherwise knew it not until Christ JESUS so enlightened.

The Zion Mountain is New Jerusalem, and New Jerusalem, while new, is also the ancient and Holy Place favored for the Righteous In The Kingdom Of God, His Chosen People yet such people of Israel are, rather is become One Zion In Christ JESUS: the Christian Quarter is already established with the other three of a previous Peace Accord. Now the further distinguishing for their benefit and Zion and all is come.

Christ JESUS provided the Perfect Precepting for the sakes of others, for the Flock(s), and for all. From the four horsemen, the four horns, the four Testament(s), and so on yet properly with new guiding with symbolically cutting off a person from straying into the unlit areas off the One True Christian Faith Path and with symbolically adding to the persons load [cross to bear, longsufferingly] to rather say "This way" hardly of law rather of free opting in them to agree and so if to opt to walk during night though in the light similar to walking with lit streetlights.

The walking is of the free opting, generally (other may apply, such as a parent carrying a child, so two; or a large colonizing vessel as one), the streetlights are as the Holy Word as given in Sermons, and the Christ JESUS is over all and all worthy, even if not seen, even if not stated, yet light for them to see and state the Truth Of JESUS Heaven Eternal Good for them.

Now for Christ JESUS behold how this great new Revelation comes, such as into the life and power of a Christian Preacher even if in a "coma": that a Christian of coma yet for One High Purpose in Christ JESUS can Spiritually Preach and insert [properly (dangers to self might be involved if to stray from the Faith Path Of The Christ JESUS)] spirits: now be careful how such is being perceived, be of proper High Level In Christ JESUS (1 John 5.10). Look at this, secular logic did not figure it out, Faith Of Christ JESUS Did [(yes to hear Christ JESUS speak, and to see what Christ JESUS wrote in the dust is better) yet also:] proper Christian Faith is guiding this Sermon text now, even into some few more sentences not yet written.

Yes the secular teachings and physics and dictionaries and trainings and fads are with this, though such are distinguished as of a level, such as cars of a train being pulled yet the engineer sees ahead and the signs of the times such as computer displays so powers or brakes the velocity accordingly, yet there is not in this per se a train track to Heaven, rather the Straight-And-Narrow Path Christ JESUS offers, even as in the Christian Bible, and other Good is supportive information such as cross referencing, yet Christ JESUS can speak into the Soul Of The Christian vessel in a coma, such as perhaps to produce the greatest Sermon of the current generation.

Now In JESUS, this One Christ Path agrees, such as with the Holy Inviting. So the spirits of the people are invited (Up). Let them come "Up", which might include becoming worthy (from above) so involving processes and rates of the given Physic(s) Of God.

Christian Prophet Joseph Smith showed One Proper Holy Flow, and with this, this Great New Revelation invites along the Holy Way others, even Holy Others and there is not "Others" rather One though formerly counted as if "Others" (Mark 9.39). Two examples, the first is simple to understand: A. while writing a Christian Sermon another Christian enters the work area and mentions a value that happens to be of value in the Christian Sermon, so the "value" might of free opting be inserted into the Christian Sermon (even if the Christian Sermon was already perhaps otherwise planned as though in full extent, Hebrews 13.2), B. while writing a Christian Sermon a secular person or a creature might approach or a part of ceiling might fall or a sound might be heard, and if not temptation and if not sin and if not distracting from the Christian Sermon then perhaps freely opted to insert into the Christian Sermon if appropriate. So considering the High Purpose Of JESUS for the Christian Sermon such as involving levels and precepts and such "A" might easily apply if appropriate, similarly "B" might apply though with consideration of Firmament levels.

So comes this key of Christ JESUS, that the Christian coma person might raise the dead toward full repentance and/or other higher than they were values. Also is the maintaining support though hardly so if their free opting was to refuse the value, as they might opt toward sin, though they might opt to leap rather than step (see above text).

So comes another key of Christ JESUS, to freely opt, such as to accept a value or to reject a value (Luke 2.49)[(Luke 9.60): there is not only Heaven, there is also the created to be raised, so as in Heaven already, in this world including the secular and in this Universe expanding with Heavens counted therefore expanding in the secular, the Christian free opting expands all the greater](see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on properly distinguishing). So behold these three items presented for this higher Wisdom In Christ JESUS:

  • accept, or
  • reject, or
  • accept or reject and rather than logic alone, to rather first consider the One Highest Purpose found in Christ JESUS.
  • So of the above three, the first two can be as secular, though be with proper Wisdom that everything between the Father In Heaven and the Son is Yes (the spirit of Yes, like the spirit of Accord), that the Father In Heaven and the Son be One.

    So given the world, as long as sinners are in the world, properly in Christ JESUS seek "Yes", though understand given in the world is knowledge of reject (no).

    So spirits may be invited, also sinful spirits might be opted to be left to cast out themselves: this is a free opting key of the Christian Sermon preparer: if the Sermon is about inviting, then much about inviting toward higher level Oneness In Christ JESUS, though if the Sermon is about sinfulness in the world then much toward "cast out".

    So the great new Revelations are perceived in two ways (as if logic alone) the removal of weeds prior to the harvest, and the greater higher Holy Invitation In Christ JESUS. Now be Wise of Christ JESUS (even if the reader is in the secular) that the secular is anxious to put blame and heaven burdens on others so when cast out they would often be prone (under heavy burden) to say and accuse the Christian such as to say "You did not warn me, why didn't you warn me?!" but it was their own free decision, they chose to be cast out, they freely chose to be without gifts, values, and Goodness that Heaven freely provides: so they see their former ways and they entertain the convincing powers of former Revelations and Old Testament events such as to be hit by fire and brimstone.

    A sin symbolizes a sin against each and every high purpose. A break of a minor law symbolizes a break of every law. Also people that seem innocent are visited through generations [whether toward Bless (Deuteronomy 23.8) or curse Exodus 20.5)]: even if hardly noticed, some people rightly Pray Christ JESUS to so glorify the Holy One, while others plan as the secular taught [(of the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil) so per se evil stemmed from evil through geneerations but met a Physics Of God limitation that the sinners carelessly invited against themselves].

    Now of this great new Revelation in Christ JESUS be aware Christian offspring have a protective Grace From Above, though no excuse to sin. So if to invite sinners then not beyond means nor abilities save in all things Do The Will Of Christ JESUS, so in this type of situation to invite sinners to repent, they might not (for instance Matthew 13.22 might apply) so might be toward removing what was counted as though gained (toward permanently, toward Eternally, even if Anointed for One High Purpose if lower level than Highest Purpose applied in the Christian that Anointed): for instance a New Member of Your Christian Church is One, though hardly able to Anoint and Appoint a New High Priest to replace You from Your Position [if You have such a position, for this example].

    So there is an orderly arranging (see above "line upon line") yet of [higher] Holy Grace rather than lower level logic (if the New Member of recent sinner doesn't get what they want, being from sinful experiences and less of Christian Faith Path experience and Wisdom). Verily, verily, the Christian Pastor might have to tell Their Holy Flock or a part of Their Holy Flock "no", in a situation, yet rather properly plan first in Christ JESUS Prayerfully that for instance They be as You Christian Leader, so if to say "no", then to tell Themselves, such as to tell the self "no" when tempted by sinfulness, and rather alway "Yes" with the Heart And Soul alway Prayfully at least for and in Christ JESUS In One Highest Purpose.

    In "Yes" In Christ JESUS In One Highest Purpose are given for You And Your Christian Flock (even if only Accord at the time, though values might be delimited according to that particular level of faith to agree to such an amount per se) some Great New Revelations being given involve new technologies (reference particular goals, interests, criteria, resources, and talents). In secular example two groups might be each given an oil or water or gold or other discovery, though a group might have technology to handle such better than the other, though if given food for instance the latter might have technology to handle better than the previously mentioned: a key is Accord that each properly Peacefully with agreeing with each other for entering into the harvest of the other: together; yet even rather without hope of ROI (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ROI), as written in Ephesians 2.12 APE:

    though of Holy Grace From Christ JESUS a person or group is invited to properly be of Accord.

    Other technologies come with this proper Accord, for instance as symbolized below over time control, much has been kept hidden until the proper time to be revealed, even as from the inner part of the vessel, whether a person or a planet. Yet now newly being unraveled, in great new Revelation(s), now for the site visitor is revealed in this context of proper Accord, concerning time per se, and concerning this time of Christian Jerusalem and great new Revelation(s) is given to know and be aware in Wisdom of the heartfelt care for the sakes of others and the One High Purpose In Christ JESUS that the former Way while Perfect though at that time, now in this generation in Christ JESUS now is New: counted as though New Perfect yet One, as True Perfection lives, grows, leaps properly in Christian Faith, and so is Perfecting, such as with the Inviting being fulfilled such as with Accord, and greater.

    So while the former was with center-of-Earth technology to be protected from sinners on the surface for instance, at least symbolically, though actually to protect the sinful creatures from their own self destructiveness instantly, when rather time is afforded and given so they might have time to freely opt to repent; yet now Perfectingly great new Revelations come in the sense for instance that while people venture out into outer space they of the Teaching Of Christ JESUS can be aware to Pray In The Inner Part and so Do in the greater outwardly, to properly give Heaven(s).

    In other words, the thickness of the radius of Earth protected the center of Earth (below Drawing to the left #"1"), whereas now the Hand Of God reaches out to go with Christian Leadership into outer space and/or inner space, yet with proper Christian (or at least of offered of "this Accord" for the current time per se) awareness to properly distinguish (lest to overlook...the great new Revelation value(s)). For example, if to measure time according to a new standard (such as spaceship time), then to properly cite the previous (until the end of the until the end of these wonders and former ways on Earth [(Daniel 12.6&7) rather than (Deuteronomy 28.64)] pertaining to this Accord level, which pertains to the higher level of the Creator Christ JESUS including as so offered.

    Great New Revelations does not mean previous Holy Revelations become undone. How to create greater new Revelations. Newest Prophecies tied to Rick Lagina holding the lead cross at Oak Island gold garnet gemstone graven image cameo Bible code trees, movie True Lies with Juno Skinner and Tia Carrere bomb Pakistan Hawaii Jerusalem Christian President Don Trump with Christian Vice President Mike Pence Zion Israel earthquake predicted electromagnetic pulse of the universe across expansion time shift spaceship travelers in 20 years with Kolob the keeper of time reversal, throne of jesus christ tree of life tree of knowledge and the terrorism facade as an illegal operation behind a normal store front though as a sheep in wolfs clothing. 7 wonders of the world colossus Revelation 10 2018 AD Robert Ross Benchoff iccdbb for JESUS Christ

    Christ JESUS provided precept on precept, line on line, properly as symbolized in the above Drawing to the left thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Father. Now of great new Christianity Recognition Over Holy City Jerusalem And Israel the higher values as Prophesied are happening, including great new Revelations for One Good High Purpose from the Christian Faith. This therefore being this Prophetic Time, is given a step, as symbolized in the above Drawing as was from "1" to "2", now also given is Holy Christian Wisdom value over "2" for "1" (One High Purpose In Christ JESUS, see above).

    Christ JESUS offers the Accord and "the gospel of Christ without charge" (1 Corinthians 9.18), with recommended Praying and Charity though see below text on "Knowledge / Delay" so rather properly ascend.

    So the greatest newest weapon technology can at any moment be overcome via a simple readily available [such as of older devices newly assembled] technology. So this is a function of:

    New / Properly Ascending Christian Faith / Knowledge alone "Delay".

    Idle knowledge is as dust. Though in Christ, artifacts, records, and even certain other (not stated here, example 1 Chronicles 13.9&10) can be lifted like unto how a farmer puts the fallen vine on a new scaffold. Though such seen things are evidence of the higher level Christian Faith Standard, but are not the Christian Faith Standard.

    The above Drawing eye(s) seems divided, yet as of One Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS, the higher in this sense symbolizes this Higher Christian Faith, while the lower eye symbolizes the seeings of Miracles; Proverbs 15.3-5 NAS:

    The eye(s) in another sense are as to agree as to focus on one depth, and as such tied to time / distance. So a single eye of the two eyes, half the two as one eye(s), becomes also the symbol of "half" a time (though as the secular says "don't try this at home", meaning rather be of Higher Faith In Christ JESUS) concerning Revelation 12:14 BL:

    To "fly from the face of the serpent into the wilderness" (see below "travel") is also translated such as "protected from the dragon" (NTL), "escape from the snake" (CEV), "care of--away from the presence of the serpent" (NET), "out of the serpent's reach" (NIV), and perhaps best explained in "from before the face of The Serpent" (APE) so (while hardly toward temptation nor trying, ibid.) consider that some snakes can strike faster than a person can move their hand out of range, though with "Delay" of lower levels, power from above can be evidenced.

    For example, a person might not see a snake about to strike their hand, though the unaware person might freely opt to quickly move their hand such as to reach for something before the snake makes contact, so the snake works to no avail and instead through such action becomes found out by the higher value person, while the person continues to live.

    Christ JESUS favors those who fear Him humbly (James 4.6) such as letting the snake live or be undone (or killed per se since a Firmament applies, and since it is hardly righteous to attack a higher level save if the higher level Wills for higher purpose in Christ JESUS) by the person (rather if given time interest [reference Christian Church criteria] and pertinent other perhaps to convert such as if with a lab to modify DNA if appropriate in such a situation and of goal(s)...).

    So of Wisdom in you consider this great new Revelation: treat each person as the Creator Is In Them (the Creator made each person for One High Purpose In Christ JESUS and so not for falling to lower levels nor destructions nor sins) so likewise treat each level [you are on, or each level an entity is on] as though on a higher level, so as not to kill a person unless agreed, since they are on the same level counted as though higher than the self,

    nonetheless only agree if of One High Purpose, in other words, some [people,...] on the same level are confused and some are in sins, so hardly agree with them;

    help the confused (so do not kill them) and so likewise help convert the sinners (so with such proper conversion potential do not kill them).

    A Higher Faith Level / A Miracles counted as though of a "Higher Faith Level" / Sinners that often are not aware of the higher levels though above the Firmament and rather properly ascending.

    Christians sometimes have an ascending disadvantage (as if), for example while writing this Sermon, the Holy Enlightenment toward writing the next step higher (Daniel 11.13 including at least all nations [or as many as freely opting to be] of this Accord properly) via this current Sermon For Christ JESUS is being made possible, and that during this has come of Faith In Christ JESUS a new Joyously Exciting Miracle (March 12, 2018AD) awareness for the writing of the next Sermon (often of the Walk Of Christian Faith the information to give in the subsequent Sermon is unseen and unknown: until after Holy JESUS Faith Word Work Victory Thankfully;

    so now given toward learning and with showing site visitors of steps given from above Christ JESUS and rather than steps proper leaping upward better though when appropriate, and for this generation (as much as willing to agree, ibid.) that completion of this step Sermon is hardly prioritized save for the High Purpose In Christ JESUS that the secular be invited to witness (whether in the Accord or of themselves outcast of free options as to witness, rather in Accord) so for their sakes (and rates). This Sermon is as to start to run up the stairs, from stepping to leaps and bounds (see text below "travel").

    In other words, this Sermon is being completed, yet at the risk of forgetting what (Miracle Of Faith) to say (already given from JESUS Above), save if to continue on New Christianity Faith properly as Christ JESUS explained.

    Now with this is the Great New Revelation key as described above for the sakes of witnesses, that some enter into Accord(s) properly, while others are bystanders.

    So of the Wisdom Of Great Prophet Christ JESUS be Wise as to how this Prophetic Key functions.

    Some keys are in a form such as a stick or metal shaped to move a hidden (secular) object such as a latch or tumbler, other keys are software encryptions, other keys are verbal passwords, other keys are time control locks that open automatically, and so forth.

    This key opens the Universe.

    The larger part of the Known Universe as for travel through it, though at this time hardly for a person's large humanoid vessel to travel through the subatomic levels yet involving the subatomic levels per se.

    This key involves future sin of any person, group, and/or nation (see above and previous "Accord" parameters)

    if any, or counted as if sin. For example in the secular a person might be raped while others witnessed the sinful crime, but the others failed to stop the rape and did not come forward in court.

    Participation to stop crime is a value and participation to come forward in court is a value, and details apply.

    An witness might be innocent or not (conditions apply).

    Yet this key is given, and as much as Prophetically is made known in the world, as light comes into the world, then be clear to understand if to opt to sin against this Christian Faith key then tied to direct consequences for the self, you group, your nation, and the created, even if only to pretend it is about a person and/or an event and/or a snare.

    So because of the future Prophetic Effects, plan properly in Christ JESUS, plan responsibly in Christ JESUS, plan safely for their sakes in Christ JESUS, prepare rightly in Christ JESUS, and so on.

    As a minimum, openly seek the counsel of Christ JESUS or at least a Christian

    but not to search for a Christian solely to see if their wording agrees with your ideas,

    rather that a Wise experienced ascending Christian Leader be sought;

    and be considerate, as some might likely already be busy about other matters: your current notion might not be the most urgent nor most important matter in the Universe, friend.

    In a secular example, if to build a traditional rocket, and just prior to launch it falls over as has happened so often, then from greatness to great trouble: rather properly ascend in Christ JESUS.

    The Throne Of Christ JESUS The Creator is symbolized above in the Drawing #"1" (Throne with three back supports) and the two creatures are shown, #"1", & #"2", and these creatures are shown with extra appendages (note: do not worship creatures, save the Christ JESUS Revelation 22.8 & 9) such as above #"1" able as an arm to give an item. In previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS such as concerning Sermons on subset faith of Hinduism (ibid.) as with many arms and hands, and such as the Bigfoot Sermon with mind and/or DNA controlled tools, and Sermons on transfiguring such as to have an extra hand if needful to properly help in One High Purpose In Christ JESUS; the devices of these Sermons have been under laws and logic of the banks of knowledge(s) and mixed at times toward lower levels and their rates; yet now great new Revelation High Purpose In Christ JESUS is given from the precepts of Christ JESUS, such as toward overcoming lower level addictions that such people under such addictions be freed from their wanting faith in those lower things (Psalm 23.1) via proper New Christianity Faithfulness In Christ JESUS as with the following key.

    Consider that this emerging technology quickly transfigures creatures into other forms, such as extra hands (temporary Christian chore, task, or Mission [conditions apply]) to handle complex spacecraft controls in an emergency.

    Now is given the conquering addiction for Christ JESUS key: consider that a sinner knows they commit crimes so wants to hide similar to a sniper on flat ground so within a slight hole with camouflage, though since of this emerging technology for instance able to quickly modify DNA so as to appear simply as flat ground, then the sinner prefers to be such often: sinners make themselves as dirt, as garbage, and as abominable swamp creatures, and their own gang members would step on such sinners and walk over them (Luke 11.44).

    Sinners would choose to be as dust from which they came.

    This great new Revelation is Holy and Prophetic and of True Christian Prophesying, yet traceable unto the ancient of days (Daniel 4.33).

    So as Christ JESUS taught His People, the Christians, hardly fear the sinner, that is, if to fear then fear in this given per se, fear to not be able to give God the glory for converting a sinner if the sinner did not yet repent. The properly ascending Christian is saved already, so is able to rejoice and other Good, such as at Christian Church, and the sinner has their self chosen reward of garbage (note: the hands on garbage professional is a respectable position, whether paid or unpaid, yet prefer to ascend to be as the Perfecting Example Christ JESUS, likewise see above Drawing example Rick Lagina beholding the Christian Cross with a square nail hole [a Christian Worships Christ JESUS yet can hold such a symbol, and can hold other items]).

    Another Oak Island gold cross is also shown. People of this civilization have hardly dug nor swam down very far toward the center of the Earth where additional values can be found, so where Christians Will bring proper enlightenment, and as science advances more together as One In Christ JESUS. So this invites and entertains this great new Revelation.

    Great gems are found underground, yet also the greater Holy New Christianity Physics Will become known. So the key is this and similar to the above key, things Will become "known" though people Will be born and after youth many would test the parameters of Holy Law And Christian Faith, so proper Christian upbringing is essential, yet also of key is that science (including any secular science, astray and sinful) would also ascend, so higher Christian Spiritual Soul Care is needful, and also of the Physics Of God the Christian is Saved so not tempted beyond ability to overcome:

    therefore knowledge grows at roughly the same pace (Alma 13.7 with Alma 12.28 [that from Love there be a "preparatory state" Alma 12.26]) as a Christian lovingly leads ascendingly.

    Accord for Peace was afforded via Christ JESUS, according to first Love, then [secular time, similar to eating: time to digest] knowledge. Likewise from Love including righteousness, then with secular awareness of what righteousness is, to then be able to plan, prepare, initiate, and administer peace (included in higher level Love). Secular laws are under higher level Love. Because worldly laws and logic are knowledge items under Love and not over Love (for instance worldly law hardly requires a person to love, much less able to enforce such), Highest Holy Love From Christ JESUS is transformed (reference talents) into bite size pieces so as not to overwhelm, see below "worthy lest to become as stone").

    Truly some that wait on the Lord are overwhelmed already, that is, with much love though less logic, and such agrees with the Christian Faith Path though is as a child unable to at least minimally care for the self the way a responsible parent lovingly cares for the child (self maintenance should often be toward minimal, and as the parent that attends the child it is a full time job [toward maximum]).

    The rate of Love is alway ready and overflowing for everyone, though the knowledge rate lags for many reasons. One reason higher in Christ JESUS is Prophetic, this is a timeless matter. Another matter is that Love is to lead knowledge. And a yet lower matter is a person might not agree to the higher Love (even though the higher Love is correctly properly leading): for instance a person has knowledge to pass a certain type of exam, though another higher Love level person has not so much of that talent, so the exam passer might opt to tend to not accept the higher of that lesser talent level per se of that higher Love person.

    This Love then knowledge is often (right to left):

    Knowledge / Delay / Love.

    So a subset key often is:

    Love = Knowledge x Delay (reference that meeting then Wedding, instead is normally (right to left):

    Wedding / Dating / Meeting.

    This allows added values: secular love-at-first-sight is toward appearances, of value, though can be rather with greater value with becoming aware to know if they are of Christian Faith, the [level and/or] religion of a person, to understand their faith and family matters and allergies perhaps and perhaps things that make them happy, and such as to know their goals and efforts to achieve such, toward compatibility, toward being equally yoked together.

    This Love then knowledge through Christ JESUS stems through Christianity / the Chosen People / the Garden Of Eden with this great new Revelation that the Tree Of Life is a higher level than the Tree Of Knowledge, according to the precepts of Christ JESUS, and similarly as of Melchizedek as of from Hebrews 7.2 NIV: first the name Melchizedek means "king of righteousness"; then also, "king of Salem" means "king of peace."

    This key is how that legal knowledge is not greater than Love nor a person's life.

    Even so, it is the responsibility of legal expertise to protect each person's life (see above "parent").

    So this is not only Christian Faith Love From Christ JESUS, this also is concerning levels, whether a person is Christian or secular: the same One True Physics Of The Eternal Creator JESUS is applicable. A Priest is lower than the Highest Priest(s), a cat is higher than a snail, a snail is higher than a fence and can climb over the fence (if not electrified,...); even so because of Firmament levels there are stipulations such as so that very often the fence is of greater value than the snail even though the snail offers greater typical love and intelligence as the fence is in a lower Firmament toward reacting only though it can lift parts of itself when moisture settles on part of it, and might lift other parts as it dries.

    So a subset key is that even of low levels and with minimal maintenance there can be uplifting value.

    Though a great key is that many sinners rely on such uplifting knowledge having proffered such as if the whole truth and proof.

    This "Knowledge / Delay / Love" great new Revelation enables yet another set of Prophetic Principles hence yet another great new Revelation (even a Series as much as of proper Holiness In The True Spirit In The Name JESUS In The Father Of Heaven and with pouring out.

    A Principle Of Christian Faith therefore concerns the "Delay" Revelation as specified in context (in agreeing: and outwardly in their Accord Of Ascending per se), with the Principle Of Christian Faith that with Love Leading Yet In The Name Of The One Christ JESUS, then Love, Peace, Heavenly Bounty Of Flock, and Heavenly Bounty Of Great New Technologies And Helpful Plans, Likewise Useful Instruments, Comforting Appliances, And Gifts For Giving become more Bountiful. Though with these Principles is another for Good also so as to enable this great new Revelation with these for Good Living, though also with the Tree Of Knowledge:

    when the vessel of a person or larger vessel of a group prefers knowledge such as while drifting away from having New Christianity Faith In JESUS The Christ, then to cease properly ascending, so as to stray hence in risk toward damages (Matthew 13.12).

    Now be Wise to understand this key now being delivered: write these, and otherwise record. Say, write, arrange, systematize, incorporate, and do similar with the above that you make these things yours that you Believe your own clear Holy thinking, yet hardly for you (lest risk and failure) and rather for Christ JESUS and the sakes of any others that they properly ascend and that you therefore ascend in Christ JESUS Along The Holy Path Of Proper Faith and likewise as you outpour thankfully: heartfelt praise for Christ JESUS.

    So with these things from Higher Faith comes the Miracle(s) of having these things to give through Charity for the Priest (and Israel for USA per se of this Accord: and nations of Accord making Israel pay while such nations ascend, see above "Bounty") and within proper New Christianity parameters Allocating

    lest toward excessive storage, if toward excessive storage then risk of loving storage for the vessel more than proper Faith.

    What is the True Christian Bible?, would you seek to find it at a secular site?, hardly, would you find it in a gang planning crimes?, not likely, so then what is it?: the True Christian Bible is as Christ JESUS explained, vested 100% in the name JESUS with Final End Time (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on "End Time" [provisions]) and Christ JESUS Creator God also explained into lower levels such as creative Miracles from higher level Faith such as people witnessed and recorded [(3 Nephi 23.9&11, & 24.16) as the change came in Christ JESUS](hence with 3 Nephi 24.17 see above Drawings: jewels and rather people), yet the higher tied to proper Faith is as written in the heart [soul] that seems to come to life and enliven and invigorate a person and a people, rightly, as when Christ JESUS taught (with proper Holy Doing)(and Christ JESUS so accomplished including from the True Prophets And Similar Such As Elias and they from the Father In Heaven, and in all proper Faith and in all things as the Father In Heaven freely opts that Christ JESUS accomplish(ed);

    and yet because of Oneness In Christ JESUS, the Christian of New Christianity can so write of the above stated Wisdom that the Bible be a Living And Christian Bible: hence not only of Word, yet also as much as Christian Leadership Faithfully endures the Doing then with Holy Power (which means Greater True Faith, including Sermons of powerful meaningful Prophecies and similar properly growing precept on precept) such as over creating lower level Miracles for any of lower levels. So a key is: greater is the higher level uplifting as long as after Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago. Prior to 2,000 years ago and back to being cast out of the Garden Of Eden, during that age the people only [meaning very very much (even the Chosen People in example Mark 10.5)] believed according Miracles; yet since Christ JESUS of 2,000 years ago (with the Baptism Of Elias) now of Faith In JESUS Christians can give not only to others, yet also including to other Christians:

    The Powers Of The Heavens compounding [such as exponentially growing, and rate increases] the Powers Of The Heavens.

    So while Charity [such as proper Tithing] helps outwardly, proper Allocating now involves as stated in the previous sentence.

    Some groups have had various talents, such as to recognize Jerusalem for the Higher Purpose (such as with Christian President Don Trump). Other groups have had other talents (perhaps overlapping) such as to write and have written records such as including and concerning Jerusalem (such as the Third Testament), and so these two examples Do agree and so are of One Holy Accord.

    Though if a group places faith in things [such as Miracle] weapons, and/or in [Miracle] records of Miracles alone (a great New Christianity Faith key), then delimiting itself to that level.

    As Christ JESUS explained some seed fell on rocks and their new sprouts withered when the Sun arose.

    Because of the offered Accord according to this new ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS Prophecy "within one year from now February 20, 2018 AD" "Christ JESUS Will Do a Christian Work great and a marvelous!" to witness and rather for the nations of Accord ( something secular Will now be explained for any secular nations and groups and people to clearly understand:

    if for instance a basketball player in the secular wants to shoot hoops perfectly, it has been explained in the secular many years ago that the person when not on the court should visualize playing and how every shot goes into the hoop. And while true, the Christian Church leader knows something that secular teacher does not know.

    In Christ JESUS, if the Will Of God is for the person to "shoot hoops perfectly", then the person in Spirit Of Christ JESUS is to teach the other scheduled teams to play and when not on the court to Holy Spiritually likewise guide: [as the secular knows and explains: the teacher learns] so in secular terms the teacher would more likely win the game (likewise of Christ JESUS), also as a minimum, in Christ JESUS at the end of the game (conquering via Christ JESUS the Higher, whether one team won or the other [not to be taken out of context, Acts 8.19]) the teacher can walk to the other and say "Well Done Good And Faithful Servant" (that they may receive value up to their level of worthiness): Victory for the Teacher JESUS!

    You look at a team and see each person has individual appearances. You see them practice and see each has talents, flaws, patterns, and traits such as a player may prefer a certain type of distraction such as perhaps often removing eyes from the ball to look and smile at fans. When you teach all of them, revealed in the self are things pertaining to the self, teaching the self: so a Christian key is Charitably Help others if to help the self.

    Traveling in a boat Christ JESUS arrived at a land and as written in Mark 8.11-13 NIV the Pharisees argue against the Christ, JESUS, and they tested Him and demanded from Him a sign from Heaven, so Christ JESUS said truly I tell you, no sign will be given to this generation, then JESUS got back into the boat and left them,

    and Christ JESUS went other places delighting the people Doing great signs and wondrous Miracles From Heaven! Truly, truly, the sinful basketball player might win some games; yet the ascended Christian Has Won Already!

    So now from Christ JESUS is given this key: a civil person hears a sinful mob yelling and as though to start to attack for no apparent reason, so rather than help to commit crimes, the civil person leaves (and if Christian then to seek Christ JESUS, or at least Do as Christ JESUS Said And Did);

    similar is true of the spirit realm, whether of nighttime dreams or of anytime dreams and visions, but if the civil person enjoys sins such as attacking vulnerable people or systems, or enjoys other sins such as addictions against the self, then are interferences, contradictions in the spirits, and so the civil person may want to have peaceful sleep such as to get to work the next day to attack those vulnerable though due to contradictions in the spirits may have (sometimes perhaps compounded through the years) nightmares and so lack recuperation and so be vulnerable and so might worsen the confusion through lusts such as for even more tiresome sinful workings, or seek comfort in illegal drugs for pep and sleep, or seek other diversions.

    A person can seek Christ JESUS, yet important is to so Say And Do as Christ JESUS (see above text "Well Done Good And Faithful Servant").

    If a person is hardly worthy, such as to be given the Sun to own and turn on and off as desired, then hardly would the Sun be given lest such as to turn off the Sun and the person and others freeze before being able to turn it on again. A new great Revelation is given: truly many nations if not in this offered Accord at the time stated and also by the time certain events occur, then such nations would hardly be able to receive the higher Holy Benefits of such newness, and rather might receive none or former Revelations as penalties.

    Hope for the oppressed, that they find this Accord; hope for the other teams, that if to entertain them, then such be worthy of yourself giving such of your time and effort. True enlightenment is coming to nations and faiths and others: some would gain such value(s), while others would likely freely opt to not ascend, and likely to complain of unfairness (rather Trust In Christ JESUS [even rather so, for example: trust in God is valuable though ambiguous and so of less value(s) relative to "Trust In Christ JESUS"]).

    A Christian ascends to a level and so can be tempted more (to none effect) than a Christian that has not yet so ascended to that level. The sinner can ascend and fall in levels in the secular. Though above the True Christian Firmament the Christian can be toward rest or can be ascending properly on the Holy Christian Faith Path unto higher levels, higher realms, higher Heavenly enlightening values overcoming greater in powers and abilities and knowledge and love for guiding others for greater new Goodness.

    So this additional key is given: a Christian, Christ JESUS with other Christians showed Miracles (discoveries beyond previous abilities) and the secular sinners can be there working beside the Faithful Christian In The Name Of JESUS, so the sinners make claims on their sinful works, building on such, so as they hope to appear responsible for the Miraculous finds when it was actually not of the sinful paths, rather of Faith In The Christ JESUS Name; even if sinners work alone (as sinners can also be lifted through secular levels as the finger of God wrote in their souls, though a person needs continue to properly ascend).

    Son JESUS Creator is able to see from Heaven and from serving under (Psalm 8.5)(above Drawing square and diamond shapes and similar, including engravings such as the eyes of the cameo (words, images, shapes of people, engravings, and such are alright, though not the worship of anything other than God Including God One Christ JESUS and none other: see Ellicott's Commentary at Eyes are considered an improvement over blind-in-one-eye, yet also in Christ JESUS is the value of One Eye Of Christian Oneness with full mind in purpose of One High Purpose Of Heaven so as to help others, and so as to Do Greater New Good.

    So it is goodly for Christians and sinners alike to search for things such as one of the Holy Cups Christ JESUS had held, and for the Holy Grail of the Last Supper Of Christ JESUS With His Disciples (and greater Apostles having gone and going out into places as Christ JESUS Taught and Did). With this, also as great Christian Neil Armstrong "as many said 'the first person on the Moon'" instead preferred to step where it was known Christ JESUS stepped (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS at; and likewise if to look for the Holy Cups and Holy Grail, then to start with Christ JESUS And With His Apostles, as of Israel and Jerusalem.

    Understand the Faith of this Sermon, the Physics Of Christ JESUS God One with all eyes focused on the same name JESUS, Christ JESUS. Then to unravel great new Revelations properly Faithfully In New Christianity thankfully,

    that then the Miracle discoveries might be indicated.

    Even the Holy Path is indicated already, a person hardly had to read this Sermon to know in the heart and soul: yet Blessed is the person seeking the Higher Wisdom. Key to Christian Evangelism and Sermons is that even though a person knows in the heart, they often don't realize in the mind until from on high unraveled for them who may receive if worthy lest to become as stone as a guard at the opened Tomb Of Christ JESUS, as a properly excavated pit for Christ JESUS, as a properly prepared people for Christ JESUS, even as to start with proper Accord. You know there is something better.

    You know to breathe. You know to not fall lest to perhaps hurt the hands. You know to not hurt others lest to risk being hurt. You also know of something called love. Reliable love is with reliably loving Christ JESUS.

    Likewise New Christianity evidences (Miraculously to at least some, from above: Miraculous) not only to Follow and wait, yet rather be so that when Christ JESUS comes again such as generally daily in a whirlwind for the Chosen People, and such as often noticed in Christians in these times, that Christ JESUS God One find You Christian And So Doing: full love benefit for others: more Holy Joy In Heaven. Such is hardly need for growing extra hands, though as the Apostles became as Christ JESUS so likewise Do until Final End Time and even beyond as much as Christ JESUS is free to opt in Accord.

    In Christ JESUS, worthiness comes with higher level accord, such as two nations toward agreeing and the higher level is their (mutual benefit hence toward True, exceptions can apply) Peace Accord. So the two become the higher (Loving) one-of-their-together-so-greater Peace Accord: their Peace Accord is of one spirit, whereas their former state was that each had a smaller spirit, per se. So now with greater higher Peace Accord they attained a higher level, such is how a civilization may advance.

    A nation might not even change due to a Peace Accord. Often nations have entered into treaties in order to gain an advantage, though in the ascending Path a nation for instance might offer their same Peace Accord for any nation that would opt to agree, and it might be virtually the same Peace Accord that the agreeing nation offers likewise to all nations. So even though a nation explains they did nothing different, or they did very little and it did not change them so they are not of greater worthiness, the truth is they are become more worthy as written in Luke 7.5 NAS:

    and as with the more detailed story (not detailed here) calling the self "not worthy" (Luke 7.6) and not true as others attested truly, yet true in the sense that the Lord JESUS with whom was the discussion is of far greater level worthiness (as though toward a matter of insignificance, though very significant).

    In the above Drawing top center, the person on a cross (symbolizing Christ JESUS even though as others have indicated that it symbolizes other) is as lifting a cross in the right hand (for properly delivering into Paradise Luke 23.43), and so how is this to be accomplished in a person of this generation?: whosoever does not properly give lift to this One Holy Cross Technology cannot so accomplish as written in Luke 14.27 J2000:

    see above "Reliable love" in Accord, and greater in New Christianity For Christ JESUS, such as for a nation of such Accord. The "cross" or "stake" is not to be worshipped, do not worship the tool. Truly even a sinner is more valuable than the Internet and other devices, though not for excuse of other than proper Faith. A Church has a talents, another Church has other talents, some are overlapping talents, yet all True Christians and all True Christian Groups are with One Overlapping Talent In Christ JESUS: the Bounty Of Heaven available with opting to be properly ascending.

    To bear another's cross, is like unto being a grafted in part of the Tree Of Life as of the above Drawing engravings (found in France) as relating to each other.

    First properly ascending the Way Of Christ JESUS, then the things can be added increasingly. Discoveries, innovating better ideas, more delightful than addictive comforts, and the greater Good comes with such proper giving of the self and all. So for the ascending Christian even the New Testament Revelations are as stepping stone Prophetic guideposts and as events ready to be harvested so as to be converted for Good Holy Utilization. Even in the past values were found in thorny bushes, such as to utilize the thorns as sewing needles, and such as to remove the thorns from the bushes to harvest nutritional Old Testament foods and leaves (for healthcare and for rope and for Sermon papers and for healings of nations,...).

    So given now is this great new Revelation. Previously was told of JESUS Christ to gather weeds first to throw into the fire.

    Yet now Christ JESUS reveals in New Christianity Faith One The Name JESUS, the Savior, that with Heaven on Earth [and greater] sin would be remembered no more as the previous ways of sinful lusts, temptations, deceptions, addictions, and risks (for instance with Matthew Henry Commentary).

    So this great new Revelation is that even of Christ JESUS the very weeds can be properly Faithfully converted,

    that no longer is counted the "weeds" and rather the greater Harvest.

    Overcome sins, overcome weeds, overcome logic, overcome any past ways that were less valuable, and rather properly convert all for greater good, for instance as written in Ezekiel 20.40 NAS:

    And so as Christ JESUS converts give all the self and "the choicest of your gifts"...for the Lord [and not for sin (Psalm 100.2, Deuteronomy 28.47, and Proverbs 18.16) such as above Drawing to the right (rather than Matthew 7.6 yet see above text properly "overcome weeds")] and progress higher in harvest bounties and in greater new proper Revealing through the Higher Faith Path Of Christ JESUS One.

    Christ JESUS provided for line upon line, yet likewise precept upon precept, and as of the above as with ascending in "the four Testament(s)" also such too would eventually be overcome, such as already commencing with the properly assembling many more ancient materials (also reference King James, and proper translations since; and properly arranging precepts to unravel new greater formerly unseen in this world higher value(s)), and such as perhaps with this Accord of ten nations if such continue as One on the Proper Christian Faith Path.

    One Christ JESUS / Ten / Four / One / Grace Symbolism / Increased Numbers Of Laws [and case, and standards (example Numbers 2.2)] / Whirlwind / Eden / Creation.

    The flower lifts upward dirt inside itself, though to the flower it is water with nutrients. This current state is similar: "lifts upward dirt inside itself", precept on precept, triad on triad, value properly on value, and yet from Heaven above, so this "current state" Will [as though fail, as though deceive] when the newer greater comes, except the newer greater Will continue with the Heaven part.

    Dirt with weeds have values, they grow quickly, even in the middle of the busy highway pavement. So such as with genetics and properly modifying DNA make good crops grow faster, more plentifully, better, and more valuably. So go ahead in proper Accord [and rather greater as Christian(s)] and build machines that distinguish levels of values, some harvested for food, some for healing, and some for other values, even fire can be a value. Do so responsibly. Make better people vessels yet for Christ JESUS One.

    ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS March 19, 2018AD.

    A Sermon from the ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS: Sermons for Christian Leaders.

    Coming soon in the weeks ahead in this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS:

    Christ JESUS gives a keys for how to travel across the Known Universe

    in this generation so be sure to be of Accord.

    Main site: ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS Affiliated with Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ.

    Tags: Christian President Don Trump with Christian Vice President Mike Pence Israel How to create greater new Revelations Zion. Newest Prophecies tied to Rick Lagina holding the lead cross at Oak Island gold garnet gemstone graven image cameo Bible code trees, movie True Lies with Juno Skinner and Tia Carrere bomb Pakistan Hawaii Jerusalem earthquake electromagnetic pulse of the universe across expansion time shift spaceship travelers in 20 years with Kolob the keeper of time reversal, throne of jesus christ tree of life tree of knowledge and the terrorism facade as an illegal operation behind a normal store front though as a sheep in wolfs clothing. 7 wonders of the world colossus Revelation 10 2018 AD Robert Ross Benchoff iccdbb for JESUS Christ


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