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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

JESUS: Creating Manna From Heaven!

JESUS Christ said go into the villages and countrysides Preaching and Performing Miracles, as His Heavenly Father said and showed the Chosen People to do relying on the higher Holy Good to be dwelling in desert places (also serving as proof / Former Logic Only) and spreading the Holy Way (proving the cause for Christian Peace rather than Former Logic Only, therefore the coming of Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago). Therefore as aloft Christian Ark dwellers feeding the Universe, giving of the self in Holy Spirit and in the Pure Flesh Covenanting is the higher Christian Peacemaking starting throughout the Known Universe, so including the Holy One creating Holy Miracle Manna throughout the many journeys in the many aloft Arks with plenty to give unto any found properly ascending.

Christ JESUS would have You prepare to feed those You encounter, not to leave undone Your Aloft Ark Flock; and not only to feed, yet also to prepare in case Your Aloft Manna Machine breaks [or malfunctions: here is a secular site on codes, no affiliation unless otherwise stated: ]. 3D printers can produce foods already, such as bananas, and the health community continues advancing on body parts, and chimera; and especially so in terms of orthomolecular physics / physiology, including nanotech and other, to grow people better than previous. Yet Your Holy Guidance In Christ JESUS is needful, therefore maintain Christian Leadership awareness in: all matters for good: all for Christ JESUS One for their sakes.

Christ JESUS came from the Heavenly Father, and in part from

Joseph And Mary / Chosen People / Aloft Manna Machine (and/or Wind Spirit Transfiguration and/or other). How to build a Manna Machine. How New Christianity solves problems. Flight concerns of Christian President Trump. How to feed the hungry. How to grow aerospace technologies to conquer the Universe for Jesus Christ. New NASA movie. Movie Multiplicity staring Michael Keaton cloning. Movie October Sky kids mix gasoline and paraffin over campfires for how to construct the latest prototype rockets. Ancient more advanced civilizations here on Earth now. The startling new facts about Bigfoot. Google, Exact Seek, Yahoo, Bing, Big Stocks, Submit Express, and White House. Magnifying Your Soul. ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS.

Christian President Trump explained there were many laws against [in context "roads" and] maintenance, also flight had cost concerns. Christ JESUS provides the solving, as in New Christianity as with this Sermon, to not only see what others did technologically after-the-fact, yet rather (with such and greater than predictive) of Christ JESUS One creating "roads" in the Heavens and Heavenly Places supplied systematically anew as with the above shown 3D printer of increasing cost effectiveness and applicablilty (see below: shape shifting:) as old requires maintenance while new can be in created already in a state of readiness. Sirius is 8.6 light years from Earth (at about half the maximum velocity of light that's only about 17 years, Matthew 12.28) and Anilam is roughly 2,000 light years away.

Christ JESUS offeres proper New Christianity ascending [as a vessel (for the benefit of all)] in this moment like unto a system of satellites yet greater, to help Christian Leaders guide others into proper yet True Prophesying With Doing the accomplishing in victory for the credit and glory of Christ JESUS One. These specifics are of the truth in Christ JESUS for this generation, for best proper planning and entering into air and outer space in One True Holy Spirit yet in this Sermon with the bringing along the pertinent vessels, as Christ JESUS did.

To edify, the sinner point of view is such as "How am I going to fly to the Sun", and "Which technology should my [our] team use": neither gives much value for the glory of Christ JESUS, even so, even the casting out of the Garden Of Eden had value. Rather of Christ JESUS is the proper Way.

You are free to choose / Heaven "opened" when Christ JESUS was Baptized / Manna floated down from Heaven.

One to be selected from these two: opt to give or opt to take. Christ JESUS said to Elias, suffer it so for now. Christ JESUS was counted as if to take (by the worldly interpretation, lower level of ascending than Christ JESUS already from higher level from Heaven).

Opt to give in Christ JESUS in order that the following Holy Trend applies:

You give in Christ JESUS for the credit and glory of Him and One in His Father / Heaven "opened" when Christ JESUS was Baptized / Manna floated down from Heaven.

With this Trend is highest purpose. But per the other option, the sinner has no need to be raised into Heavenly places [(according to the Holy Spirit and the Physics Of God And Of The Universe) higher level exceptions apply such as (John 4.48)], there is hardly need to empower the sinner, rather is the need to convert the sinner at least from the highest level toward Holiness that they have traveled, to the next higher level; though rather to convert to highest.

You Christian are free to physically raise a sinner that is not ascending spiritually for a time, though rather seek to be evenly yoked together in such prestigious endeavors as at any moment a person with You might be asked by another to speak [as though] on Your behalf and/or to do. Rather be of the Pure True Trend Of True Prophecy.

Give from Heaven / Heaven "opened" when Christ JESUS was Baptized / Manna floated down from Heaven.

In the future on Your Aloft Ark give / Heaven gave to Baptismal the blessed light and gentle dove form / Heaven gave Manna.

Be on the side of giving to know what to do in the future.

Plan for You to give from Heaven, and if Your Plan agrees with the Holy Plan Of Christ JESUS then there is reason for You to so be in Heaven above.

Plan for You to give from Heaven, therefore agree with the Holy Plan Of Christ JESUS in order to so Do the giving from Heaven above for those below.

Bind such giving flesh in Heaven

(Matthew 16.19), properly open Heaven, and if appropriate then You may properly opt to close (ibid.).

Here is yet an authority key, to close. Let the sinner be aware, the Christian One may opt to provide for the sinner [even alway] though the Christian One never works for the sinner in the sense as if that the sinner is the top authority: Christ JESUS One is the top authority: JESUS.

This authority key means things do not turn out the ways the sinners want. Let Your Evangelists understand that to an extent sinners want the same thing Christians want: eternal victory; but sinners want the true eternal victory to be wrong but such is not true, sinful ways are not the truth (James 4.3).

Christ JESUS would hardly want disaster to come to Your Flock after so much effort, so "embarrass" not (Joel 2.7 YLT) One Holy Path, therefore properly prepare (2 Corinthians 9.4), once prepared: Do.

Do the Will Of The God Of Physics with precision, like unto a system of satellites yet greater.

The lower slower evolution ways are filled with sinful trials-and-errors, even though they work many times harder to get virtually nowhere, save to ascend at the evolutionary rate via the Grace Of The God Of Mercy.

Evolution example from the excellent movie October Sky:

kids mix gasoline and other stuff such as paraffin over campfires,

prototype rockets nearly kill or nearly cripple them for life [secular words],

with love and honing their luck turns toward success (rather for Jesus The Christ).

Overcome Your shame: look at [the movie, NASA, and/or similar, and see] the teeming of opportunists for greater, for a better life, willing to risk their careers and there very lives, for the technology You already have, the technology all already have in Christ JESUS. Look at the crowds the kids gathered: Ministers let the Evangelists in Your Flock know of Your shame and Your missed opportunities that are yet available (though Heaven may close, see above).

Please forgive this lack of subtlety stated for You to see more clearly: to be properly ascending in every way possible per se, hence this is in One Holy Way (allowing for talents, situations, and Your Christian criteria) for Christ JESUS.

This reveals another key, that Your Manna Machine would be according to Your optional limitations, hence Your delivery system (such as pertinent to Your aloft Ark design) would need be supportive of appropriate equipment. For instance some 3D Printers as shown above might at Your option include add-ons such as oven and/or refrigeration systems; and for instance some 3D Printer items might be of cartridge type such as to supply spices, while others might by supplied via thread system (see above "bananas") perhaps coming from a refrigerated compartment, and others might supply Your 3D Printer Manna Machine via tube (reference similarly: intravenous tube).

Yet printers, copiers, welding machines, and delivery systems also have pitch catch systems to pitch a product to the place intended (agreed in Christ JESUS One). These systems utilize various means, such as gravity (reference rain drops), automatic percolation (in the sense of [heat and/or] capillary action, reference trees), electromagnetic jetting, pressure, static, and so on. Plasma, gyroscopic, centrifugal, and other forces might also be utilized such as toward mass production for Your Masses in need(s). Note that in very low gravity the gyroscope and other things may act differently or even oppositely than [the typical value] on Earth, so new values / new utilization techniques are available for You to perhaps opt.

Movies of deep space flight often depict giant round [hamster] treadmill type devices for humans. So also a key for Christ JESUS is to think big, have a big heart for great Faith (reference great stone Matthew 17.20) and for Christ JESUS also think small and in-between: alway, perfecting all.

How to distinguish properly, to be ascending for Christ JESUS One In New Christianity.

A sober reasonable person in the world can often distinguish a Priest from a late night drunken partier. A person in the world can often distinguish a person from a bee, and from a glob of mud on a shoe. There are things a sober reasonable person in the world can often distinguish and things they cannot. Also there are things they can distinguish with difficulties, such as talents and resources and with precision and such to figure the above "Side View of Orion" star pattern; thanks to NASA and similar [toward Magi: "We saw his star" vessel (Matthew 2.2)] and pertinent Internet publisher entities).

Christ JESUS would have all do far greater: Heavenly.

Christ JESUS would have all be properly One that these "difficulties" be overcome properly to rather be delights for all [all Faithfully ascending for Christ JESUS, or at least for Christians].

Christ JESUS would have You be aware greater than aware and understanding "difficulties" and solutions, such as until forgotten [forgot after knowing example (Luke 10.41, Luke 10.38) only moments later: higher purpose forgotten].

In New Christianity, in Christian Leadership, nothing is forgotten, yet of a duality: A. the Christian ascends at an eternal Christian rate (the minimum is greater than the evolutionary rate), so hardly toward any loss(es), and B. if opted the lower mission needs turn from the higher value, in order to serve (as Christ JESUS did) the lower part in need, to lift the lower part for their sake(s).

Yet Christ JESUS would not only that You overcome things difficult for humans to understand, yet that You rather overcome the brightest minds even as child's play. Truly, truly, even the child growing, ascends at a pace quicker than the evolutionary rate, for instance a child becomes able to operate a tricycle while a swan for instance might hardly tolerate such patience to understand, much less do.

Guide the brightest minds unto loving respect in honoring and abiding in Christianity. Let the Christian Follower (Holy), become the Christian Leader (Holy yet of higher value): the Holy Standard (in the following part) established values over vessels [people (as of Holy Followers)], yet it was the High Priest [Moses (Leader, conqueror, over,...)] that offered from His high value, His subset value the Holy Standard (even placing it over Himself [Leviticus 27.2]: set of precepts). Furthermore as much as God gives to lift and as much as Moses agreed at the moment God and Moses were One (Chosen People, pre-Baptism days of Elias).

A Christian can Follow as a television watcher, or can rather Lead as a Christian Broadcaster and/or other great Christian Leader: many fields of values are available though only for clear Christian Holy Purpose is the proper value, the eternal value. Whether of a vessel or only of the Spirit (with Holiness, and can of proper Faith be applicable to the "vessel"), throughout the true Christian Leader sees their so called insurmountable problems and solves yet properly in Christianity, even if to merely utilize crayons, a tricycle, and/or mere words.

Christ JESUS would have the Christian Leader be wise to consider for their sakes, often: out-of-place is " a glob of mud on a shoe", and out-of-place is a Priest. Mud has values, to cement bricks, fertilizer, geologist findings toward high dollar ore mining operations, and other. A Christian Priest has higher value, it is a value the sinner cannot count, it is so high. The best the sinner can do is full repentance (see Baptism above).

The word in the previous sentence "cannot", is key, hardly because a person is unable, rather because a person can become able.

Old Testament estimation and valuation of women is for women to become able: One Way: in this generation and those to come, in JESUS The Christ One.

Now be Wise In One Christ JESUS to be mindful [of the above "duality", and] of the ascending, to consider that if the female ascends to lead, as to be the High Priest And/Or One Christian Leader value, such as Priest Leader over male and/or husband, except that is only counted as if such from lower level (Matthew 10.24), likewise the drunk is hardly above and leading so is rather self delimited save if only Drunk In The Holy Spirit hardly to be confused with unstraightened spirits. Just as the body of Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago was not the all of Christ JESUS [To Ascend], be wise to consider the female and the drunk need to be of the proper ascending to Lead In Heaven.

So with this wisdom of ascending is a key for the female [and for the drunk, and for the Follower watcher when supposed to be leading] is that if the female (et. al.) properly leads (One), then the husband (for the sake to edify as to this key precept within this text) has more time to help the wife, the husband has more energy, resources, and values to help the female (wife), in higher purpose (evenly Yoked, if the wife follows the husband, rather as the husband and wife culminate simultaneously) for One Christ JESUS.

So this is a great key for Your Flock, and for Your New Properly Growing Standard Of The Christian Church: New Christianity. In worldly terms, shall the Judge find the woman guilty simply for being female?, no; or shall the Judge find the Follower guilty?, truly the drunk can rest in the back pew: so in these worldly things let rather the Way Of The Lord prevail, allow for females, and for the allowing for variations, yet key is to properly Guide Higher In One Christ JESUS [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Grace, and other pertinent lower specifics), and see these future Sermons for the higher], as is written in 2 Corinthians 3.17 & 18 LDS:

Note from "glory to glory", similar to the Christian Leader is the shining star as written in 1 Corinthians 15.41 Aramaic English:

See Drawing above (their distances from Earth, Your change in perspective "Front" to "Side",...), likewise is this: from the glory to higher value glory.

In Christ JESUS is also offered high level keys opening subset levels of pertinence(s), value(s), as with precepts of values properly organized (for how to organize reference Christ JESUS / Will Of Heavenly Father), from proper grafting to properly organizing (person vessel, then resources and systems of pertinence for higher levels) toward unraveling higher level(s) key(s).

From firm foundation (One Proper Christian Baptism) toward New Christianity, with with ascending properly within the vessel is the uplifted Holy Spirit and with greater value flow (the Greater Unseen / Faith / Proper Christian Soul / Spirit In Christ JESUS Of The Holy Heavenly Father).

Now is unraveled a great mystery, for You. Joseph for instance, served as flesh (and greater) parent over Christ JESUS. Not toward judging (see above "duality") Joseph may have theoretically been a person in the flesh that was a sinner, though if Joseph was of the Highest Level then as the Heavenly Father (Highest Level Holy Joseph With Flesh [or even transfiguring,...] With The Highest Holy Comforter), then Christ JESUS would have done each and every thing Joseph Willed (try this if to substitute Your Name [JESUS One] for the name Joseph, to see what Christ JESUS would do). This mystery was already was already unraveled previously, though a great point is many are helped with repetition to know, rather to have something explained in new ways, rather in Doing for Properly Guiding for Christ JESUS, and not toward turning nor in deviations.

So given is the student is not above his Master, yet You One Comforting Heavenly Holy Father is over Christ JESUS: therefore (see above "duality") this is only possible if the higher part is One with the lower part to the proper Christian Baptism Level save the steps the precepts, and leaps, and greater all for One High Purpose yet as (see above "duality") Christ JESUS is the key. So if the new Member of Your Christian Church is to Lead, some steps (in Your Christian Church criteria, in the Holy Christian Bible, in Your Sermons, in Your Flock Works, and such) are seen and fairly clear to be done, leading to some greater unseen until seen.

So generally speaking, when all seen (worldly senses) is not applicable, and yet properly Leading (New Christianity), then when as high level as Christ JESUS, whether You are in the flesh or not, and You may have understood that You have been in the flesh all of Your life as far as You know (Heaven One Earth after proper Christian Baptism and after ascending to the top: JESUS did not say stop if You have a vessel: Holiness is the vessel of the Spirit for the Holy Spirit), then if to order Christ JESUS about, then according to (see above Moses placing His Standard over Himself) Christ JESUS and the Heavenly Father alway agreeing (precept 2 Corinthians 1.19) if to order Christ JESUS to do sin, the Highest Judge Christ JESUS would find such guilty, though if to order Christ JESUS properly then: Yes!

For Christ JESUS this is from value to higher value, hardly to compete, not to win above the Master, rather to make certain All Be Top Yet Properly In Christ JESUS (as much as until Final End Time of this given created). From glory to higher glory as much as appropriate, not leaving undone precept Luke 12.18 concerning not being selfishly puffed up improperly, empty, without higher purpose, a condition upon which perhaps some levels can be built (pending a Firmament) though eventual building of greater at some point would collapse / Physics Of Creator for Your sake (Grace Of God), even to crush and damage or destroy some lower levels. In other words if to build levels and at some point (Christian Baptism Firmament) build improperly when growing in the Holy Word And Will should be done rather than relying on sinfulness to build improperly, then the building structure would collapse. Now a key is that a person that has many worldly riches, if the riches are hardly toward sin, then that person can become Christian and (except for sin) can continue a secular system while being Christian, yet Christ JESUS shows / gives each and all an even more excellent Way [(John 4.34) let each agree into properly improving their own vessel Faith (with above "duality" awareness of Matthew 7.4)].

Christ JESUS would have You conquer wisely this Holy Trend Key, given here now, above in detail. A great key is that money has value, a nickel is only the value of a nickel at the bank even if it is the most rare nickel worth a million dollars. A person's flesh is of a value: it is their Spirit that can ascend. And if a nickel is attached to a legal instrument, then the nickel value at the bank can be of another value, a greater value, such as with the legal instrument for placing the rare nickel in a storage vault with assigning insurance value, and other legal criteria. Likewise Your Body beloved, has value. Christ JESUS is Your Eternal Legal Instrument (Highest Holy Judge).

The Stars Above,

shining as the stars in the above Drawing and greater is the Priest, and the world should each and all be Priest level though for now, as with the star Alnilam, shown above, the star is outstanding (in the symbolic secular sense), farthest in distance from the Earth. It is of a glory, and the other stars are of other glories. If the Side View was rotated counterclockwise 90 degrees, it might symbolize a Flock with the Priest above.

It can be likened to a person on Earth outside a Sermon area (such as outside a Christian Church building), and if the person walks around they can have (puffed up, secular) various viewpoints all around, on site or miles away, though perhaps with no personal inside contact so no greater value of hearing the Sermon, per se. The outsider might fly in a plane above, or dig a hole under, though it does not help, unless properly ascending. If the person tries to come in through the window the person would generally be forbidden, as there is a front door to be utilized, only, generally for visitors, so to speak.

From Earth if to travel into outer space, if to travel straight, there are many directions as options, such as the viewpoints shown above. If to travel to Orion for instance, then as the constellation moves in part and in whole such as twisting, bending, and of expansion (reference inertial moment per star vessel relative to each other for instance as the constellation turns), then the constellation would typically be much different in the future than upon first sighting. Leaves floating on a lazy stream for instance would be of a collective shape though as the stream turns to rapids (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ascending rate) the shape would be more linear, and if in a narrow part as funneled into a pipe allowing only one leaf at a time, then the all leaves would be linear.

Ascending is linear in Christianity, yet the top level is as a cross pipe line as a pool collecting area into victory over Final End Time: Heaven, each at the top so no needs, no need to compete since already with victory in Christ: JESUS: Your only name in the future. Then the New Beginning would be created. The higher point would be created, the leading higher head, and with the heart..., as much as agreed: hence the heart leading, directing the time for the head (with flow) to lead.

The New Creature Christian Spirit is Holy, hardly to do with the Christian save the person's choice to agree in proper full repentance water immersion Christian Baptism (and any higher agreeing after such at least toward the evolutionary rate), yet of the higher Christian Baptism level rate.

The other JESUS Part Than The Head And Heart Is Each And All Likewise One Body Of Member(s).

Christ JESUS would have You be wise to consider that the Top Level is antithetical [(from Christian Baptism Firmament and up) though of precepts and ascending details the specified highest per se]. Thetical is of worldly thesis in prosody proffered dogmatically and arbitrarily prescribed: the secular words and doings. Prosody is toward worldly scientific patterns of rhythm and sound, so even though secular, original records are of value to be maintained of the as previously stated yet also of this key, as Preached on television for instance concerning the original language being of certain rhythm with emphasis on certain points, in some verses very much: Biblical poetry.

Christ JESUS provides a key concerning the Top Level: all levels are to be overcome for Christ JESUS, and each level is to be overcome according to the criteria of each higher level, except for the Top Level until Final End Time per se; that is save the eternal perspective. Everything has already been decided including what each person would be and what humanity Will be, so there's no use trying to stop Christ JESUS with inquisitions, nor wars, nor arguing with God about your destiny (Ecclesiastes 6.10). The former worldly methods have no place at the top (see ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on PCS at

The secular world gains values for others, though also puffs up for the selfishness, which is acceptable except for the Top Level Of One Christ JESUS, the only level able to pass the Final End Time Threshold (ibid.).

Rather than to argue against the stars above, the Top Level is already at peace and loving and creating and growing for the One Higher Purpose Of Maximum Mutual Benefit known as: Christ JESUS. The stars are for good higher purpose, so let them be part of Your growing vessel. Let all properly precept on precept be part of Your Christian Church criteria in accordance with the Top Precept Level Of Holy Spirit Faith. As stated above, Moses put Himself under the New Standard He made / God.

2,000 years ago Christ JESUS let people know [including this generation, and the future according to the understanding(s) of their measures and civilized love] standards can be established yet there is only One Perfect Standard Way Growing: appropriate New Heavenly Precept on Heavenly Precept, appropriate New Heavenly Top Level on what was the previously Heavenly Top Level. Even so proper Christian Baptism saves. Each part and each member of a person's body has a level of value attached though after Final End Time is only Holy Spirit Comfort until the New comes. The former secular has no paths remaining, when the Spirit continues in the greater universal One vessel.

There is One Proper Christian Baptism, One Level (as if to some though to only Pure Christ JESUS throughout): so there are helpful guiding steps, mostly unwritten within this given Created Time: therefore a person of Former Logic And Worldly Laws Only, cannot enter Heaven. Such a person below the Firmament is a naysayer, perhaps of ignorance toward innocence though if adult they are not innocent (yet can be far more toward Holiness than a teen for instance, and greater than a toddler knocking down lamps).

Yes, a newborn can be pure and enter Heaven, yet of a key, with higher contingencies of higher keys, how many sinners did that newborn convert for Christ JESUS, how many tithes did that newborn give to the Christian Church, and how many times did the parents instruct the newborn and the newborn did not as the parents' Will For Christ JESUS?: even so given unto those who endure to the Final End Time (see above text) Victory are the Heavenly higher keys, the steps over which a soul may step or leap..., yet of properly applying precepts including sinlessness and unselfishness, as true lasting victory is in the Top Level with Christ JESUS, as is written in Revelation 6.14:

Heavenly places Will depart as much as the lower parts of ancient cities were overcome by sand and dust and the newer cities were built over them (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on more advanced technologically ancient civilizations throughout the Known Universe; and on non-functional electromagnetic waves, plasma fields, and communications in mid page Drawing at so not departing from Christ JESUS is key.

The Creator can undo powerful civilizations in part or in whole as evidenced. The Creator can undo and/or redo giant images, blackholes, and galaxies; and can start a car or let fail to start, and can start a heart or put a Spirit of motion as a mind with functioning strength and purpose from the seed of properly Faithful Prayer For Their Sakes (Matthew 13.32). So a key is, seek to properly dwell in the Holy Highest Christian Spirit, though if not immediately to Your expectation or better for JESUS Christ, then leave not the tail left undone, for instance was there a tainted moment [as non-Old Testament meat in vessels (Isaiah 65.4)], as a key is rather than eat the meat of swine for instance (Christ JESUS went to the cross per se), prefer the Old Testament foods for vessels (Luke 15.7): in other words, a given vessel (with means of moving as typical) can be given unprepared foods or prepared foods, and if to eat the unprepared then to assume mortal risk or other risk, similarly in other words in an emergency the wrong fuel might be used in a car with victory in Christ JESUS, but then fuel needs replaced or the engine and fuel line or the entire car might have lost value generally.

Your Holy Manna Machine needs comply with Christ JESUS, all of the Christian Bible And Sermons, and with laws including as You pass over legal boundaries such as pertaining to Old Testament foods (Kosher meaning meeting Christian Law / Jewish JESUS Christ, formerly known as Jewish Law with example: Esther 6.13). So for higher purpose You may eat what is set before You (such as the Holy Christian Word Ezekiel 3.1) yet more important than the Word is the Will Of Christ JESUS With Victory (see higher level purpose "emergency" above).

Emergencies are expensive in many ways, therefore plan for pleasant delights in ascending in the Holy Grace Of Christ JESUS, to overcome losing sight of the Trail, even so rather plan for glorifying Christ JESUS for the highest purpose.

Top Level

The Newest Part Of New Christianity.

Christ JESUS empowers Your Leadership, One, each as many as would in full repentance so agree unto: Chosen. The Chosen Leader!

The victor, the Almighty Authority, the Chosen One.

These things, these vessels, these Holy Spiritual energies Will be added unto hardly the bottom level and rather the Top Level as many as truly would. Though it is not toward sinful selfishness, even to help the created body is that the Leader does so for their sakes and rather for One Sake named JESUS, therefore for JESUS The Christ, the One and only Top Level Name For You. JESUS With You from Top Level to New Top Level, even when at the Top beyond this created time frame, beyond the creature comforts, being the Holy Comforter.

Christ JESUS did distinguish Top Level liberty, that is, not only the Highest Level (known / Your Known Universe, as much as You opt to be in the world with flesh, if with flesh then let the vessel be for higher purpose such as to show them the Way) yet also higher than that level, continuously ascending for their eternal joy sake(s): the King of Newly Creating, and yet properly precept on precept.

Christ JESUS only spoke to the secular crowd in parables (Matthew 13.34) so they would not be able to know, for One higher purpose, unless any in the crowd agreed in the Holy Heart Of Love to fully repent and properly ascend, though selfishly ascending in life is hardly the higher key, rather also with the Tree Of Knowledge, and hardly that, so rather the Tree Of Good: as much as Knowledge produces Good (to sinners, it is accounted as "goodly" since it is toward goodness except sinners reject One Christ JESUS; since sinners claim themselves as if the higher value according to Former Logic Only / temporary).

Of Faith of the Disciples of Christ JESUS, higher wisdom worthiness was given to the Disciples from Christ JESUS (Wisdom = Logic x Love)(Wisdom [Host] pours out love for their sakes, and love creates [the created] logic): all for One Higher Purpose.

The Top Level is the Creator, the Creator is One with the Top Love Christ JESUS. The Holy Spiritual Christian Love shows the True Way, and not love of sin nor love of money. When the Top Host opts in Top Agreement (all One, all parties known as Top Level One) then Holy New is created: wisely, for their sakes. Any at a level not agreeing to proper ascending remains no higher than that level, with option to go on same level and/or lower level missions. As in written in 1 Corinthians 14.20 NLT:

If to guide, to know Christ JESUS. If to guide, then to know where You are guiding Your Flock and others. For worthwhile example literally be of the mindset to have Your aloft Ark, that they see; yet be of the higher Spiritual Leadership loving them, hardly because of the created yet rather because the good and mighty peaceful victories You create are the only Way(s) they believe: key: how to Evangelize.

Some would not believe Your great and Holy signs and wonders, because those in Your own household so insist (Matthew 10.36) so a key is to hardly let Your selfishness, if any, get in Your Way if a family member or acquaintance does not believe You: move on (Luke 2.49).

Evangelism is not Your most important duty, for the sakes of other Evangelists, for their credit. Christ JESUS is most important.

Go to strangers, be seen coming from above for their sakes, to be therefore the Heart to empower their Christian Lead.

With the above larger font keys accepted in Heart, now is given increased worthiness to be able to properly interpret Isaiah 9.14 NET:

Love, Christ JESUS, is the Head, the balance is the tail (the full measure) likewise as from the Creation Plan (counted as if the full measure already, immediately, virtually simultaneously even though You in Your current vessel wisely understand the vessel is of temporary time rates associated with Higher Spirit Faith In Soul moments and optings, metabolism, decision making, times of rotations and revolution rates; and all these associated with intertwined love threads and greater flows and rather One Key Flow. So of a key, if Your Self Person Vessel is within the proper True Love Flow, then properly ascending.

If the sinners do not agree, such as if to visit some galaxy planet only to see them firing rockets at You to destroy You, then You are free to move Your aloft Ark away to where peace lovers might accept Your Manna From Heaven, or rather as shown above, give them printers with supplies to print food and tools; though if they do not know how to lovingly properly utilize printer machines then perhaps rain food on the ground, Beloved. If they are not ascended in love and also knowledge, then they either cut off their own "head and tail" as sinners, or are as the Chosen People with the Holy Promise Of Love From Above though not yet ascended to the level of the technological advantage per se so at least counted as if to opt to cut off their own "head and tail". So a key is, if not to opt to ascend in the Good offered by the Tree Of Knowledge, offered freely from the Loving Creator, then sin and/or counted as if such.

Note that in the following "cut off" from Christ JESUS One, is similar to "destroy" of the Biblical Destroyer [(Jeremiah 48.32) then hardly to receive the Eucharist the Blood Of Christ JESUS] then hardly to be saved, save if opted from above, and such is the Peace Path Of Forgiveness / precepts / their repentance(s) (Matthew 18.22)(sinners too are children of the Creator Genesis 4.19). Yet as written Isaiah 9.14 Douay-Rheims Bible:

So forgive them, even so if You are not being attacked, then goodly. Rather plan to not be attacked: properly ascend. The sinners attack but not for long compared to eternity One Christ JESUS. If being attacked, You might opt to leave.

Leave the dead to bury the dead (Luke 9.60), as You do as Christ JESUS leading as One in the living Spirit (Ezekiel 10.17 YLT). As written in Luke 9.60 Holman Christian Standard:

Whether a Tribal Leader such as circa Moses, or a worldwide group of Christian Church buildings and Christian activities, it is important to be toward minimizing the parts toward asleep, "dead", or even any toward "bury their own dead"; to rather be the ascending alive part, as with moving with minimal clothes (examples: Jehovah Witness, & LDS), and of larger groups a Tent(s) Of Meetings (toward colonizing), and of larger outreach into the unseen within aloft Christian Arks. Christ JESUS was twelve years old He started into the Top Level at the Temple Courts with the expert Teachers and a crowd gathered around, with listening to them and asking them questions [interpreted as toward for their sakes (Daniel 2.30)]. And all who heard Jesus were astonished at his understanding and his answers (Luke 2.46 & 47).

Under the Authority Of His Parents [as the silent majority agreed so to speak for the higher following purposes], Christ JESUS obeyed, to later Preach of to meet the laws and criteria of given worldly Authorities and Powers, yet hardly toward the limits, rather toward the empowering unto worthiness unto the greater; from minimal clothes of the Sermon On The Mound with thousands of people to the greater vessel: "Jesus asked His disciples to have a boat ready for Him so that the crowd would not crush Him" (Mark 3.9) for safety, true, even so also rather for the higher Holy Purpose: build Your aloft Ark.

Hardly ban minimal clothes, hardly ban tents, hardly ban the historic isolated Christian Church Chapel building in a sleepy mountain village: they each have their virtuous values for One (1 Corinthians 12.6 & 7). Yet go from self clothes to tent(s) to Chapel to growing Christian Church structures on the grounds (of Earth, of protoplanets, of planets,...) to aloft Christian Arks to aloft deep outer space Christian Colonizing Arks: this is one of the manifestations of the ascending for One Christ JESUS, wisely understanding the "minimal clothes" may be necessary when starting and/or at times, though prefer the higher, more akin to the Almighty [reference "take the high ground" in military sense], though rather either kill Your body [free option but don't do it] or see to it that Your body is increasingly for pureness and lift Your aloft Ark for their sakes toward coming and going to properly lead in preparing (1 Timothy 4.4-15) giving of Yourself, giving of Your Talents (You enjoyed playing with toys, right?, even so now safely, seriously, for the Will Of God) to come again with Christ JESUS (Hebrews 13.2).

There are adult "toys" toward sinful selfishness, yet for Your sake give the uplifting delightful things for their sakes for the Kingdom Of Heaven, at least helping to keep the Kingdom Of Heaven in mind. There are sinful idols, and there are Blessed clothes, and rather Christian Churches, and rather greater things and energies in the Holy Physics Spirit.

For instance the Christian Baptists might send a Christian Leader on a mission to establish a Christian Church in a distant place, or rather Christian Leaders such as in the US Navy may be on foot with a troop, or rather on a moving ship or aircraft: while both are great, be entered into any good of any energies and things reaping what others prepared [for You for others (Luke 19.21) for their sakes] as much as appropriate (see "Authorities" above).

In lay terms, ascending is hardly about getting to the top, and rather is of giving, resulting in being at the top: therefore know the Path to properly Plan (Word) and Do (Will Of Christ JESUS) for their sakes. Therefore harvest, yes, yet while giving hardly let lower level Members see all charity You do (Matthew 6.3) lest they perhaps fight against You saying "You gave to them but not to us", so for their sakes also consider options of the Will Of God and the Holy Path, such as conditions prepare to give signs and wonders toward all believing (see "credit" above).

Giving Manna From Heaven:

Mustering New Christianity guidance specifications over types of life vessels:

The Chosen People Of Moses (Of The Creator God) needed food (nutrient giving vessels), and God (Christ JESUS) ate food yet had higher food from Heaven giving nutrients in a higher love form: the Holy Word (Yes, when in Top Level, when in agreeing) Of God The Father.

Consider how a city dweller alone in a forest, desert, or other place strange to them; or consider how a person in a forest,...finds a city strange to them. Sometimes the person can soon be famished [as found in countries of idolators (Isaiah 8.21)], unless a person aware of survival [and perhaps greater] in such as situation guides them. The city dweller may find no hotels on Mars. The desert dweller may find no roots nor berries in Your aloft Ark Manna Making Machine until You show them how to properly maintain it (safety, care, requirements), select a setting [what they want to eat (to freely opt)] and turn it on.

The Chosen People were to out of the civilization of Egypt to go on a long journey through the wilderness, so they chose many foods that would not quickly spoil [generally known as bland things, or things to be reconstituted with water which in some situations is problematic (Moon Tang / General Foods,, no legal affiliations per se)].

This is a key concerning properly ascending in levels for Christ JESUS One. Just as a sinner can feel out-of-place in a Christian Church, so too any Member Of The Flock [(save the free option at the Top Level), hence such as to Create New] can feel out-of-place if prompted to ascend, example "I am saved already, it is already greatest", or example "I am already Priest, I am already at the top" so to speak.

So that the sinner [consider to] might repent, time is given. Likewise to the Christian the free option to ascend is given / time [now during this world]. Your Christian Church has Church Officer Positions as much as of Your Church criteria, and yet the number of levels with Covenants benefits with gifts available are innumerable [( in this world, since this world is of lower than All Top Level].

Heavenly places have Heavenly realms and places, such as a glory of a star and another glory of another star yet they are each / both subsets within the higher level of the glory of the stars in Heavenly places. To give Manna at a star situation is hardly of likeness (identical twin) unto another star situation, except if to ascend into the higher appropriate precept level of comprehending.

Traveling into the desert the Chosen People worked hard to opt to haul "bland" foods about which they complained. When (with time) they could have done better; this key is stated not toward reducing Their value nor the great and awesome miracle Faith to do what They achieved, rather for You, for Your Flock, for the greater unseen, as written in Ether 3.5:

Immediately before His eyes (in front of the eyes of the requesting party) it was done, His burden was made lighter, symbolically, Faithfully, literally, as Promised, within the most appropriate time frame, both in this world and in Heaven, for His kin and others as much as worthy, enlightening for future generations forever, and for greater higher levels unseen in this world until this given situation and moment (even lights to see God).

This is Your Power.

For their sakes...Christ JESUS came into the world. Let You come into the world with Him.

If the Chosen People has so worked to so ask God properly at the beginning (rather thank and give), then Christ JESUS God Creator One would have opted with considering their worthiness level (in their precept on precept) to help the Chosen People (not only Moses, not only Priests rather as many as would so ascend) in the flesh in the world yet in the higher levels within the Holy Spirit: to appropriately help from the start.

If found to be able to care and protect and maintain and utilize advanced instrumentation and equipment, then rather than Manna from Heaven dropped on the land, Christ JESUS might have given them printers and greater able to properly mix Tang / cartridges, with technologies to acquire what they did not sow by hand nor reap by hand such as technology that gathered water from the air and/or rocks (as by heating rocks in containers, with collecting that moisture). Christ JESUS could have also opted perhaps to email their printer to mix their generally available salt (process associated with ibid.) and such so as to produce foods of excellently tasting recipes. God knew what plants and minerals they would encounter, and God can delight so much as though to seem to cause death (Matthew 28.4, rather Mark 4.31): a great mustering key!

Hardly to leave the other undone, the remote printer(s) can also print the Holy Word Of Christ JESUS, also the Word can be of ear technologies, even Spiritual, yet there are spiritual levels (Matthew 13.27 & 28) so of a key overcome the internal Flock sin towardness, meaning Flock ascending to overcome lackadaisical lethargy, apathetic sluggish spiritless broodings, overcome anger and hatred, overcome fear of new situations and others yet fear God if to implore, let the Flock pray in thanks giving, while giving introducing(s) of Church criteria to technologies, that it be One technology vessel for higher purpose hardly over the image of God (not over the Christian Church) and rather for the Holy Way Of Christ JESUS.

Seek to give the first class tickets and the joys of the Kingdom Of God. Christ JESUS would add the greater unto Your Flock One. Give Your aloft Arks and jets to Your Christian Church Officials, yet with appropriate guidance, perhaps case by case, perhaps ranging from "Here are the keys, see You later", to "Before You fly away You must go through rigorous safety and operational training and pass many tough exams at Your own expense...and then 1 out of 10,000 Will be selected as the best of the best, to pilot this vessel". For instance You may already have one or more expert pilots in Your Flock, or perchance (Ecclesiastes 9.11)(per higher level option unseen per se) You might have an emergency and so hand the keys or similar to a novice teen, perhaps with good results, perhaps the courts would have mercy.

So this entertains another key, while the very young can have love, they might typically lack appropriate knowledge or at least means of conveying such knowledge. This is similar to how Preachers, Teachers, and Evangelists often have previous to New Christianity sought to speak their language, to sinners that is, and to the unawares [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on "speak their language", case law, and stop gap) though of value], yet with New Christianity is rather the ascending (ibid., see Mark 4.31 above): so this key is of the Tree Of Knowledge, and as of New Christianity, Good is symbolized as up, and evil is symbolized as down (noting "evil" is lack of doing good, hence to agree from Final End Time to cause from above to create better in a New Creation (Isaiah 65.17) as much as the option as if to agree).

Christ JESUS Preached daily in the Temple on the greater unseen, so this key is that the Tree Of Knowledge (50% / 50%: Good and evil) is virtually all Good in Your Flock (100% / Good Creator) as much as Your Flock ascends properly converting sinners into Christians [with (Matthew 17.12)].

Hardly give all Manna from Heaven, save Final End Time, when appropriate:

precept on precept.

Yes give love, let Your blessings flow, though wisely, add a little salt, give charitably [with and] without cause nor justification, but consider that if to give the Chosen People snow blowers at the start of their journey to the Promised Land it would have largely been inappropriate since it did not snow on that journey save to snow Manna From Heaven. For them to lug around heavy metal gold and extra rocks (gems) was inappropriate too, save it brought delight at the start and at other times. The Manna did not fall from the sky as a giant stone as the stone that smashed the Daniel giant image (or rather for Good actual item until obsolete unto Christians), rather here a little, there a little (Isaiah 28.10 for instance Matthew 6.3 & 4): this is the maximum flood rate of Holy Gift giving per se. Hardly flood the Christian aloft Ark with gold lest perhaps it hardly rise above the ground to go do Good.

Open the Windows Of Heaven(s) to give full measure as much as appropriate of the Covenant (level). Tear down Your barns to build bigger barns: if to do greater Good. To only stock barns and hardly for good, then hardly appropriate. Egypt in ancient days had a vast stockpile of food but the slaves suffered, slavery continued in order to increase the stockpile. Yes prepare for the Sabbath Day, yet hardly toward overstocking, such as for power sinfully. Egypt helped through some Prophetic times under [Chosen (Christian)] Prophet Joseph, giving from the Holy Word the doing of goodly works accordingly though hardly giving True God proper credit [(Genesis 41.30) sinners do many goodly things]. So a key is to give all (as a free choice as a person may so opt) though not to kill the person and rather to help the vessel ascend properly for Christ JESUS. And another key is if businesses and/or nations and/or groups do not properly give glory / credit to True God Christ JESUS (the same Christ JESUS of history of fact of law) then [Truly Prophetically] to truly be as Egypt when it gave not proper credit and so invited increasing trials and tests and inquistion conditions and slavery and abominations and plagues against itself, as this key is told as to help businesses and nations and groups. This that Egypt endured and survived, yet hardly for the problems and rather for the good for Egypt and for all.

Let Your Flock ascend, that it best lead as Christ JESUS explained and did. Let Your gold giving hardly sink their boat(s). Give freely yet as much as appropriate, let Your Manna be bread and not a stone (Matthew 7.9), save New Christianity is the great stone able to give and able to be counted as if take (Matthew 16.18).

Christ JESUS said and did things:

A. plant seeds,

B. rather harvest,

C. rather Feed My Sheep. "A" is the Word Of God, "C" is the Word Of God: What is "B"?: harvest the Word Of God: Ascend: The Holy Way, The Holy Path, Your New Holy Intergalactic Flight Route, The Voyage From personal clothes to public Christian Temple, to Authorized Aloft Christian Ark and yet while "Authorized" even so hardly toward secular while Your Aloft Christian Ark is under Your Control Authority (lest to give to the vessel thief(s) as You might report, or lest if to opt to yield as of eminent domain as conditions apply such as Matthew 17.27).

The Word is the Plan, already prepared for You via Christ JESUS.

So if to feed the Word to Your Flock and to others, then two items apply:

1. give them the Word Of Christ JESUS, and

2. give them the means to have Faith, so if they have bodies (vessels) then give them support for those vessels (Will).

Give them supplies in the physical world, some according to privately, some according to openly. Give them the Word though hardly the Word alone in this world as if as unpracticed children fooling around with cymbals loudly clashing (1 Corinthians 15.14), rather of empowering worthily; and to others give wisely, prudently showing signs and wonders that they see and believe Your Christian Flock and that they repent and are fully converted properly toward higher gifts.

Therefore give seed, the Word, then with such or within reason afterward give the Will as much as they agree in their hearts in the Word already given them. So give the Word seed, then opt to lift them according to their Holy Word as much as proper in Your wealth (such as Ark capacity consideration) and as much as they properly agree unto a level, and then opt to give the higher Will harvest for them to feed other Sheep.

The showing of signs and wonders is as the fat and gristle and bone and such things, while the Word is toward the planning Holy Spirit, and in between is either as the End and New Beginning or as toward the New Beginning and the toward End; the former is toward the end of the Word per se, per item, per mission,..., as the Holy Will starts (with the Holy Word); and the latter is not only the Word yet the Word with the New Beginning Will, and with the "End" in mind such as end of certain task(s), end of mission, end of operation, end of Earth's gravitational field as another gravitational field is encountered,...until Final End Time which is akin to Top Level. So the point of this previous sentence is the key that perspective options are available, pertinence to You may not be pertinence to another; so key is that in all things properly distinguish the Holy Word And Will including properly planning and preparing Your precepts in Christ JESUS that the Way be clear in You [of wise value (after that, save the unclear of greater value Matthew 10.19)].

Ascend in Christ JESUS:

1. plant a seed in the ground,

2. cultivate,

3. reap; or likewise

1. plant a seed in the ground,

2. deliver fruits, oils, tools, hardward, and supplies,

3. give emergency guidance and maintenance help; or likewise

1. plant a seed in micro-rockets for deep space destinations,

2. have robotics establish computer systems,

3. tele-transport new technology guidance signals.

Above is an ascending precept (collective series, nine points [and/or {sub}precepts] total), with three subsets (each a precept), and each subset with three subset precepts.

If there is a problem along the Way, check (slightly momentarily as though counted toward lower mission somewhat) to see if at that point (level) or at the lower previous level(s) there was any lack of doing with credit for Christ JESUS One. Also allow for higher freedom to opt, such as in timing. For instance You mix the proper ingredients of Your Manna Making Machine cartridges, but now the result is no food [yet (until it is finished baking)]: "Where is God now?, yet soon comes delicious cake to eat, and in the meanwhile You get to fast, a key.

You might want to skip a subset level (for instance see the above nine examples) to rather properly leap over a level, or fly up past many levels; so, with Your Christian Church criteria, consider reasonably, wisely in Christ JESUS One, pertinent possibilities, first is such plan clearly for Christ JESUS (a range of parameters apply: Christ JESUS did some things openly and some things in secret) so consider how others would interpret [weightier matters (sane others, save as much as pertinent to others of special concerns Ecclesiastes 10.1)](also including lower level pertinence though hardly to be left undone).

So a great Creation / Creating key is that while love and charity covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4.8), so too it is the steadfast reliability of Your True Prophetic Flock One In The Straight And Narrow Properly For Christ JESUS maintaining and guiding The Faith Of Christ JESUS For The Heavenly Father constantly ascending [things added to, so] for their sakes binding in Heaven, such as

creating levels of Heaven

as this generation in Your Flock now might see and do. Lest if not to alway pay attention and obey God can be similar to texting while driving. So have expectations in Christ JESUS as Christ JESUS Preached And Accomplished. Though concerning those under Your authority be mindful of mercy as vessels might have unseen (from above) conditions, and sinners have flaws in character(s), hence of their matters may be found widespread problems (worldly adage: "people make mistakes, [automation and/or] computers make them faster" including 3D Manna Machine Printers inter-galactically broadcasting in civilizations: responsibility key).

Rather observe toward worthiness all precepts of Christ JESUS Beloved One that love do the binding charitably, wisely, and full of appropriate guidance giving for Your Flock, and let Your Church criteria stated or unstated, yet clearly consider the measure of worthiness overall or at least per difficulty of mission or task since a little lack of ascending can outweigh wisdom and honor. For example if remotely operating a food 3D printer Manna Machine and if to be selfishly distracted toward sinfulness and not think to issue a certain proper control guide, then the Manna Machine might produce undo all the effort and perhaps generations of work on the project generally at least to the extent per se though could have in depth consequences concerning: One Faith, trusts, insults, and other.

Yet such creating of levels in the Heavens, is rather for the One Level, the One Highest Purpose: Christ: JESUS!

So a key to the Daniel giant image, is the creating of the New Beginning, the New Universe, via the Holy Spirit In One such as (free options per se apply) via the perfect Manna Machine. Yet rather than to make a New Universe via a giant machine, as Your One Word grows, so too, add a little salt, a little wine, a little this and that as much as Good (as the Creator did) and yet rather Do grow from seed the greater New Universe Of Greater Value as Christ JESUS Will In You, as much as of talent to Do Good Thing(s).

Start with a Mustard Seed Of Christian Faith, though if You have greater resources and means Fly With Your aloft Ark of the Covenant and as Noah and Nimrod. Transfigure as Christ JESUS on the mountain, and as Your wireless communications can overcome Your aloft Ark (even so, of great value for them so as much as reasonable in Your Christian Faith make it so, done properly it is a worthy step of Conquering For Christ JESUS). A shortcut for Christ JESUS is great, though a shortcut for sinful reasons is not (see above "inter-galactically" and "consequences").

Your New Improved Manna Machine can be made to better feed the hungry (reference Project Hope), as with how to properly fill cartridges with available resources toward slashing the costs the famished have, yet of Christian Preaching [(2 Corinthians 6.5) so with steadfast Prayer and Doing (example: to be in them)] lest they return to hunger to no avail.

This is for instance so people don't have to eat Manna from off the ground. Even so, if to lift people without them going through each step (see above examples in sets of three: 9/9), then perhaps to errantly assume they are already aware of each level though they may not be worthy of a level, such as for instance how to properly "cultivate" so on a long journey for instance they might suffer and perish per se so as to waste some of Your efforts.

Christ JESUS gave the Chosen People the Manna, though not the Manna Machine. Likewise Christ JESUS gives unto You the Manna Machine, though of higher Covenant level comes the seed not only of Word yet also with Deed: such as to properly colonize the Known Universe. So per pure (Body, Spirit, One Christ JESUS Father Creator) if to properly be of this higher Covenant level.

There is a level to learn to communicate (such as associated with secular as of Akkadians, Sumerians, or another ancient civilizations, to perform cuneiform), there is a higher level to write the Word Of God (as Apostles did), there is a higher level of mass printing Christian Precept Sermons for the people / copy machine (xerography), there is a higher level 3D Printing Old Testament Christian Bible Foods (see Drawing above), yet

a new higher level comes to the forefront with Your Manna Machine as though to print real 3D seeds properly (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on clones, chimera, filters, modifications, and on natural selection).

Ideally "natural selection" would be seeds appropriate to the end [user] need, as if to be able to provide yet in agreeing with a given naturally colony out there in deep outer space that might not be Christian, so without their proper level of Covenanting with You in certain levels higher than their level (2 Corinthians 6.14), though such as of some food and tools they might be of a proper Covenant level though even so rather seek to teleport [and/or communicate] from One Of Your Flock Members to another One Of Your Flock Members at their location. Lest for instance the lower level recipient be enveloped in a plague, or facing growing fierce beasts, or other problems beyond reasonable expectations on Earth though other conditions apply elsewhere and so Your Member would more likely be able to note any variance.

So if to send micro-rockets into outer space, then consider the relative intelligence variance at high speed, and consider Your Christian Church specifications over that specific [and/or those] seed such as to see if after delivery each step (see other general examples above) and point matches a control seed(s) not sent (/ Your Member at that location).

As given, some seeds suitable for immediate deep outer space flight have a long dormant stage (John 12.24, & various sources). Though others such as human female have ongoing life (or of human male germinating nearly instantaneously) in the traditional "natural selection" sense. So if for instance to try to send a human egg it would be of a more complex level than a wheat seed (reference Bible precepts; also evolution & rates) so more could go wrong rather higher level responsibility is needful lest for instance the result might be toward Neanderthal perhaps.

Likewise Your Christian Church criteria of great importance for properly transplanting of body parts (see "shape shifter" below).

To communicate the DNA sequence is hardly sufficient to increase Your Flock Membership.

Top Level Stars Above:

The stars in the above Drawing hardly is the meaning of "Top Level Stars Above". The "Level" refers to proper ascending (through levels, especially through realms of Heavenly Places, Heavenly Levels, with Creating Heavenly Levels). Stars refers to You With Your Christian Flock With One Fold And One Shepherd. Even so in the above Drawing is Sirius [star (pointing toward God according to ancient Egyptians [One may want to verify] see ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermon Drawing at ) noting God is free to be everywhere and more in a place than another as described in Chosen Anointed One Christ JESUS (from Egypt,...)].

Many people search for proof-of-the-existence-of-God (the Christian Holy Catholic Church is an excellent source with a fine collection of such proofs, and more proofs exist). Now is given that Your Flock search for the Top Level Of Faith (proof to each Member who so does, rather All As One via Your Sermon).

It is written, they Will not believe lest they see signs and wonders, and since Heavenly benefits with gifts are given with ascending as the result of Faith [(Hebrews 11.1 HCS) "benefits" = greater Faith x things added, "gifts" = proof x substance of hoped things now seen (KJ)]; therefore with greater Faith a benefit and/or gift depending on the ascending Member's point of view is a higher level (akin to higher rank, such as if associated with a Christian Church position / Office).

So to help with Your Sermon Preaching, here is a list of rhetorical questions You may opt to Preach:

Do You want to Do The Will Of God?,

If Yes, then do Will You ascend in Covenant Levels, into higher and higher agreements with God?,

If Yes, then with such Doing, Will You keep Faithful Your recordkeeping and maintain the eternal Doing And Records?,

If Yes, then Will You Do this for Christians, and of worthiness levels in all precept on precept properly?,

If Yes, then Will You Do as Christ JESUS said He would do?

Christ JESUS explained He would come again, and He did at times as found at the ends of each of the four Gospels of the New Testament, and as spoken throughout the Christian Bible in great concerning the Second Coming as Christ JESUS, in all His Glory You [as perhaps if You are Preaching to Your Flock] with His golden cube He Will come from the Heavens in Spirit, in flesh, in substance, evidence, and in proof, from the Heavens [literally (see above Drawing Mark 13.23 with Proverbs 14.10)] descending into the atmosphere.

In other words, You agreed to Do this, including to come in the air with Christ JESUS.

So go build Your aloft Christian Purpose Ark, Christ JESUS already gave You the Holy Spirit to so Do in Your Christian Flock. Let the Flocks be of One Fold In Christ JESUS.

Do this to have mercy on Your neighbors and those elsewhere, as the Second Coming with the giant cube Will be with Heavenly glowing majesty increasingly as it comes to Earth for all to witness beyond doubt (a part of Top Level Evangelism). There Will be great wind [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the Christ JESUS golden cube) as big as Asia hence driving much wind] so protect Your neighbors and those elsewhere with Your aloft Ark wind management system, and help with light, and manage earthquakes, and more. As written in Isaiah 59.19 & 20 NAS:

Christ JESUS offers many solutions according to properly ascending. Also the Christian Living Bible (see Your Records above) offers many solutions of Christ JESUS as much as Christ JESUS is properly (see "precept on precept" above) cited, that are valuable not only to give in the form of Your True Prophesying, yet also greater in so citing with Doing: for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

After You Do All You can of All Your Talents As One Holy Effort With Your Christians (and any help, especially from Above), then You should Do as written and come with Triumphant Christ: JESUS! From the Heavenly distances as defined in this generation typically as in miles, light-years, and KPC (kiloparsec, 1=1000 parsecs or 3262 light-years astronomy); in other words Heavenly levels (in a pertinent perspective): so per a talent perspective the levels of Heavens known (Known Universe) include for instance (such as arranged here) set level 1. KPC, subset level 2. light-years, and subsubset level 3. miles.

To define Heaven And Christ JESUS Creator One, is to define Your eternal self, Your Universe, to help convert others, and to better guide self and/or fellow Fold vessel(s).

To define Heaven And Christ JESUS Creator One is to better define Your purpose (joy or duty and tasks, depending on perspective) both now and eternally. Now within this generation are things to be conquered now such as starting in the Holy Spirit, and if help comes (see above "any help") such as from hands (Yours and hopefully others) then toward True "Triumphant": starting now in this generation, for the future even if completed of other vessels of the future. This Will Be.

At the Holy Time, the Moment, of the Choosing Of Christ JESUS Will be this as it is written in Isaiah 2.2 LDS:

As at the tomb of Christ JESUS, a naysayer may become as guard: as a statue in the shape of a person though as if inert so hardly able to come even as such clearly knows to come.

Build and grow Your Aloft Ark For Christ JESUS, also as it is written in ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS is the free option to help others (such as "statue", not idol) enter first (not kidnapping, see "clearly knows to come" for emergency rescue) that You and they may ascend together for the greater eternal glory of Christ JESUS.

Yes check the so called God star [and/or Christ JESUS cube], check priorities concerning whether to wait on a "statue": yet in all cases do Your best for Christ JESUS Beloved.

Since Elias, a great part of the glory of God is(are) these current Christian(s). You shall know them by their fruit. The greater fruit is the Doing / given talent(s). Doing now is an indication of future Manna similar to walking toward the Red Sea (as later known) and the sea breaking open (Genesis 1.1 with Exodus 14.22). The Chosen People constructed the Ark Of The Covenant according to the Word And Will Of God (Deuteronomy 10.3), and constructing and growing Your Aloft Ark For Christ JESUS One is as to part the above Firmament [(Genesis 1.9 with Your Living Word And Will One) if the Bible tells You so, generally speaking]. It is not all about only Preaching and doing not other, and it is not only about the laying on of hands to heal and God doing miracles for you at the Command Of Your Holiness, yourself, Beloved One. People in the Bible did things, they wove nets and clothes, they made sandals, they climbed mountains and cultivated trees, and made Holy Arks for higher purposes.

Above are some pertinent verses from Isaiah (note that in this Series Of ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS that with verse references sometimes there are no translation sources cited or there are, and it is often in general with the importance typically on the verse; though when the translation source is cited it is sometimes because a translation is found more trustworthy precept on precept in Christ JESUS; in the above Isaiah cases the translation sources are cited though only in the general info sense).

As people have climbed mountains and done other works toward the limits of what a body can do [often sexual (often carelessly not giving Christ JESUS credit, so problematic self glory as evidenced toward confusion, Tower of Babel Genesis 11.9)], people have often died. When You Do greater than mountains, and fly Your Aloft Ark over mountains for Christ JESUS With Signage the onlookers wonder at such a feat and with Your Christian Chapel on top (inviting a small crowd [such as Chapel Crew] lest it be top heavy Matthew 13.2): onlooking sinners have their lower level entertainment reward. Yet the Physics Of God are also greater than entertainment. Onlookers would look at the design, colors, shape, and how these things bring things to their memories: some memories toward secular, yet some of mutual greater importance, for example there is secular theoretical physics historically toward the chalkboard-to-be-erased (secular out-of-sight-out-of-mind); yet there is the secular students doing toward playing within the field of applied physics and sciences (toward I-want-to-play-with-that, rather [team]-wants-to-play-with-that[-and-those]). People want to meet God.

People want to have power to play the ways God seems to do (because they do not understand / sins). You Beloved One Do wisely caringly for higher purpose understand at least as much as awesomely evidenced in Your wisely promoting of Christianity. Onlookers would want to be as You. If any continue against One Christ JESUS In You In Your Aloft Ark may feel jealous and so want to be insulted and blame You and yet (because it is Your-Christ-JESUS-Ark) they would want to build a bigger [as if better (better looking to them, such as in sinful ways)] aloft vessels of their own with their own name on it (abomination giant of Daniel, lest for Christ JESUS).

Yet it is not only the work of the hands that matters to both the sinners, and to the onlookers that want to be a part of Your aloft Ark Christian affairs: both continue to have the memory in their heart and soul and mind and strength of the greater unseen higher that You represent as much as You have Faith to so do (2 Corinthians 4.15, onlookers witness Your Holy Sermon come to life) for them, in them.

As onlookers watch from afar, it is hardly the hands nor the materials that guides them (typically, they already have hands, materials, and talents), rather they see You doing the nearly unbelievable unto them: In The Name Of Jesus The Christ: The Chosen One (above, as if out of reach, yet generally speaking within their means; nonChristians to their own shame Deuteronomy 32.5). Let the Good Higher Vessel Be Their Example Motivator In Them: yet for Good, for Christ JESUS, as it is written in John 6.63 AKJ:

Be their flame of enlightenment, their new hope, their guiding light, their diamond in the rough sky of anti-gravity in which all their lives flying was hard to achieve, and now here You make it look so simple, as if God at play; yet hardly toward harm, hardly toward a firey rocket blast of flames, and rather cuddly save to awesome to approach, unless You land for Mass.

And then with Mass in Your Chapel, if allowed / legal, and if safe You might rise a little and return (Your [volunteer, possibly] ground crew helps keep the landing zone clear), with a suitable Sermon such as of The Second Coming Of Christ JESUS. Though hardly fret if they look around as if distracted [(perhaps with some commotional talk) allow pity and mercy (within limits)], as they might be listening to a Sermon as never before.

Christ JESUS fulfilled the law. Yet also Your Aloft Ark hardly be cast about by lower levels of natural winds, nor cast to the ground. When operating Your Aloft Ark avoid tall structures though avoid not the law. Electrically ground properly lest power improperly surge near people (static charges build for a multitude of reasons, internally see "wrought" below, and counted as though independently externally so concerning static consider Your design and perhaps Trammell Net [perhaps with dryer] anti-static devices, or rather to utilize / static collectors such as with automatic capacitance resupply).

As Christ JESUS is in Your Soul, so too God gave that the people make [with hands] places of Heavenly Sanctuary, that if people be there they live (Exodus 25.8 with Deuteronomy 4.42). It is akin to the Confessional, and rather the Eucharist [even so as much as appropriate of higher Covenanting (example: a person on an island)]. Yes the Eucharist level, and yet rather the Higher Level You Build With Your Hands [(and/or Flock hands and/or other hands) noting toward Heavenly yields more Heavenly results].

So You are to provide aloft way stations for your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to ascend, yield for them aloft supply stations [free and/or with price(s) (consult Your Christian Aloft Ark criteria and Standard Of The Christian Church/Chapel)], and give them aloft goodly surprises (yield Psalm 126.6 for and in them).

Let Your aloft armada lead yet with way stations and sign posts that none be inappropriately lost nor left behind.

So come a key in Christ JESUS, that none be "left behind", hardly let your-own-vessel as though left behind: many have risked their lives to go back to save others. Therefore Do as appropriate to the Holy Will Of The Holy Spirit Of God The Father For Christ JESUS. Let Your Holy Intentions be as clearly known as possible [or appropriate if conditions apply (though not as if to shortcut contrary to higher Faith: not toward sin; Psalm 110.4)]. Be wise to be mindful the vessel is not greater than the Higher Eternally Faithful Greater Spirit as often found within the vessel.

Top Level Holy Spirit

Christ JESUS came in the likeness, form, substance, image, strength, vessel, and greater, of mankind, human, as a person amidst people; going to be properly Baptized, going into the desert, going into the Temple Meeting Place, sailing to the other side, and so forth; with energy, and with exhaustion. Yet in all this Christ JESUS existed for the Highest Heavenly Purpose, hence for their sakes, for the sakes of saving any unsaved, and also not leaving the higher left undone, serving to guide and help the Holy Comforter(s) in highest of Heavenly Places: the Holy Father.

The Highest Level is One: The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

With the Highest Level is the Holy Spirit as if there be any gap in-between each of these Holy Three (Holy Trinity), yet truly there are sources, as each person to so ascend in the eternal, caught up in the Spirit, up into the air (1 Thessalonians 4.17), higher, beyond the mountain top, even beyond the current limit of the Known Universe, people, individuals, became Holy; each as like unto an aloft Ark safely and properly as bricks in a wall fitting properly together for One higher purpose, transparent as true pure Heavenly street glass (Revelation 21.21) the New Earth and the New Footstool of Christ JESUS.

Let Your aloft Ark with Chapel atop shine as the Sun (Matthew 13.43) and be transparent as much as appropriate, and translucent and harmless as a dove and as a soft white lightbulb, that all who see would glorify Christ JESUS.

Perhaps some would opt to blurt out "My God", and/or "Holy JESUS", or cuss words, and this is a key, hardly the "cuss", and rather this is a key to the Kingdom Of Heaven. At the deathbed of sinners they hardly recant, they blurt out, it is as much as they have allowed themselves each to muster. Some go to Christ JESUS, others not.

The Top Level is wise that all Will have opportunity to ascend. The greater unseen is a greater unspoken: yet it exists (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on End Time and Final End Time One). All truly would ascend Highest, though many not as they selfishly had falsely imagined.

The Holy Spirit is inside each of the Top Level, the Holy Spirit is also as Physical Laws With Energies, at the top level like unto cement, and the Holy Spirit as physics is throughout all levels such as so You In Christ JESUS might be at liberty to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and lions dens, and similar, yet unscathed as Christ JESUS explained according to Your Faith (Matthew 4.7), and if the sinners through You into harm to test You, the physics to them are their sins would be revealed and worse done unto themselves, and they would not be of power to be able to properly account, save Christ JESUS such as, as much as You live, One.

As the spirit of dust turns, so too the sinners wallow without. Yet there is Hope in Christ JESUS, even the zero circle has an upside (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on creating good from void and nothing). Let others be the Top Level rather than buried as dead seeds, yet be caring how You hear and do: guide and raise / precept on precept.

Top Level You gives light of the Word, aloft land for their sakes, the new vessels for Your Future Heir(s) (3 Nephi 15.12-14).

Christ JESUS would have Your Flock know what precept on precept means, and the answer currently comes in two parts with the second part growing more beautifully elaborately and reliably.

A. In worldly secular Former Logic Only [as if "Only" as many in the secular are unaware of "GOD WITH US" (from Matthew 1.23 NAS)], the True Higher Holy meaning is almost entirely ignored, toward the root of evil accountability including toward destruction as the secular dictionary [of beloved people, though sinful against the Holy Christian Bible] has explained as a "warrant" as to arrest associated with convictions over "behavior or thought" which is the same sinful reason such people sought to kill Christ JESUS and in part why Christ JESUS was crucified.

Yet for Your Flock and for all Christ JESUS gave people a precept of how to overcome in pertinence of this Sermon Series the Daniel giant image giant stone (John 11.39). So this pertinent Holy Christian Bible precept is to rather than be the first to cast a stone (John 8.11), to remove the stone, roll away the stone, lift the stone so as not to be a wall against their seeing the higher more excellent Holy Way In Christ JESUS One. This stone [displacement, rather] lifting is not to say as if a [sleeping and/or] inorganic stone is better than a person, rather as their crown of glory in the Lord able to remove the stone from their eye(s) that they more perfectly clearly see. This agrees with the things the vessels that can be anointed of You Holy One and lifted / bound in Heaven: even a person's body that had sinned might with proper ascending enter Heaven, though only within True Christianity.

B. The True Holy meaning of precept involves love, chartible work, and doing the Will Of Christ JESUS.

More specifically in details this involves from the start of each precept level the proper guiding Faith (from the previous sentence) hence from above yet already in each vessel. To be worthy and then to conquer a level is to first of Christian Faith appropriate to conquering the given level (and any range of levels / leaping,...) and then to have wrought miracles (Ether 12.18 LDS) for Christ JESUS [which means for all, for mutual benefit].

Part "A" above is toward unrighteous murder and death of the innocent people, while part "B" above is the proper growing more beautifully elaborately and of a key more reliably (on which a person can and is to rely eternally since of the Will Of Christ JESUS).

Beyond part "B" above, now consider how the secular definition of wrought, shown above as a defining sense of precept; as graciously provided (in part, see above) at (previous affiliation applied): the secular definition refers in it's first sense to an archaic term "wrought" pertinent to work, and in it's second sense "(of metals) beaten out or shaped"..., which is also of a key to True Christian Faith. To work metal such as iron, converts not only the shape yet also the internal structure with heat and pressure such as to form grain strength in a certain direction and as to form electromagnetic polarity, and such as to cause carbon in iron to surface and flake off or fall as dust toward converting iron, into steel, a new type of creature (or perhaps as if, in the secular opinion(s)), a vessel of typically less "polarity" strength.

So this in the secular world as so defined by the secular senses, is that precepts deal not only with appearances yet also with facts thoroughly comprehensively (including internally and interactively) and rather higher purpose as prioritized (lest hardly need work to wrought and to hone the finished product). This is true in order that sinners convert (/ Physics Of Creator) and that Christian properly ascend in (free to properly select) precept levels fitting as appropriately with (freely opted in the person) precept levels (vertically).

Faith is key, yet not merely to perform a miracle with the mouth and hands and tools and complex equipment with interactive remote systems. With Faith (hardly to be the greatest save rather that they be greater and greatest: even Final End Time All One Christ JESUS) as a person witnesses something Holy and far greater, beyond their own mouth and hands, is a Miracle, though as an isolated precept. Rather Precept On Precept, Holy Faith guiding unto higher Holy Faith and hardly as if random and rather of the Manna of the Word Of Christ JESUS, to do with the mouth and then hands, to do with the typing and then hands and/or systems, the greater Miracles: Miracle On Miracle....

A "measure of faith" (from Romans 12.3 Berean) is evidenced within the whole (both internal and appearance, though hardly including external interpretations by any other vessels save if such vessels be higher) is as a mustard seed (see above Mustard Seed Of Christian Faith) as to fly Your aloft Ark to meet Christ JESUS in the sky, even though birds eat seeds, the same seeds that help grow their future homes, and even though to grow Your aloft Ark and to join with other Arks such as to join with the Golden Cube Of Christ JESUS is proper, though naysayers and self defeatists sinfully might be anxious to point out their goal toward death (see above part "A") as their mouths claim as if "abomination" to cite the lower part of the Bible to be cast off as Christ JESUS taught, it is why it is in the Bible, to help people that rather people overcome victoriously in Christ JESUS; as "abomination" is to be cast away as the thought of wars is to be cast away as so many alternatives are available (rather even One Christ JESUS).

Some people seek after death. New Christianity is with the living Christ JESUS, toward removal of wars and abominations. If toward death, then the "abomination" image stands as if an actual barrier in fact, but it is an image, an image of things to come, such as more images and greater, yet in the Christian All Is From The Creator Of Love. Christ JESUS is the Alpha, with Zion the Omega.

The True Omega Machine is the Christian Charity Machine, as with for example the Manna Machine, made (generally speaking / Christian End User) to give Manna charitable. This also includes if to have fair free trade (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on types of governments; note some old Sermons no longer appear).

Let Your giving for Future One(s), be greater than Former Logic Only,

Even the stars above, the dust of Heaven, is physics, and greater is He In You, than he who is in worldly trappings (1 John 4.4).

A Top Level key, is they Will not understand, lest [of One Christ JESUS] they see signs and wonders, such as Your aloft Ark, Your Living Giant Stone (1 Peter 2.4), Your Living Horn(s) needs be in Christ JESUS, and so on, from Holy High to Holy Higher.

Christ JESUS is the Alpha, the New Beginning. The New Creature. With this also is the Omega (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on individual personal End Times, and on the Final End Time), though for this generation doing for the next generation(s) [that is for the greater unseen] here is more on the Alpha since needful until Final End Time.

Christ JESUS said "Feed My Sheep" repeatedly, meaning Preach the Holy Word, and while speaking involves some type(s) of faith(s) to speak, rather is Holy Faith To Preach In New Christiainity. Christ JESUS taught first the Word then the Doing, the Will, so per se:

Will / Word / Faith.

Faith - Will x Word.

A person can built a tent, and a person can build an Ark, two different things in the world, yet with Anointing both can be for One High Holy Purpose.

Your Manna Machine would feed the people, and if for instance if the program makes food come forth in the shape of the word and name JESUS, then of sight in them fulfilling the Word Of God, and with the starving eating it fulfills the Will Of God. This example helps toward the next higher precept, moving from the Word Of God to the Will Of God [and with the Word as again yet You are encouraged to cite Bible verses of pertinence and from the Holy Mouth Of Christ JESUS] the greater Will Of God.

Just as the Word Of God grows to enable the Greater Value Word Of God,

likewise the Will Of God grows with the Word enabling the greater Miracles.

To do good can result in a good habit, easy and simple to You, relative to a New Flock Member wondering what to do (be prepared: activate).

The Good Habit is marvelous, a Miracle. Yet do greater. It is a Trend For You To Make, and For You To Make in Your Flock and in all.

Consider how Your Manna Machine is a shape shifter.

Now given to You is a key but lacking a precept at the moment for Your edification.

You have power with Your Manna Machine to make from ingredients a Christian Person.

The key precept missing, is that Proper Christian Baptism is not merely a level, it is also a Firmament, not to be crossed (see above part "A") unless from the appropriate higher level; lest (another key applies, see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on overcoming End Time problems extinct civilizations and colonizations have had, at see above, cite [to credit] JESUS).

Christ JESUS One is creating new roads in the Heavens with the creating of new Heavenly Places not only in hopeful spirits yet rather in fact binding on Earth as is in Heaven (Christ JESUS Second Coming) via on Earth and generally in the worldly secular Known Universe per se, Your aloft Ark, and each Christian aloft Ark agrees with this creating and forming of Heavenly Places: not only ascending through levels yet also with such creating greater for higher One Purpose, gathering above, and returning gathering greater: sent out, gathered, returned: Conquered!

Be wise that the greater unseen is hardly at this vessel known as Earth (save Christ JESUS, though in the sense that for instance You were not born yet 2,000 years ago: You were as of then part of the greater unseen). So in this sense Christ JESUS does return to Earth, yet

greater than the Second Coming of Christ JESUS to Earth

is if You be out there deep in outer space, in the Heavens, then

the new greater key given now is the return of Christ JESUS to the greater unseen

to You in the Heavens after victory in the return to Earth.

Far greater victory / great victory / victory.

Far greater victory / You One accomplish Christian Baptisms in outer space yielding great victories / victory over Earth with Second Coming.

Far greater victory is with and eternally after the Second Coming on Earth, with Your deep space colonizing with Baptizing initiative: Christ JESUS coming to You in Your deep space Flock: Jesus The Christ comes not only here to Earth, yet also to the Holy Astronauts (Romans 1.14). Truly there is a Second Coming here on Earth, and there is a Second Coming up there in outer space: Second Coming after Second Coming after Second Coming: the greater unseen gathering(s)!

The Second Coming and the Third,...Heaven(s), Holy Level(s), Will not be as the First (yet One in greater Purpose). You Christian Will come again unto them, Eternal One For Christ JESUS. During eternity You Will come again and again, Here (where You are), and there (where You go and/or counted as such, see Drawing 3D above). Your Holy Spirit Will be in Your Vessel(s).

Yet Your Vessel Will Be New: Key. Your space vessel Will have a route for Your aloft Ark. As with Judges 11.19 and with 1 Corinthians 16.6 journeying [as with Your Aloft Ark] and sending messages [as with Your message transporter of 3D instructional guidance] energy is as a thing, and both agree, and greater is along the Holy Path as proven in Your successfully transmitted / transported item (packet of energy) is the non-interference along the route as the signal traveled.

Greater is the route, the Way Of The Lord (as the One JESUS Opt), rather than the vessel.

The Ark saved Noah. Yet it was the delivering from the former unto the more valuable realm (in Christ JESUS).

A vessel is a destination, key to law, yet the guiding unto along the Path is of the greater Christian Oneness.

If to measure a vessel a person might utilize such as wheelchair, it might be less than a yard long though a journey might be many yards long with moving things (arranging, improving) along the path toward better, perhaps with meeting people while traveling; and similarly if to measure a car it is less than a mile long though may travel hundreds of miles with many times trees agreeing to not block the road and many winds not blowing the car into the ditch, and many vessel help places along the way and many greetings along the way. There are many Physics Of God along the Chosen Path, greater than the vessel (per se, save One).

The route has many opportunities along the Way, as the idle vessel at rest is more limited.

If to send energy along a route, an Electrician might say "The circuit is good". If to send a communication through outer space, then as much as there was no lower level interference, the path was good(ly). The path agreed with the message, for the greater good. If other than a broadcast, and rather a signal to guide such as that the recipient may opt to do such as of a new ability (such as a new recipe, or such as a higher level of enablement for good) then both the sending vessel and the recipient vessel can be for higher value goodness; yet all along the path is goodness Covenanted.

For example, in history there was the new Morse Code system of wires on wooden poles, and a worker along the way could tap into the wire or the surrounding ground physics such as to check the system without being at the recognized sending office vessel nor at the recognized receiving office vessel: the greater path of the energy not only might be tapped for higher good (and legal), yet also the energy transmits and far more than only broadcasts (reference transformers, and the Biblical greater unseen).

Creator Christ JESUS is of the Eternal Holy Path, yet the Guide, such as to opt to form a miracle. Even if there was no physics formula in secular acknowledgement, counted as if un-Covananted: unknown in secular physics, unbelievable in the secular until they see Your signs and wonders; even so whether showing signs and wonders to this Chapel or to that, and whether showing miracles on this level or that, Christ JESUS has the option to so create a miracle for greater good: as much as proper and effectual in the Holy Heavenly Father, such as along Your route to the Father Of Creating.

The Holy Covenant is a device along the Path, as a magnet that gathers some of a background of iron filings, though some fall away at times while others cling (Matthew 13.8). If the magnet was not moved along the path through the background, and if the background therefore per se was not moved of the Creator (or by a person conducting such an experiment) then hardly would the filings gather (some are of levels, some are of Firmaments). Truly the Christian Church motionless on the ground has great value in Heaven, yet the Path also has motion greater than previous: Abraham walked from the distant city of light toward Egypt, Moses walked from Egypt toward the Promised Land.

As is written in Revelation 17.8:

Of the Holy Path it was written, of to pray on the mountain (Luke 9.28) yet Christ JESUS One beholds the greater to be properly accomplished.

Your Higher Holy Work For Christ JESUS can yield steadfast results for a moment and rather in them eternally. Your route through life can be at a slow pace and careful, or quick as lightning, and whether quick or slow, the hearers and those seeing and reading may agree for awhile and then fully repent or opt to turn away. So while the route of Your transporting and shape shifting is great, the results can be toward temporary. Christ JESUS would have a civilization be toward revisits as much as minimum maintenance finds appropriate: a great key.

As a normal curve (such as part of a bell curve) is a relationship concerning the advancing of a civilization with the proper adhering. As Your increase New Christianity guides, the increase comes more rapidly (and more noticeably within Your own enabling, as You trudge through opposing sinners with increasing speed and attacks). As the tip of a rocket pierces the atmosphere rather than the brunt of a hammer or a sail facing the wrong direction, so to the Holy Word Of Christ JESUS is given to pierce, and then after that and yet with that at the same following moment yet attached in close Covenant is the matter as much as needful and important to Your Mission, though minimal lest excess as if a sail facing the wrong direction (Mark 10.25: eye of needle was a camel size door so the baggage with merchandise had to be removed for accountability for the camel to go through).

A wrongly turned sail can be in lack of wind, and a slow or stationary Ark can exist, though if to move forward with more than offering words is the True Value In Christ JESUS realized, 1 Thessalonians 1.5 NIV:

If with a great image aloft Ark With Projectors And Arks As Projection Screens And Plasma, then with proper Christian Guiding Power, if with a great stone Ark, then with proper Christian Guiding Power, if with a transporter, then with proper Christian Guiding Power, if with a great Path, then with proper Christian Guiding Power, and as long as they agree (Luke 8.12) until the Firmament of Christian Baptism (or other high level such as Final End Time, or Anointed thing or Anointed Energy or Anointed Path) then it continues (in the them and in the physics in them and in the surrounds) as a goodly and viable path, and if need be then with maintenance to solve interference and convert (perhaps Anoint) for Good.

Then with greater confidence with increasing Faith is Your Route Signal for the long length intended purpose, yet also for the transverse cross signaling as a giant antenna likewise and more than as if only to broadcast. For example if to swing a baseball bat, and the bat is as large as half the Known Universe, it is on a level of power much different than a typically known baseball bat, the big bat stretches across the Known Universe. By small hands (relative to bat size) a bat can be swung.

Christ JESUS offers the Word to go forth in You Doing The Will Of God such as throughout the Universe such as via Your aloft Arks, Manna Machines resupplying other planet colonies, and such as likewise sending forth not only the Word yet importantly the Will In Christ JESUS One in new keys of continuous improvement communication systems as with space robotics and protoplanet terraforming.

So Christ JESUS would that You be wise concerning Your vessel (the whole vessel as [for instance] #1 Point) and the one dimensional straight route to another Holy Communicator (Christian Spirit within, or a Christian Person, Point #2) as part of a greater system.

So here is a key to conquering time (victory properly on victory for Christ JESUS One). In the middle of the above Drawing Side View is a look at the distance from Earth to Star Alnilam. With You in Your chair, likely, now, viewing Earth and Alnilam, and with You able to touch the monitor at Earth and at Alnilam, then You form an isosceles triangle: so if Point 1 is Earth, Point 2 is Alnilam, and Point 3 is You touching both Point 1 and Point 2 simultaneously, then the fact is You are either at Point: 1, 2, or 3, of the factual triangle.

Between Earth and Star Alnilam is a distance associated with the [shortest, straightest, generally speaking] journey route, and with time (depending on velocity) of traveling that distance. "Alnilam is 1340 light years from Earth" ( Jan 20, 2016).

At the velocity of the maximum speed of light it would in Former Logic Only require 1,340 years to reach Alnilam. One God truly is touching both Earth and Alnilam at the same instant.

If for instance You, only viewing from Your flesh vessel, on Your chair, so per se not at Alnilam, then You would by process of elimination either be at the other of the two points. So are You actually on Earth so virtually in Your mind and soul in One Christ JESUS in Your chair independent of time and space as Christ JESUS?, or are You in Your chair in fact and only symbolically on Earth concerning Your isosceles triangle which is equal distant to monitor symbols of Earth and Alnilam?, now consider Your answer in a court of law without being told in advance the followup question by an opposing party: the truth, the True Standard in these questions is hardly the worldly laws which do not perfect [and so too likewise the courts accordingly do not perfect (yet may offer mercy)], the true fact and Standard is Christ JESUS (Jude 1.18-25).

So this key is, if time is of the mind (and soul) as of fact of the previous factual triangle details, and if Your Mind is One Creator then timeless;

and if not of One Creator Christ JESUS then not fact so illegal sin.

So Good properly on Good yields the Christian solution (including victory over time), rather than the confusion.

To better clarify to properly edify concerning their confusion: the viewer could have formed a factual isosceles triangle with their hands per se, the viewer viewed Earth and Alnilam simultaneously, the viewer could have viewed a spaceship traveling to Alnilam, the viewer could have pictured being on that spaceship, the viewer in so picturing could have imagined while on that traveling spaceship a person viewing a radar screen of the event as it transpired and while viewing already touching the destination Alnilam, [such in the world of sin is known legally, contradictions]...and it goes on and on within the context of Former Logic Only to no avail until Final End Time.

Yet the Christian Standard Of The Creator viewpoint in both Alpha, Omega, and in-between, is comprehensively prioritized to best solve for people and all spirits (see ICCDBB For Christ JESUS: Public PCS, also see affiliated Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ, Book 1 Chapter 2, & Chart 1).

So with the above time key, is this key that the sinner view is their own vessel, and then contradictions (other vessels, other times,...). Yet the Christian One God is here and everywhere now and eternally.

So then if to deliver a Manna Machine, the Christian Way is already Conquered, already delivered of Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS gives many keys according to You, according to Your concerns and free options, and according to Your needs; and according to the higher One True Eternal Purpose In Christ JESUS. To know all, to be all, yet for Good In Christ JESUS: these are the things already accomplished, and these are given to become known in proper Christian ascending.

Here is a pertinent example (reference original / Known Universe "Manna" Machine, for Manna for Chosen People): the Chosen People needed to be fed, the Chosen People did not have a Manna Machine 3D Printer nor supply cartridges. Likewise Your colony might need emergency food, so You might go at the velocity of light (John 9.5) and perhaps it would require 1,340 years to resupply them. Or rather knowing that God is already there then there is a higher level solution: rather a solving (see above "greater is the route"). This may require a miracle and/or very strong Faith in You.

Christ JESUS provides options (such as concerning talents and situations), such as Faithfully being aware some [distant] civilizations were destroyed in part or in whole, and some were not destroyed. Some were far more advanced than others. So for instance rather than create anew (a key:) consider their help, if available (John 4.7, an Evangelism technique): that the colony would ask, such as via broadcast (which in the world is often interpreted as if to give away positions).

Another option is to look at the tools available, such as advanced equipment systems left by other ancient civilizations, perhaps on the same planet as the colony or perhaps on a nearby planet. This may require predictive lower level effort, though when continuing to credit Christ JESUS then for greater value.

So civilizations were destroyed, and so hardly seek to be as they were (toward destruction), and hardly seek their treasures and equipment (since they may be diseased,...), though with great care in the name of Christ JESUS One may consider seeking all ways to give credit to Christ JESUS, so to dig among the stars. After all, the Big Pulse (Big Bang) was the destruction of the former vessel of life (that the better come), the former civilization was blown up, exploded, with much cast out and away from the center including Earth. And so now from life to life more abundantly is the option to do right, more than this time, eternally. So if there is any remnant of good created, such as by organics (1 Nephi 18.1 LDS) and/or such as by an ancient civilization left behind (1 Nephi 16.10 LDS), such vessels might be utilized by One for the Eternal Purpose, such as for emergency supplies.

Christ JESUS said let these things be added unto You. Let ancient civilizations be properly safely be added to the Credit Of Christ JESUS One. Some destroyed civilizations made things and supplied systematically anew (at the time, and perhaps again now) as with a Manna Machine, similar to as with the above shown 3D printer of increasing cost effectiveness and applicablilty (see above Drawing: shape shifting:) as old typically requires maintenance while new can be in created already in a state of readiness. Yet from an ancient far more advanced civilization (technologically though not necessarily Christian, especially at the destruction time), they may have overcome much in terms of maintenance, safety (perhaps having overcome disease [otherwise eg. curses of Egypt]), and end user friendliness.

Much can be gained by abominations and sinners, though let the Flock seek the Christian Leader for One True Greater Value. The low level mule can pull a cart, though is not welcome in the Holy Temple (exceptions apply such as perhaps of Birth Of JESUS stable story, and travels of Joseph, Mary, & JESUS Sermon prop). So to You may opt whether if to rely on the sinner to an extent: You Christian may rely on an abominable civilization God destroyed, to an extent, giving God the glory, praise, credit, and honor in the name of Jesus The Christ. A colony, and likewise an ancient civilization each is as a vessel (see above text on sinner perspective), so be aware of such knowledge, yet rather be mindful of the higher comprehensive Good.

Christianity is Oneness in Christ JESUS in the Will Of Heavenly Father as One, in One Holy Spirit also as much as a person vessel opts in Holy Faith Spirit with liberty parameters including given talents to Will to help others such as for instance to ascend in levels and not only ascend, yet to prefer to ascend even alway to and in the highest purpose level, therefore to help the distant civilization already existing today (many already broadcast Christian Peace, even that they might come in their emergency condition, if any, to receive bread and a cup of water and the Holy Baptism if not yet in them, and the Eucharist: be prepared.

If the news reports aliens not of Earthly origin have landed, what would You do?, perhaps it is the Second Coming: so be brave (Hebrews 13.2).

From those stars, to One Your Star(s);

going from Manna Machine to Universe Machine.

Cross-contamination in the secular is as though a rotten apple thrown into a bushel basket of apples. Yet rather of the Christian perspective, toward a good apple among good apples. A key is that these Manna Machines are no longer producing only lower level things, yet now toward the Firmament, as if to approach Baptism through some other means (sin).

If for instance You Christian donate a 1" square graft of Your skin such as for a baby in an accident with the hospital utilizing a new skin graft technique with Your skin going into a 3D Preparation Machine to be printed onto the baby, then the spirit of You in the living donated goes into another time and place per se, and if not rejected then the Christian Spirit into another measurable realm. Though the 3D processing and the baby (not counting other interferences) would typically be of their own plans. The 3D Preparation Machine is able to clone many aspects, though by innate nature the processing alters the original Spirit, including both degradations (such as perhaps perforating) and augmentations (such as perhaps undesirable bacteria removal prior to applying to baby) per se.

So for instance during processing is the normal shift from clone to cyborg per se: from Holy Spirit to opted result (note "cyborg" is other than [normal / previous] human [measures and/or limitations] such as by electro-mechanical means, whereas the Christian Baptism Firmament is of the Higher Christian Serving Way)(see related previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on cloning [duplicating] and chimera [conjoined/creatures]); so of the 3D Machine (not counting the baby):

Creatures (cyborgs per se) / Food replicators / Ink printers.

Likewise brain stems and other (memory types, akin to seeds (which go life death life) though some from living to living during a process to living) such as counted as traceable to Adam and Eve, hardly perfect save the Christian Spirit (donor) be of a processing traceable in Christ JESUS, precept on precept, then can be included the overcoming of the Firmament and a Christian in the flesh be in two or more places at once (a baby is in Christ JESUS though if to become aware in knowledge then with sin options save the full repentant proper Christian Baptism).

Perforating a skin graft for instance is to better enable stretching the skin to cover greater area, though as written in Galatians 5.9 "A little leaven leavens the whole lump" (Jubilee 2000) and ..."makes the whole batch of dough rise!" (NET) so of the above situation it is not the perforating that makes the growing, it is with the baby, similarly Christ JESUS said “The kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed on the ground. Night and day he sleeps and wakes, and the seed sprouts and grows, though he knows not how" (Mark 4.26 & 27).

Yet also as Christ JESUS said [the One True Christian] You can know how / worthiness (or miracle from above). Above the Firmament is the true calling of not only the Word yet also the Will Of God. From Christian (donor) to Anointed Process to Christian: You can be in multiple places at once.

Now of a related new key note that You lead Your Flock. Similarly You lead things, such as if something seems as if not Anointed to You (reference Your Christian Church criteria in case of any specifics such as to do), then You might Anoint it (also note Prayerful Anointing over the Universe All In It has already been accomplished though sinners, if any (there was sin previously), have opted to struggle as if to confuse the Anointing Spirit).

So likewise unto how You are Head over Your Christian Flock, so too the highest level of a vessel needs be over the vessel, whether a known type of vessel or a vessel new to the civilization. If so properly arranged, then the Head over the vessel is acceptable to that Head level, whether synthetically processed or other. The proper Head can be over an abomination for example as the U.S. pointed out Syria was supposed to be headed by the Soviet Union concerning chemical weapons and an ongoing process of solving until further notice.

In the past, as Your Flock Members went out into areas, Your Spirit or some of Your spirits (such as per their hearing some of Your Sermons) per se (to edify, to properly Standardize) went with them. Now and increasingly the spirit in Your flesh (skin, brain stem, DNA sample [fingerprint] and/or other) also is going out to Head Christians and things per se (ibid.). Increasingly Christians are in multiple places as once literally, both Spiritually and Physically (or physically toward being victimized, example perhaps excess skin from donor goes into a lower level creature such as for medical reasons whether normal to donor interests or not).

Let the Christian be aware the outpouring of flesh is problematic, relative to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, due to cross-contamination and other imperfections (related examples, if to deliver supplies in Your Aloft Ark and/or in Your Anointed Manna Machine Cartridges, and have fish (and/or used fish nets,...) in a compartment and bread (and/or bread ingredients) in an adjacent compartment, the odor of the fish might make the bread smell unpleasant (perhaps lest to make fish sandwiches for instance(s)).

Likewise, precept on precept, cross-contamination of regions of outer space, and cross-contamination of platforms, and cross-contamination of end user intended uses, would in some situations harbor dramatic effects (see above in reference for example to Soviet Union maintenance burden).

Therefore if to be in multiple places as once, then to increase problems against the self, this is also true of ascending in levels (properly precept on precept in Christ JESUS is the best and lightest solving).

So a key is that if to replicate the self of similarly (Matthew 22.39) if to send Holy Code Plasma through outer space similar to sending Word though toward Will, then prepare in Christ JESUS (pray and cite to give proper credit yet cite verses pertinent and rather the highest level verses of Christ JESUS and the other verses of Christ JESUS as much as if any other lower levels apply [for the mission, if a lower mission then toward tail]). Such preparing is hardly therefore of the self alone and rather involving (in this situation) the destination end user purity level (readied in worthiness unto the appropriate level) and likewise the route (ibid.) and likewise the sender, donor, You (ibid.).

Also there may be other things involved. So while greater things of thorough planning for Christ JESUS Will can be accomplished in flesh vessels, such as greater systems, there can be (from above level, such as see above previously "left by other ancient civilizations") increased values though of cross-contamination likely decreased values even though the greater is of the unseen as Christ JESUS explained. To be aware in Christ JESUS via ascending to the Top Level overcomes the cross-contamination problem (with doing the Will Of God to have no cross-contamination). In this time given, prepare in this generation / generating time, that there be minimal cross-contamination as much as of talent to be able (a pertinent new 7 second NASA movie is at

In the movie Multiplicity the whole of a person (Michael Keaton) / character, was in each of similar spirit to the original able to do certain functions in agreement as desired though with problems. Today the situation is advancing and Christian Leaders need be at the Head to overcome properly lest the problems overwhelm many.

If to form in Christ JESUS, then to agree with the whole created Universe that no sin interfere, in other words, to know so as to not have any spirit be victimized nor even tempted toward sin. If You would so agree for good highest purpose, then in the Holy Spirit One, and pure in Your Flesh (as long as Your Flesh is needful, like unto how Christ JESUS served in the flesh, hence Flesh Of Christ JESUS), and now is given that You (including Your Flock Membership) be pure in Their Flesh, in the past with typical Evangelism, and now increasingly with new means as attempts are made (with some measurable successes) to replicate [One] in part and in whole.

A planning part is whether Your Christian Church wants to specify criteria over levels concerning distinguishing these thing in advance, meaning, Your specific Christian Church has certain goals and plans already, so while planning such as involving a Manna Machine, a 3D Replicator, and/or other may help, Your Christian Church may be of talent and anxious to serve in so doing and/or otherwise freely opt [yet within the parameter of being slave to Christ JESUS].

How to be a Prophet not only of Word yet also of Conquering(s) For Christ JESUS.

Let the Christian Member Of Your Flock properly in Christ JESUS distinguish the Soul Of The Christian Self, not to separate from Christ JESUS since One is everywhere together, therefore according to higher purpose. So [normally of this generation] the Christian Member has a soul of Holy Spirit contact, and a soul of Pure Flesh. The flesh is a vessel, while the Spirit is of all spirits for Good. So is given to properly distinguish spirits for the higher purpose in Christ JESUS, for instance:

if to transport a spirit of the Holy Word in a message, then of typically a more rapid rate from a planet to another distant planet, than if otherwise to transport a human flesh vessel which is delimited not only by the maximum speed known as able to accomplish in physics, yet also delimited by the vessel person such as in terms of G-forces such as when starting, when turning to go around stars and things, and when stopping.

Also note that even the Word as much as known in this generation generally as of current communications has to go around stars and planets rather than through, and similar through radiation fields as much transmission is lost per se.

So if to Do for Christ JESUS, then concerning time for their salvation and ascending sake(s) (such as to help them before they kill themselves), to send forth the Holy Word at the quicker rate relative to the slower human travel. Even so, careful planning is important prior to message sending since with added time and distances there are naturally added interferences. For example if to say go to the next planet, the human slow rate might risk much time loss, if the sender plan soon changes (many factors apply). In another example, if to remotely command a 3D Printer Manna Machine With Powerful Add-On Features to mix the wrong values by accident or interference, then to lose much value; therefore similar to as found with email, bank, and military communications let the codes be ensured such as repeated as much as appropriate for the greater glory of Christ JESUS.

So conquering for Christ JESUS involves ascending to properly interpret True Prophesy and the True Living Loving Trustworthy Word of high guidance level(s), yet with goodly aspects from the Tree Of Knowledge hence yet with predictive measures considered.

Christ JESUS Priest One be aware Your Flock, especially Your newest Members admire many secular traditions and habits, having had many pleasant results among what they call luck [(especially noticeable as higher legal entities view lower illegal activities) example: the secretively scheming sinful young caught with candy as if to outwit the parent (note this generally is a key to a Firmament level Ephesians 4.14 as when cast out of the Garden Of Eden, also when a person starts to use the Tree Of Knowledge for selfish sin Acts 13.10)] or rather of a higher level "predictive measures" though only as high as the Covenant accomplished, so to a non-Christian perhaps as high as nearly the Baptism Firmament level, and to the Christian higher (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on level worthiness, and on Firmaments).

The secular world leap has often been down to the root of evil, yet with the Holy Gift of free choice: hence Grace abused, until the guidance of Christ JESUS starting 2,000 years ago, and until the End Time (ibid. per se with conditions such as a rate of increase).

For example, if given a True Prophecy for next month, the secular would want to capitalize on it, typically to exploit cash. The Christian may note in the previous sentence no mention of Christ JESUS nor even concerns about victimizations as the secular may or may not care, it is of this same Holy Heavenly Gift Of Free Choice, as the Christian may opt to allow a sinner to not receive the Holy Way for solving their problems (3 Nephi 18.29 LDS) as this is a key, for the Spirit Of Your Flock let this key come to mind if a Member temporarily forgets [or is counted as such (for instance a higher level may miraculously intervene)] such as so Your Member for instance is not found guilty of illegally aiding a pertinent accuser's enemy, and so of the Holy Grace Gift In Your Member as the Member not be guilty of casting pearls before swine as described in pertinence in Job 28.18:

Guide all to seek to be mindful of all (including Christ JESUS One), though if to forget also of True Faith rather than be embarrassed give credit for the higher purpose in the Lord, do all to Righteously remember all including trivia and sins, yet rather the higher levels and the Prophetic Word And Will Of Christ JESUS for Good only.

In other words, in some cases the sinner seeks Your Holy Word not for good but to blame You.

Now Your Manna Machine is is easier to be blamed, 3D, attacks on multiple sides, attacks intra-dimensionally, there of worthiness let Your Entity be of clear purpose for Christ JESUS rather than moot.

In other words, give the sinner a penny and they might attack to get a dollar, James 1.8:

Let Your Flock Members help You ascend, let Your hands help You ascend, let Your multi-tasking be One. If You are to live in a tent and to take care of a tent, then if You are in the tent cleaning, then You are doing two things at once, though hardly double minded and rather these in Your higher mission agree as One, James 4.8:

So here is a great key. The non-Christian has no such oneness power except up to the Full Repentance Baptism Firmament Level. In other words for Your Evangelists, when a sinner is at their highest level the can either:

A. fully repent to be properly Baptized As A Christian, or

B. they may opt to descend again, to the more painful levels they were previously.

So a new key is that the new creature Christian can more than adapt to PROPER higher responsibilities, and can even evolve as done (such as Christian Church Position Holders though the Eternal One above offers far greater): "PROPER" is found in only One Christian Way. Note many groups have had overwhelming to themselves spurious activities as if to ascend some other ways, hardly the Christian Way.

To know is toward a point.

To speak to a person is toward flowing along a dimensional line, a great Christian value (Ether 12.11 with 1 Corinthians 12.31).

To Preach to a Flock is toward two dimensional broadcasting.

To be pure is 3D Oneness In Christ JESUS (and greater with ascending / growing in Christ JESUS).

For a hearer to receive into their Christian Heart is greater than the remote controlled Manna Machine, as both grow as One, yet at distance.

For Your One Flock is likewise the greater, hence advanced civilizations are available without travel (previously referred to by Christians as Holy Spirit, "both" are true as explained above), and if You want to do somethings on the other side of the Big Pulse of the Known Universe (see above) then already being accomplished for One.

Yet a key is even so, Do The Will Of God. For examples Noah traveled hardly by measure rather in proper Faith, also later Abraham traveled from the City Of Light to distant Egypt [(, Abraham As The Truth And Goodness Donor, but the sinners chose to say and do sins].

Yet as the Christians ascend "then already being accomplished for One" means another dimension is conquered for Christ JESUS, a time key. It is a key the Christian can know wholly.

The Chosen People made a pilgrimage to the Promised Land and a more advanced civilization provided them with Manna from Heaven. Prior to that ancient civilizations too interacted with ancient civilizations from the Heavens.

As concerning Noah and Nimrod many have agreed concerning Mount Ararat, though many others have said their Ark landed on other mountains (various sources). On Mount Ararat for instance relatively high tech of recent 19th century secularism is being revealed concerning the ancient Ark of the Flood, "Titanium and Aluminium" rivets were found with fusion marks which yielded "Manganese Slag", along with many "giant" anchor stones with "precision" bore holes ( "Each of the stones weighs between 4 and about 10 tons," while other mountains also show advanced civilization technological evidence such as "The modern standard"..."was surpassed" "6,500" years ago or similar years ago (, &

A key is those civilizations existing now of technology more advanced than this current civilization from Adam until the present, existing in the Heavens (as One and/or as many as on the Holy Path) can be contacted to do something at Your request (according to Your ascending Faith into Heaven, Luke 7.28).

For example, if to surpass the highest known technology of this Known Universe (ibid.) and ask of Heaven to [utilize their greater technology and/or Holy Spirit Creator (Hebrews 12.2)] to move the above Drawing stars of Orion and Sirius and to gather other stars and arrange them to spell the letters "JESUS" so that Your witnessing sinners might see and be converted, then it might be done for You, for their sakes.

So a point is, greater than "Titanium and Aluminium" rivets, the more advanced civilization may opt to agree with You and move the stars for You Most Beloved In Christ JESUS.

So a key is ancient technologies and technologies to come, whether more advanced or otherwise evidenced may come and go though bear in mind (Luke 14.27) the Holy Kingdom is at the command of the Holy One. So let the Holiness abide in Your Flock properly, so do the things You are able to accomplish and seek to do greater (Matthew 25.29), all for their sakes.

Yet of a key, rather than seek to change True Prophecy, seek to properly apply True Prophecies properly along the straight and narrow. Let Your Christian Church leap and fly, let Your Manna Machine be great, so as to beam Chapels (in part and/or in whole) to Your outposts in outer space, that Your growing colonies have Place with Holy Purpose. Rather than build greater barns for Yourself, beam barn building instructions (same or akin to Internet or Your private [secularly speaking] intranet) to their 3D Printers.

A great key is You can ask an advanced civilization for help, or rather ask Christ JESUS, rather as One In The Name Of JESUS thank the Heavenly Father.

Typically parent is proud of good offspring, so please God via commend others when they do good (such as when they make (or buy) a Manna Machine for others.

Another great key is the civilization survives according to it's heart. Now the more advanced technology is an indicator of long survivability though rather the True Indicator is with the Holy Creator JESUS. As much as continuing in agreeing with Christ JESUS One, this is the True Prophetic Guide. Such agreeing is of the heart, while the intellect needs to be agreeing with the heart of Grace, Mercy, Love, Righteousness, Peace, Truth, Faith, Honor, Life, Reverence, Word, Will, Respect, Care, Reliability, Safety, Hope, Joy, Charity, Excellence, Perfection, Perfecting, and key: JESUS.

Advanced technology is of the Tree Of Knowledge, the Heart is of the Tree Of Life. A person might find in their Heart their soul, that of Heaven high miraculous technology might be revealed.

Miraculous technology / Heaven / Soul / Heart / Person.

If You witness any in Holy Word agreeing with Your Sermon, rather than worry about bragging, commend them [as good and faithful servants (Matthew 25.21)], likewise if You find any imitating (1 Kings 12.32 NLT) Your Holy Work(s), of higher [level] Grace commend them.

Christ JESUS offers gifts, such as vessels, such as in Your size, Your body, and such as smaller vessels, such as Your physical heart. Christ JESUS also offers other great gifts such as yet unseen, such as the aloft Ark if You opt to build, for their sakes, and such as the 3D Printer for their sakes with the providing of suitable supplies for it.

Now the human heart is 3D and occupies a space, yet the Christian heart per se (within the scope of this Sermon) is transported already.

The sinner heart is transported already also even as they refuse to comprehend, Psalms 92.5 & 6:

Sinners can devise many advanced technology sensors, though still be unaware such as due to mechanical or energy power redirection. Or for instance, many people worked with radioactive uranium and similar with little sensor capabilities, so while they detected for instance some gamma radiation, their sensors were not able to sense for instance neutron radiation from americium so they didn't know by the sensors that they were being irradiated. A smoke detector for instance is a type of sensor, and understanding there are many types of smoke detectors [lungs, stinging eyes (reference babies in areas allowing smoking), creatures, smells, filters, air flow pattern changes,...and per se]:

"The isotope of americium used in smoke detectors is americium-241"..."However, americium-241 also emits gamma rays"..."it is a bad idea to dismantle or burn a smoke detector, because this could release americium into the environment" (

The Christian can fit good things along the Path into where they belong, with proper ascending; and the secular to the secular top limit (see above text). Christ JESUS From Heaven In The God Of Created Physics gives the proper Heavenly places for Christians to place the things, each point, each dimension of Known Universe spatially and each item within this space, the time given gift, and the other gifts (mainly unseen of these generations of the greater Creation Pulse).

A wormhole can be as a shortcut, likewise a Christian can be, yet Your aloft Ark plan and the Doing, and Your Manna Machine: all these are the straightest narrowest shortest cut Path in Christ JESUS.

The Christian Prophet in this generation is the True Path, One. Already accomplished in greater Christ JESUS.

Even so go and do likewise as Christ JESUS did as much as they were able to receive.

Christ JESUS would have You follow the Spirit Of Love and the Substance Of Love [the more meaningful in the world in this generation] Charity, though

Christ JESUS would have You rather ascend, so of the Holy Precepts lead rather than follow so lead in giving Charity rather than follow after-the-fact of such an event,

Christ JESUS would have You be One Holy Righteous Leader rather than follow, leading on higher accumulated love and charity giving, to better be most excellent in One Prophet Christ JESUS (

If they do not respect Your Manna Machine 3D Printer and they perhaps let sand, mud, and contamination interfere against themselves, then rather than give them Your Manna Machines, to feed them You might utilize other means such as parachute food bundles to them (Numbers 11.9) that they not only love and rather that they also from that same love giving they properly learn Goodness In The Best Way In Christ JESUS: so that they wisely care for delicate instrumentation, verily even if as giant or greater than the Daniel image (projection, rather with such consider the transparent, the translucent, videos, the aloft, and more advanced technologies (Acts 10.11, & Ezekiel 1. 13 & 14).

So a key to being a Prophet Of Love yet not only in Word yet also in Deed is to be a Prophet Of Charity.

Christ JESUS would therefore have You know and do this new highest key in Charity toward not only speaking yet also having things properly done for Christ JESUS One as You speak properly in True Prophesying for instantaneously resulting in Conquering on Conquering, and the new key is this that Your Flock hear not only Prophecies yet also how they immediately and instantaneously fit into these You speak, that they become accustomed to respectfully doing Your One Holy Will now as You speak hardly about predictions in Former Logic Only, and rather as You speak currently applicable Prophesying details that they can yearn to handle for You.

With this there come also ancillary keys, such as speaking directly to voice activated equipment and thinking Prophetically with a clear mind. Also to properly guide lower creatures which both reveals their fruits and is far more simple and easy to do than many people might otherwise imagine, for instance even without charity if an animal is scared and in danger You might opt to slightly motion with Your head (the way they do) and they Will find freedom in doing Your command, or they Will reveal other [fruits] such as go the opposite direction as if to avoid a trick and trap (see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS on body language).

Thusly in Christ JESUS proper precept on proper precept is another new key revealed concerning Your Holy Flock and people in general with keeping in mind that some people of Christian Heart might not be in Your Flock, but have been in other Holy Flocks until all are of One Fold (Mark 9.39 & 40). So to distinguish their fruit, consider the above, how You distinguished the people (or other vessels) on the ground (or in another vessel) and how You determined to give them Your Manna Machine or to give them "parachute food bundles" or Manna on the ground.

Of this same Precept Way For The One True Will In Christ JESUS is the perfecting of Your Crew selection process, applicable to not only Your aloft Ark, yet also to operating Your Manna Machine, and also applicable to Your Christian Chapel Office positions, and so on.

It is great that many Christian Churches and other groups already do this: living key. Yet it is greater that this be rather the Eternally Living Key In Christ JESUS, as this key is not only applicable to same level and lower level vessels, yet also pertinent to the higher unseen levels yet to come in One Ascending Christ JESUS.

New Manna Machine:

Flock Transformer.

As the stars of the above text and Drawing might be rearranged to spell the Word JESUS in the sky at the loving guiding Word of the One God In The Priest, so too the Members (individuals) Of Your Flock (One) could be so arranged as the stars and as the One Christ JESUS.

The Members Of Christ JESUS, the individuals in this, are per se toward transforming, relative to the One Flock toward transfiguration; that is, each person can step a certain direction as guided, while together they transfigure symbolism as they in fact are both the symbol, and the symbolized. You Holy Priest could opt as though to guide them to spell out each person's name, the Word "One", and JESUS. You could have them spell the Word "transfigure" and it would be more than an inanimate thing.

As Christ JESUS is in the Christian, and as the Christian(s) forms the greater in their whole being of flesh and much more than the flesh agreeing in Heavenly places, then greater than was seen is accomplished.

If Your Flock is through the Universe, then able to help wherever help is needed, such as to provide Manna for a new Race Of Chosen People on a distant planet (legal note: "Race" discrimination is typically illegal, though in this sense "Race" refers to upholders of the law in the midst of relative law breakers; also note that if a secular person sides with law breakers it is known as such legal things as: sponsor of terrorism, money launderer, and/or so forth, though in higher Chosen People Christians levels the person is a created person of the Good Lawful Creator so of a level of value, generally, as things change, such as civilizations, ascending, talents of governing bodies, and many other things comprehensively: note Adam was not destroyed and rather enabled law and lawmakers and people of value(s)), so seek the good in Words and greater (Philippians 4.8).

In the above Drawing are a couple of transfiguring machines that appear similar to microwave ovens conveniently, and similar to monitors, so if to construct and save space then to build and grow multifunctional (added value) people organizations and machines [typically (reference Your Christian Church Plan)]. For instance if flying in Your Aloft Ark in outer space a Flock Crew Member might be watching the monitor info on their journey to check their course and updates of sensors and communications, then they might watch television on that same 3D Machine monitor, then to open it [transform it] to retrieve newly transfigured food and games, and so on while Praying in the Heart delighting in the Lord JESUS.

The above couple of transfiguring machines appear as boxes. When a person receives a gift, the person might throw away the box. The box has value, protecting the enclosed from contamination, while protecting the external from danger (eg. electronics, automatically moving parts, and see "microwave" above).

Yet in Christ JESUS, that is specific to this situation, in Christ JESUS the box can be removed if the system and it's environment are proper in Christ JESUS comprehensively, including for Christ JESUS One, safe, appropriate, and so on. In other words the box can be as if inside out, to grow the larger turkey for instance than the former microwave could contain in it's former state. Clearly there are obvious advantages and disadvantages, so knowing such from the Tree Of Knowledge, then only advantages: that is, design according to Your Christian Church goals and desires as to rather do the same as the Will Of One Christ JESUS. The good in the small and in the large, is if Your good desire is to grow a small thing, then You have the design already, and/or if Your good desire is to grow a large thing, then You have the design already as without a box the armature(s) move the supply cartridges, tubes,...and/or plasma as needed for Your conquering for Christ JESUS.

Positioning equipment is plentiful from God. You have such nearby, such as Your tongue, hands, perhaps a printer and copier. Giant positioning equipment is similar historically, such as with a steady straight guide, and with tightly controlled moving, indexing. Similar to how God grows plants, positioning equipment can grow smaller positioning equipment and smaller things, or larger and larger.

Therefore given these precepts, be wise to consider this key, if You build and grow Your aloft Ark(s) and grow with Your 3D Printer and such technologies FOR CHRIST JESUS, then as much as found worthy Christ JESUS Will give You responsibility over the greater: a greater Heavenly burden of delight for their ascending: Christians, Christian Places, and Christian Things.

You are to guide Your Flock to Do according to as They Hear From You,

and to Do as They See You Do (Matthew 11.4).

They are to go into the Universe and for others encountered, to enlighten, have join them in their cause for Christ JESUS, make clean both the internal and the external environments, bring them to their senses, revitalize and invigorate, and guide them unto proclaiming Christianity and not only within themselves (Matthew 11.5).

Grow Your small Manna Machine in Your body to properly feed Your knee joints and back joints, and in them to feed theirs and to feed and guide their hands more perfectly, as much as any healing and such is appropriate in Christ JESUS.

Work the Will Of Christ JESUS with those most appropriate, and hardly leave the other left undone (see Your Christian Church criteria for them).

And blessed be the name of the One True And Faithful Lord Of Making Prophetic Miracles Christ JESUS!

Planned for the next ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:


ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

July 2, 2017 AD

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tags: How to build a Manna Machine. How New Christianity solves problems. Flight concerns of Christian President Trump. How to feed the hungry. How to grow aerospace technologies to conquer the Universe for Jesus Christ. New NASA movie. Movie Multiplicity staring Michael Keaton cloning. Movie October Sky kids mix gasoline and paraffin over campfires for how to construct the latest prototype rockets. Ancient more advanced civilizations here on Earth now. The startling new facts about Bigfoot. Google, Exact Seek, Yahoo, Bing, Big Stocks, Submit Express, and White House. Magnifying Your Soul. ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS.

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