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Mi Familia

On my mom's side of the family, I have:

I was born into a Mexican-American family. My mom, a nurse, was born in Texas, and my dad, a farm worker, was born in Mexico. I am the second oldest child, and grandchild, in my family. I was born with some anatomical heart defects and required lots of attention. Since my mom was working at the local hospital's intensive care unit, she found it difficult to attend to me. I guess it was like being at work even when she was home. Because of this, my parents decided to let my grandmother care for me. Perhaps it was a temporary arrangement, but it's still the same today.

My grandmother never had a problem with my fussyness. My uncle helped her care for me, and so I see him as my father. I know him more than I know my real dad. My uncle-dad got married when I was fourteen. His kids refer to me as their sister. Since I was essentially raised as an only child, it's kinda neat to have younger siblings.

Though I didn't live with them, I do have a close relationship with my mom and siblings. My parents divorced when I was about ten. My dad eventually moved out-of-state, but I periodically see and call him.

Now that we are grown, our lives are different, but I am still close to each of my siblings and cousins. I am the first one to attend a university. Though some of them may have attended regardless, I opened the doors. To them, the process does not seem as scary, confusing, or impossible as it did to me.

When I moved away to school, my grandmother came with me. We take care of each other. She makes sure I eat and sleep, and I balance the checkbooks and schedule appointments. Like any grandma, she helps any relative in need. At different times, we have had my brother and cousin stay with us while they re-establish their lives. We also help my uncle-dad with child care. In each situation, some responsibility spills on to me, and I have to balance student life with family duties. This is especially true since my grandmother had a stroke in June. Though she has recovered greatly, there are still some effects. And so, my responsibilities increase as she relies on me even more. Yet, I'm willing to care for her, because she has done so much for me. As a matter of fact, I would do anything for any one of my relatives.

(Site Created: 10-1-00 Updated: 10-30-00)

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