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The Bruce McCulloch mini-shrine

The directory to the mini-shrine

Lovely little linkeroos

My actual homepage. (aka proof I'm almost normal)
The best KITH site I know of

An explanation as to why this is only a mini-shrine

There are a few simple reasons as to why this is only a mini-shrine. They are as follows:

  1. I'm new at this webpage building stuff, so I'm not good enough to make this a full shrine...yet.
  2. I don't have enough stuff to make a real shrine
  3. A home page is a lot of work, it takes a lot of time and patience, both of which I have very little of.

Who is Bruce McCulloch?

There are so many things to say about Bruce that I don't know where to start. So, here it goes.

Bruce McCulloch is an actor, a director, a writer,and a comedic genius. He was born on May 12, 1961 in Alberta. (For those who didn't know, That's in Canada.)He was raised in Calgary. After high school, Bruce went to Mount Royal College and studied Journalism and Public Relations. It was there he met up with Mark McKinney and formed "The Audience". The two moced to Toronto and got together with Dave Foley, Kevin McDonald and Scott Thompson to form "The Kids in the Hall". After the show ended in 1995, Bruce went on to do a one man show called "Slightly Bigger Cities". He also recorded the "Shame-Based Man" album. In 1997, Bruce wrote and directed "Dog Park". Two years later, he directed "Superstar", and starred as Carl Bernstein in "Dick".

Okay, but why does he have a shrine?

That's a simple question. Here are the top 3 reasons I made a mini shrine to Bruce McCulloch:

  1. He's very attractive
  2. He's got a great sense of humor
  3. He's Canadian
What could be better?

So really, what's in the shrine?

Well, since this is only a mini-shrine, there isn't much. It's better than nothing I guess. this mini-shrine contains my collection of pictures as well as a few sound wavs. Also, if you ask nicely, I will send you the lyrics to a song I wrote entitled "The Beautiful Bruce McCulloch". It's supposed to be funny, but I haven't gotten public feedback yet. Now that you know what's in the mini-shrine, let's take a gander.


Here are the contents of my picture collection. You are welcome to upload them if you wish.

See, I told you it was only a mini picture gallery. Now, where to next? Ah! the sound booth. Like the pictures, they are few, but beautiful. Unlike the pictures, I have included other wavs I like with the Bruce wavs. On to the sound booth!


Sorry, but due to my extreme computer deficience, the sound booth cannot exist. There are good places to get the sounds though. I will provide you with the links as soon as I get them.

Meet the Creator

Hi! My name's Jessi and I am the creator of the Bruce McCulloch mini shrine. I certainly hope you're enjoying my site. This site is a result of a few extra days off school. That's not the only reason I created it though. Obviously, I'm a fan. I also want to go into comedy after High School. So, Bruce is also a good role model. That's all I really needed to say. I want to confirm that I am an average high school senior. Just so you know I'm safe. I have my own personal website, there's a link above.

A small plea for help

Okay, here's the deal. I'd like to eventually make this mini shrine into a full shrine. Just because I think it'd be cooler. I'd appreciate anything you'd like to send. Info on how to put sounds on this page would be nice as well. Just email me. Thanks.

Parting thoughts

Thank you very much for taking time to visit my mini shrine. If you have any questions, complaints or comments, please feel free to email me. Also, on your way out, sign my guestbook. Once again, thanks for dropping by

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