a l l y o u p e o p l e c a n ‘ t y o u s e e c a n ‘ t y o u s e e
h o w y o u r lo v e ‘ s a f f e c t e d o u r r e a l i t y
e v e r y t i m e w e ‘ r e d o w n, y o u c a n m a k e i t r i g h t
a n d t h a t m a k e s y o u
Thanks to everybody who helped out and supported the Larger than Life Project! "Millennium" went from #17 to #15 on the U.S. charts, and #16 to #12 on the Canadian charts ; although it didn't go back in the Top 10, we are still MORE THAN EVER the Perfect Fans, and we are DEFINITELY LARGER THAN LIFE! Don't you agree? =)
Now it is time for, once again, another campaign - but don't worry - this one doesn't require MONEY =) AT ALL! LOL! Go SUPPORT Quit Playing Games with My TRL!
Also, don't forget to enter the BSB vs. 'N Sync contest at Kiwibox.com ; yes, this is a CONTEST - meaning that there WILL be prizes ( ranging from BSB
magazines and CD's, and from concert tickets to
...BACKSTAGE PASSES!). This is a great way to show your Backstreet Pride! Click on the image right below for more info. *You must be a member of Kiwibox.com to enter the contest ; becoming a member is absolutely FREE! To become a member, click on the image below )
What makes the Backstreet Boys’ fans all over the world LARGER than LIFE?
Our absolute Dedication.
Our undying Support.
Our unparalleled Appreciation.
Even critics recognize that we, the fans of the Backstreet Boys, are "something else" =Þ
March 21, 2000, is the official release date for N Sync's new album - "No Strings Attatched" ( NSA ). With all due respect, 'N Sync is predicting that their album will, I quote, "'break all of the Backstreet Boys' records'".
So, let's say it's March 21st and all the 'N Sync fans go out to buy "No Strings Attatched". Sure, NSA is probably going to climb to the Top 20 or Top 10 of Billboards - most albums do during the week of their release. I have utmost faith in our 'Boys, but think about this : wouldn't it be surprising to see the BSB's "MILLENNIUM" back in the Top #5 ( or, even better, BACK AT ONE ) the week of the release of "No Strings Attatched"? I'm sure our Boys will be EXTREMELY surprised at just HOW dedicated we are! =P
If you think this is a good idea, then let BSB fans all around the world UNITE and support the LARGER THAN LIFE PROJECT ( in collaboration with the Back at ONE Project ). How? By purchasing another copy of "MILLENNIUM" sometime during THE WEEK OF MARCH 19-24!!!
Look at it this way ; buying a second copy of "Millennium" is a great way to introduce a friend or relative ( who is not quite yet a BSB fan ) to their music.
Also, how many times have you listened to the CD? In my case - and many others, too! - it's practically ALL THE TIME! At home and at parties - "Millennium" is blasting on my mini system ; at school and when I'm shopping - "Millennium" is in my Discman! Um, honestly, my CD isn't in what you'd call "the best" condition...it's more like pretty scratched up and damaged...I think I'd be doing myself a favor by buying another copy! =)
PLEASE don't go and spend your entire life's savings on extra Millennium CD's! Buying ONE extra copy is enough for your part! If, however, you want to purchase more than one - then do so on your own free will ( I'm pretty sure the Backstreet Boys wouldn't want you to go bankrupt purchasing their merchandise! ).
Also,I'm sure that not all of you BSB fans will support the Larger than Life Project; just be assured that by NOT supporting this campaign, it will NOT in any way make you any less of a fan.
I am NOT in any way whatsoever ANTI-NSYNC, so drop it.
T h a n k Y o u f o r K e e p i n g t h e B a c k s t r e e t P r i d e A l i v e
This page was created and maintained by me, with the continuous help of many other dedicated fans. All rights are ® reserved. All images are © copyrighted and property of the Official Backstreet Boys website. I am not affiliated with the Backstreet Boys, the Firm, Jive records, or the Official Backstreet Boys website in any way.