"LuvKitty"s Castle!
Welcome to year 2001* may you have a bright new year* We have a new Kitty at the Castle.His name is Mack. You will meet him thru out the Castle as time goes on.. He is a 4 year old Flat face persian.. Yes thats him on the background with the sqishy noze. haha..Shhh we dont want to hurt Macks feelings.. *
Were so glad you stoped in to say Mew!We will try and make your visit here furry fun fur you...Just click on links below and yur off! Wait! besure and refresh yur browsers if youve been here before so you dont miss out on any new stuff..
This is a animation done by Lucy, Its NicolasCage*
Heres a link to Lucys.She is very talented.Lucys animations*
Oh we just are thrilled we luff dis award it is so purritty!
Click on da baszballz to join*