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from the pristine snowy mountains, glaciers, and fjords of Norway!

Jotunheimen Essences - from the Crown Chakra of Northern Europe


New Essence! Grail Well - "Peaceful Source": Peace, tranquility, dedication and service

Received, but not released for sale - Fjord, Island and Sea Essences and Svart Isen Essences

Nordic Essences
to inquire about Nordic Essences:


Welcome to the new online home of NORDIC ESSENCES, the environmental essences which help to bring the vibrational qualities of Norway's Jotunheimen mountains, streams, lakes, trees and glaciers out to the world, to assist us on our path when there is resonance.

Our website is growing organically! You are invited to browse around, look at some beautiful photos, and see what may be new since your last may want to send an email if you have comments, questions, or other related information to share, or if you would like to request essences or a consultation.

These are the first Environmental Essences brought back from the region of the highest mountains in northern Europe, in the "Home of the Giants," Jotunheimen, Norway.

They may be used by mouth, in a bath, or by misting with a spray bottle.

On this page is a short story with pictures, describing --

The Expedition to the Home of the Giants
Jotunheimen, Norway, 1999
to receive the environmental essences called the NORDIC ESSENCES

Click here to read the Expanded Version of the Story, and descriptions of the Nordic Essences, formatted for printing

THE TREK THROUGH JOTUNHEIMEN - Stepping across the threshold to receive the Nordic Essences:
In the spring of 1999, following guidance received at a flower essence conference in England, Randall Barolet returned to the mountain wilderness of Jotunheimen, Norway, trekking from Gjende to Galdhopiggen, and onto the Svellnosbreen Glacier to receive the vibrational essences from the first seven locations.

These essences assist us in our life and healing by carrying and transmitting to us their various qualities of vibrational tuning, which allows us to activate our awareness, compassion and self-healing ability.

Jotunheimen Gateway above Gjende Lake

Here are some photos of locations where the Nordic Essences Environmental Essences were received in 1999.

High above Gjende Lake, looking westward into the home of the giants, we climb up and onto the threshold along Besseggen, and thus into the Overview. At this point, some may choose to dwell on the threshold, perhaps to encounter some hidden fears in order to break through to acceptance, and find greater peace within before continuing on their path. Others may simply enjoy the view.

The Range of Receiving Stations

Glittertind in the foreground, with Galdh�piggen and friends in the background, these are the highest peaks in Norway and Northern Europe. These massive paramagnetic mineral pyramids are giant transducers, grounding energy and broadcasting very beautiful energy.

Glitterheim under Glittertind

The large buildings of the Glitterheim Hytta are just some small dots at the bottom right in this photo of the massive glacial landscape!

A perfect base for treks up Glittertind, or for hiking along glacial river valleys, to experience the quality of the energies on this unique peak! On the long solo trek to this hut there was a clear voice which declared,
"Here, every stream is an essence!"
This helped clarify my thinking about how the environmental essences might be received. On the way to the base of Glittertind, a beautiful essence for the Heart Chakra was received from a pure mountain lake in a heart-shaped mountain pass, called 'Tj�rnholet'.

On top with the Full Moon

This is the top of Glittertind, where I arrived on the full moon just before the galactic crossing, in August, 1999. It was a cloudless day, and one was able to "walk" right to the top without special equipment. Here was truly the 'Crystal in the Crown.' The crystals from the tip of this Nordic "receiver/broadcasting station" were received as the essence for supporting engrailed pineal activities, the transformer for the UnitySelf of AllOneness.

Climbing on Svellnosbreen

Tied together with rope we strapped on the ice spikes and began the climb over, and INTO, the glacier!

Our guide took us inside of the ice passageways of Svellnosbreen for an intimate experience of acceptance and surrender in the blue ice!
Underneath this inestimably heavy mountain of ice one begins to understand the meaning of "patience" and "acceptance," while at its base one can experience the "Melting, Celebration and Release". A truly surprising and wonderful experience of the essence of frozen (and melting) water!

click here the Nordic Essences are NOT Currently Available

Each 10ml, (.33 ounce) bottle of stock essence costs $15.00 or 80 NOKr+mva plus shipping

Note: orders are currently only shipping from England, payable by check to USA and shipping costs by international money order to England. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Early Work with Snow

I remember that I really liked shoveling the snow around our house. We used to get tons of snow. That was before there was global warming.

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Last Update 16 July 2008
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