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New Beginnings With New Endings Prophesying Guidance

Many people have believed love is the greatest, as it is written in 1 Corinthians 13.13 NLT:

Yet now is given freely a higher key of New Logic in a New Beginning concerning the Highest Heavenly Realm and the Top Guidance.

Many things and spirits try to be on top, though there is only One solution in Christ JESUS:

A New Beginning for their sakes:

if to plan, design, build, expand, and grow Your Church.

How to plan, design, construct, expand, build, and grow a Christian Church building; the Nature Of God already provides the Church complete with Word, Will, bread, blood, spirit, pulpit and altar (Exodus 20.25 with Mark 14.58) for the Chosen, choose Jesus Christ. How to make lighting, temperature, Holy meaningful substance, along with mood, and outward appearances inviting unto higher purpose, such as with Bible story themes and with pertinence to specific Church plans such as if toward Eucharist, feasts, tools sharing program, broadcasting, and so on. Computerized projections and monitors may greatly advance Your Church, while other approaches are available such as to hang blinds on a wall with a picture painted or attached when the blinds are turned down and another pic when the blinds are turned up to set the tones for types classes or sermons or feasts...or a Church can be patterned after the Christian Temple in Israel, or may employ great masterpieces, or with a room that causes people to think of Noah and the Ark built of Great Faith; and understanding these is very important in vessels too especially as there is now much discussion of long duration deep space flights with settlements hence leveraging value in computerized 3D arts. Laws, professional help, Evangelism help. Mount Tabor pic: transfiguration of Christ JESUS: Matthew 17, 24 ICCDBB For Christ JESUS.

Perhaps Your Church Will plan (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on time travel and on Prophesying) to accomplish a specific item (such as generations long distance travel to a planet) and then move on to the next specific item (such as creating an outpost settlement), or Your Church might go with the flow, or specify steps to accomplish everything good. If for instance to do fund raisings for missionary work(s), perhaps You might imagine to invite people with funds to see the Church masterpiece artworks. The Eucharist and gold You might display or hide away and lock. Likewise there are precepts in the Bible and Your Church structure, systems, staff, and other should reference such for Christ JESUS. Let the Church interior offer goodness, and let the outer agree.

Christ JESUS explained that things (that means things of the flesh) can be utilized for the Holy Spirit and higher Covenanting. At least until the final End Time there is available unto each Christian far more than the self, there are others, there are tools, and as shown in the Drawing above, if You for instance try to Evangelize then if You have a Church Building it is not only You trying, it is also the Church Building Evangelizing as much as people might see it every day every year as long as it exists, it broadcasts the Holy Message and invites. Pray for miracles, yes (see below text on conditions / priorities), yet do appropriate work.

Christ JESUS explained of higher Covenanting concerning all things, concerning the most important things of Heaven, and the most important One Thing Of Heavenly Guidance via free choice, and of the Holy Perfect Trend. For instance the above Holy Drawing is of a spacecraft preparedness plan (with doing if not merely to talk) such as to move a civilization in the event of an emergency such as if to be aware Earth would be hit by parts of the Sun and/or a multitude of giant meteorites from many directions for instance 50 to 55 years from now or from a given date (also see previous ICCDBB Sermons on performing miracles and on inherit the Earth and on Heaven On Earth for their sakes); in other words if to know as the Chosen People Of Israel knew that the civilization had to leave with certain items, and therefore to prepare, then accordingly bringing a very large spaceship with such people and with their things they value including all in the above Drawing and rivers and such as Noah (see below) unto a New Beginning.

So given New Beginning knowledge that as an option One can travel through time space such as generations of long distance travelers to a planet and then creating a fixed position outpost settlement (Biblically moving from tents to Temple Church(es)), and that some things are large (note some large things can be carried outside the spacecraft such as tethered as of a train, see below; also Affiliated designs as for jets refueling in air; also reference NASA Space Shuttle piggyback), and that some things are according to higher purpose such as of the Eucharist rather than lower such as for fun and/or due to selfish hunger.

So no is given a key as to what these relatively

far fetched ideas mean for higher purpose and New Beginning(s):

the above given ideas were given to explain interconnected ranges of Biblical precepts, generally.

The key is given in a sense of beneficial meanings for non-Christians,

and the key is given in a sense of One Beneficial Meaning for Christians.

To access the key(s) (for former logic self, or rather for their sakes) here are the range aspects as a part of the whole:

A. For higher purpose in Christ JESUS is any spoken and done, similar in former End Time is simply for higher purpose;

B. A settlement on another planet moves in a different space time than that of Earth;

C. Prophetically and/or of right predicting there is a given example of motivational elements;

D. The spacecraft moves through time space virtually independently of the target planet and Earth;

E. Some things are small and some are even smaller, and some in range of size are big, and some are bigger than mountains;

F. Things precious to people are Christ JESUS and the Christian Bible and such and/or per se simply other things such as for systems and businesses.

So the key of benefit for the non-Christian is to continue to live with a bounty of precious things increasingly per se (see End Time above).

And the key for Christians is more than the Christian Leadership perspective, it also includes the non-Christian key (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on given the keys to Heaven and Hell, with at least the knowledge of which is for higher proper purpose).

Yet for Christ JESUS a high Christian value in this key

as so stated of the wide ranges of ideas above is:


This is not stated to belittle the non-Christian, as stated right here: such is great value for the non-Christian. Fun in planning great things is a blessing. It truly is pleasant to be doing great things, and accomplishing great works.

Even so, as a Christian goes from high to higher Covenanting for doing the Will Of The Heavenly Father in order to longsuffer the One Work Of Christ JESUS, then the Christian finds a new type of joy with New Beginning(s).

Not to belittle the non-Christian, as stated above, here is a review of some of the various ideas and points made in former logic, to now help the Christian understand what benefit gifts the Christian(s) receive with this key (already from Baptism though perhaps learning the trees of knowledge and living). There are the conquered keys / listed subsets (and there are unseen more) with increasingly moving from former logic to higher Covenants:

A. For higher purpose in Christ JESUS is now You may proclaim victory in the name of JESUS the Christ, over this subset key and these above stated ideas;

B. A settlement on another planet moves in a different space time than that of Earth save One, a subset key to unraveling the greater unseen Universe;

C. Prophetically speaking is key to motivational elements per se as with Evangelism added to One You, and per se as with spreading the Work in Eucharist settlements;

D. The spacecraft moves through time space and rather as the Creator of free option so moved all as One for One Highest Purpose;

E. Some things are small and some are even smaller, and some are big and bigger [more keys (Matthew 5.18 & Luke 16.17)], the Christian may opt to Prophesy (subset(s)) in One Prophecy;

F. Things precious to a people is Christ JESUS with the Christian Bible and One Holy Word And Work.

Time, space, past, future Prophecy, things, ideas, works, words, and all rather with Holy Precepts As One, therefore Christian as is written in Matthew 24.23 YLT:

So "ye may not believe" non-Christian and yet ye may receive gifts.

And so "ye may not believe" Christian and yet ye may be too busy doing the One Word And Work Of Christ JESUS, Evangelizing and longsuffering the Eucharist.

These are the facts of the case in former logic (the previous two lines, Ruth 1.1).

To add through time and space Christian is as to gain the greater Holy Path awareness, the path of mercy unto New Beginnings for others.

Christ JESUS explained of higher Covenanting concerning Evangelism, reference 3 Nephi 22.7 and related Bible Scriptures:

Evangelisms / Gatherings / Mercies.

Christ JESUS explained with this yet of higher Oneness Covenanting (see previous ICCDBB Sermons):

One Evangelizing (until the End Of End Time) / One Gathering (until the End Of End Time) / Mercy.

There are interpretations: fundamental to Christian Faith is the New Beginning of the Newly Baptized Christian, having experienced and known about much former logic of choices, coin flip technology, and following former way such as from parents having passed down land divided unto many children as it has been called; yet Christ JESUS gave the higher interpretation, the proper interpretation of Christian Merciful Leadership As One New Creature: You Holy One Are The Universe. Of precepts in One, Give, Christ JESUS proclaimed. Give freely according to precepts as One, and the sinners (and any others) might receive, as much as the sinners know how to receive.

Behold, therefore a new key is given in the giving,

and a New Beginning!

A non-Christian chooses freely to not do as Christ JESUS / John The Baptist. Therefore if to be given Your Universe, then about as much as they can receive is the Known Universe. So all the rest of the Universe belongs only to You One: the greater value more perfect Heavenly unseen: unrealized (save of higher Covenanting, miracles, and related criteria / precept(s) in One). The Known Universe is given of the greater, and shared according to law and/or greater (such as writers of Church laws and by-laws). Of this key, if some laws fail, You still have the Universe, inclusive of the past and future [(Psalm 68.28 with Ecclesiastes 1.9) hence an extra key to joy for You for One, rather One Joy].

As written above truly believe love is the greatest, and there must be One, that also greatest is the Kingdom of God and do not swear with oath and rather guard your heart lest to be as if a non-Christian, save for higher purpose that in One determine the course of life and flow from that life be in others toward One Friendship Of Holy Peace: such is some of the substance of Heaven.

Above is Drawn some concerning how to plan, design, construct, expand, build, and grow a Christian Church building. The Nature Of God already provides the Church complete with Word, Will, bread, blood, spirit, pulpit and altar [(Exodus 20.25 with Mark 14.58) shown is Mount Tabor] for the Chosen, choose Jesus Christ. How to make lighting, temperature, Holy meaningful substance, along with mood, and outward appearances inviting unto higher purpose, such as with Bible story themes and with pertinence to specific Church plans such as if toward Eucharist, feasts, tools sharing program, broadcasting, and so on is also shown in the above Drawing.

Computerized projections and monitors may greatly advance Your Church, with initial upfront increased costs though with long range cost effectiveness in mind.

Some Churches are more toward entertainment centers, while others are more solemn. So a variety of New Churches and Church Extensions approaches are available including toward lower upfront costs such as to hang blinds on a wall with a painting on one side of the slats or a sliced pic attached for when the blinds are turned down and another pic when the blinds are turned up to set the tones for types classes or sermons or feasts or so on.

Your Church can be patterned after the Christian Temple in Israel, or may employ great masterpieces, or with a room that causes people to think of Noah and the Ark built of Great Faith; and understanding these is very important in vessels too especially as there is now in public much discussion of long duration deep space flights with settlements hence that You consider leveraging value in computerized 3D arts. Of course consider laws, professional help, Evangelism help, and importantly Flock(s) input; consider location as with any operation, along with advertising and so on.

Yet in all these structures and the things of the Eucharist and computers and spacecraft and Holy Ground, do not worship them, though such as great for being mindful of the greater, and the same goes for an individual person, save One Christ JESUS, as it is written in John 4.22:

If to ascend in Holy Spiritual Covenanting

then why were specific ideas A-F above selected,

such as about "Things", "Things precious to a people"?,

such were chosen because of the pure flesh of Christ JESUS,

that there be New Beginnings With New Endings Prophesying Guidance

and much more than guidance via the Word, including the substances of properly Holy Faith that the things and the flesh are pure in One Christ JESUS, and the instrumental things such as the mouth are valuable when pure in promoting the Holy Spirit so things are protected by law for higher Holy Head Purpose as it is written in Matthew 5.17, Romans 3.30 and 31:

Specific to the above, if a Church wants to build a giant intergallactic spaceship then some things at least of former logic (also see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Biblical references to the Heaven(s), stars, space travel, and similar) would expectedly come about. For instance if a large crew (a civilization) traveled through space for light years and generations, whether awake, asleep, and/or as DNA seeds, then along the journey there might be some loss of awareness with time if certain things are not kept in mind, such as via certain things (akin to the reason the Bible was written).

Consider that after decades if awake on a spaceship without Church mindfulness items of Eucharist, Baptisms, and such, then is risk of disarray. Moreso, if asleep or DNA (computers can teach and help much, though see previous ICCDBB Sermons on brain and heart) and a settlement is made then to those settlers Your Flock here now and even any on the spaceship are become unto them as ancient aliens not of planet origins: and that is not what Christ JESUS taught: rather Oneness.

Truly truly to have seed die and bring forth many new plants has value(s) and moreso toward the smaller scale, yet at least on the larger scale rather than with risks and added longsufferings to wait for maturity to have harvests, to rather have One Tree with grafting and continually producing fruit of value, with the newly grafted as leaps of faith toward maturity, then Biblical, Holy, and of greater Comfort for higher precept(s).

For instance, here on Earth as shown below are the same Physics Of The God Of Nature applied for Your Flock to utilize now in this lifetime. Otherwise, if hardly of higher Covenanting, then if to speak as a fool unto You for Your sake then is stated that You are hardly of God; rather in wisdom is the truth that God keeps You near even in Your Heart Soul Mind And Strength Beloved whether at this time able to realize higher Covenanting or not.

The dolphin below produces a rainbow. How much more shall You produce, even so hardly a contest rather toward Oneness and mutual value according to precepts of God, let it be known that it is acceptable if the lower Covenant things teach the higher (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on "Teach God"), as it is written in John 5.39 and Matthew 21.16:

And in these matters in Christ JESUS You are called perfect. To do accordingly is wise.

Generations ago people including Preachers have proffered that there were too many types of animals and too long gathering to make the Ark Story Of Noah possible, and people said creationism and the formerly popular term evolutionism could not co-exist, yet the Living Bible (in You...) and Christ JESUS teach of Oneness. It is wisdom in Your Flock to figure and to rather Biblically do the fitting of these together properly hardly to offend others and rather for higher purpose in Christ JESUS: it is known as higher Covenanting in the Holy Ghost.

From airplanes people can view the whole round rainbows.

At least in part, seen or unseen, of Faith Noah floated

over the rainbow.

A rainbow full of rainbows: Prophetic Prophecies, hence a Prophecy of all the eternal Prophecies vested in Christ JESUS in His New Logic, the Logic Of The Heart so to speak, though actually the Logic Of The Pure Heart, His Holy Pure Heart, via the New Immaculately Conceived Heavenly Heart of innocent JESUS Christ: hence the heart flesh as clay dug, molded unto the image of the Father and formed into the likeness of Heaven, as likewise being bound on Earth via RNA and DNA modifying to produce even more excellent humans more fitting for One Heavenly Work. Pics, illustrations, and Drawing range from DNA sample tray symbolism to gathering and herding of animals, to more recent Christopher Columbus of the Santa Maria (Nina, Pinta) in pertinence, and replicas, copies, and reproductions of the Ark Of Noah and how it is tied into and with the Ark Of The Covenant Of God, and including futuristic technologies of rainbows, dolphins, lasers, and alien spacecraft: 1942, Fermi Laboratories, US Navy, DOD, DHS, dolphins in outer space, International Space Station, new gas laser technologies applicable to UFOs and USOs with underwater disc with strange lights flashing and Columbus dancing lights in the sky. Lasing emission is sensitive to nanoscale purbutations affects and effects due to heavy water. Nova Science Media, Sueng Ho Choi & Young L. Kim authors. Borehole, ancient petrified animal dung, antler, cat hair, and life giving bitrification for plants as part of the nitrogen cycle (see previous ICCDBB Sermons) often confused by many as if vitrification which causes impermeability to water as of glass making. During bitrification, bacteria in the soil converts nitrogen gas to nitrites and nitrates that plants can use as a source of oxygen and nitrogen. Noah's Ark is said to have such easily made resin laminated wood which was associated with sealing boat hulls, though many have called it a new technology at the time. Such boat sealing is nearly automatic with some trees and depending on seasons for sap flow. 100,000 tons 20 MPH, x 40 days = 19,200 maximum miles, in other words easily the Noah Family was very possibly the first flesh person per se to have circumnavigated the Earth; equal to a train 4 or 5 miles long yet with tail winds of storms of God. Genesis 6, 18, 19. ICCDBB For Christ JESUS.

Noah had proper Faith, yea, though built the Ark too. Similar to the first Ark, the Ark Of The Covenant carried vital cargo of extreme value. Similar to the first and second, and rather all as One, Earth, Heaven, spacecraft and other can be so properly grown and/or otherwise properly constructed and perfected to carry and deliver even higher values for Christ JESUS. Increasingly of higher Covenanting for Christ JESUS is come to pass, and rather is come to be as One eternally the higher value increasingly complex miracles that seem to pass into obscurity yet Christ JESUS taught in One these would produce even greater sequences, systems, and miracles: for Your Flock. Let Your Flock have these, let Your Flock enter into such, lead such, and give such.

When God does something good and mighty, many sinners run away due to many reasons. Sinners feel repetitious pains in their lives and when there is change they expect pains, sinners intentionally inflict pains against others so expect themselves to be attacked often and even continuously, sinners are aware of the Holy Christian Book and when God does something the sinners expect justice in this worldly form such as arrests, trials, embarrassments, imprisonments, the death sentences, and such as the disasters of the Book Of Revelation with destructions of all the things they have and then beyond this world eternal hell; sinners fear when God does mighty things because they are naysayers against Christians and are backsliders so sinners do not understand God nor His mighty works, so expect to lose all they struggled to amass and then to receive hate, sickness, famine, loneliness, poverty, and they expect to lose arguments, battles, wars.

The ascending Christian bringing love and sharing joy is One With The Mighty Holy Work Of God!

Without going backward into lower mission(s), without falling to lower covenants toward animalistic, and rather of good higher purpose for Christ JESUS imagine You were the above dolphin and for a period of time that day every time You spoke You saw a rainbow coming out of Your mouth. At first You might have great fear, having never before experienced such a thing, and it might be some new sort of attack such as a fishing lure with hooks or such as a snare such as a fishing net that caught You and now You have to live in that crummy little tank and perform tricks on command. But after a moment You witness that it causes no immediate harm so now You are afraid in the second wave of decision making similar to Your first thoughts, that You fear You are losing Your mind. With time passing, then You wonder if You are losing Your sight as You cannot see the tank wall when the strange colored lights appear. After awhile You enjoy the fun.

Let the Christian immediately thank Christ JESUS first that these mighty powers are added unto the Christian. Enjoy what God provides, God is good. Even so also be diligent toward safety and be aware of knowledge. Instead of fleeing from the loving might of Oneness In Christ JESUS, from Your New Beginning lovingly agree and accept.

Now the above Dolphin Rainbow happened because of several events working together as One. The spirits of scientists, their successful, per se, efforts, the presence of the dolphin, and the water (more specifics are provided below). Similar to baking a cake, all the items were properly in place as One, yielding One greater event, One great success. There was nothing scary about it. In the ascending Christian the ascending Christian experiences change, change for the good high purpose of God, so of the properly ascending Christian not even for an instant is fear enabled save to be mindful to fear God. This is a high Holy Covenant key [this understanding of the source of love, this key, is a New Beginning (Habakkuk 2.14 The Prophecy Bible calls this verse one of the "FUTURE BLESSINGS")]. Note this sentence is toward a minor point of thorough detailing: This is explained more specifically and to the point [(ibid.) something missed in the New Testament per se] now with this key and with referencing in context the following verse concerning the source (Habakkuk 2.4) as found in most versions of the Christian Bible ( though not all save if for instance the [NLT case in point] refers to the Holy One Christ JESUS [(3 Nephi 23.11, also see previous ICCDBB Sermons on leaping in faith, properly growing, cultivating, grafting, living Bible maintenance, updating, and on books could not contain save End Time vested in Christ JESUS) reference thoroughness, precision for followers and leadership guidance, and Jesus Christ speaking with authority].

But now an unrepentant sinner can read about this key, and then to typically selfishly immediately use the key and put it into their sinful practice, then at some time contrary to the Physics Of God the sinner without being on the side of Christ JESUS The Way Of Life And Living, the sinner might wrongly step onto a street and be hit by a bus or some other mishap or destruction. So with or without the key the sinner might be destroyed in part or in whole. So what is a Christian to do?, there is ongoing Evangelism, yet specific to certain keys, of higher Covenanting wisely discern for their sakes that there are some keys more fitting to be widely proclaimed and broadcast, and other keys more suited to Church Leadership Positions, such as fitting only for the Holy Of Holies, for the Ark Of Noah, and for the Ark Of The Covenant.

Arranging spirits properly as One:

Above left is shown the animals. As ranchers know, domesticated animals can be herded, and wild animal stampedes can drive forth creatures before them (such as toward Noah's Ark). As elephant drivers know, animals have brains, and can help build the more difficult parts to be built.

If Noah instructed animals to come, cooperate, and such,

it stands to reason birds and others carried and built Ark roofing.

Above left bottom shows cage areas: such takes up valuable space and adds weight to the vessel. If something broke and caused misery, would creatures with brains and hearts have interest in undoing the misery?, yes, birds fix their nests, four legged creatures prepare places to rest and the beasts of burden with brains and hearts show that they can carry supplies such as timber, tools, food, and other. Monkeys have not only hands to help yet also some have helpful tails too. Did the wind and soil assist Noah?, yes and far more delightful than Genesis 6.17 alone getting problems out of the Way to their self undoing sinful choices divers ends: rather with helping goodness unto higher purpose.

Above left shows no cages.

Above Drawing left bottom appears clearly wrong, yet it is also of great value, according to Your proper interpretation in Christ JESUS. God was written in the Bible as though to destroy all people, though then Noah found favor in God: be as Noah (Genesis 6.8). Conquer any lion or other that terrifies You. You do not have to put Your head inside the mouth of a lion as a fool without proper higher purpose, though if God wants You to sharpen hungry angry lion teeth and claws the Will Of God be done (Matthew 5.25).

A rainbow full of rainbows in Christ JESUS is as a Prophesy full of Prophecies, hence a Prophecy of all the eternal Prophecies vested in Christ JESUS in His New Logic through any End Time and Through any New Beginning and through timeless guidance. It is the Logic Of The Heart, though actually the Logic Of The Pure Heart, One Holy Pure Heart, the New Immaculately Conceived Heavenly Heart of innocent JESUS Christ: hence the heart flesh as clay dug, molded unto the image of the Father and formed into the likeness of Heaven, as likewise being bound on Earth via RNA and DNA modifying to produce even more excellent humans more fitting for One Heavenly Work.

The Word And Will Of God is right again and again, New Ending New Beginning, right Prophecy is right again and again, future and past, up and down (Psalm 23.4 with Psalm 84.6).

Above left shows no cages.

Above Drawing bottom toward center shows a tray of DNA samples but there is a grid of cells, cages. Christ JESUS teaches Oneness. The GodMath Testament shows how words can be put together more compactly, and ICCDBB Drawings show 3D Word Will structuring as One in Christ JESUS. Even the secular inclusive Drawing near the bottom of this page shows not only a helix, yet also a more compact double helix symbolic of the living DNA. As in properly overcoming cages in Christ JESUS the learning of the Heavenly Holy Spirit Way is unraveled, so here is a key:

the scroll of Bible wisdom in Your Heart while ascending in Covenanting becomes of awareness in You, unravel some scroll to read (and do) and then that scroll part becomes conquered in You so You can opt to roll that end of the scroll closed having read it: one end of the scroll being rolled open, the other end being rolled closed. The opening end is normally the higher Covenanting, though the closing (save if to be toward repeat mission work for their sakes preferably for higher) is toward Biblical terms such as found in the Book Of Revelation as of sealing, and such as found in Daniel ( as of tying knots. For instance Rabbi Schneider on His "Jewish Jesus" television series (see previous ICCDBB Sermon "Comforter") explained in detail that each knot represented a canon law and Leaders Of The Chosen People had the knots in the hem(s) of their garment(s): such is why a woman believed “If only I touch His cloak, I will be healed” (from Matthew 9.21).

While others wonder how to open the Seventh Seal,

of a key You are concerned with whether to seal (2 Timothy 2.19).

Some leap in faith, though if such skipped over and missed a precept due to the leap then it is normally appropriate to immediately go back (down) and unravel so that Flock Member be edified that they properly step and/or leap as One.

Above is shown a core hole was drilled with samples removed. The rock is somewhat spherical though may have layers of life (see Drawing toward bottom of page). Even the dung is spherical. Hardly to cross contaminate DNA samples, God has a Way, a Way to design toward Oneness, pressed down and shaken together, and round is often a very compact design, though depending on many contingencies. Also that the person shown handling the tray might need to not touch the DNA, so a tray or handle might be appropriate. Even so, there are high Covenant reasons to seal and high Covenant reasons to unseal, proper reasons toward Oneness and other reasons to be a little lower than Angels and/or higher on the Right Hand Of God. To have conquered these reasonings in Christ JESUS is eternally vital.

People call Roman concrete "Amazing" (,

though much stronger was being made 3,000, 300,000, and 3 Billion years earlier:

so much more than "Amazing" people Will say (Isaiah 28.16);

Christ JESUS made diamonds (John 8.58) from layers of living matter (Colossians 1.23).

Above left shows no cages. Likewise on the Ark the animals would have been packed tightly together (of their own agreeing free Will), otherwise Noah would have had to build a much larger structure. Some have said they might have done much sleeping on the Ark. The Earth is tightly packed together dust, animals were formed of dust [of God (Genesis 2.19)].

Shown above lower left is much extra space. On a farm it is often goodly that the animals have reasonable freedom to move around. Concerning the Ark, God had a special case, a one-time event for this current creation. Similarly many Preachers are anxious to pack people into the Church (Matthew 5.14 & 15) rather than build a structure and leave it empty.

The excess empty space as shown above and in paintings typically is possible though unlikely in former logic and also concerning the cultivating of the Church Member in connecting with the proper Holy Trend. Also Your Church Members should have Covenanting ascendancy in gracious Spirit and rather in conquering Spirit, and hardly leaving the flesh undone to fend for itself, rather utilizing laws over animals toward domesticating or at least in temporary taming, lest the human need to overpower by tools, snares, weapons, and/or other: to know the priorities Path has value(s).

Creatures have specialties, the talents God gave, talents You can give [directing, training, Preaching (Mark 16.15) as Noah did].

Some characteristics creatures have is to be able to hold their breath a long time while they sleep, and to be able to hardly breathe, for instance as shown at times on television rodents have packed themselves roughly 100 rodents deep, one on top of the other for long durations, no floors nor shelves in-between; reptiles and insects often pack together similarly, hens plop themselves down on top of their young, and many other animals push together for warmth. Zebras, horses, and cows for instance can sleep while standing so room is available under them. And if animals need to move at times, as shown in the upper left illustration a group can move together. People tend to sleep in peaceful quiet at the same time or to move together at the same time, for instance during rush hours vehicles are moving though packed together illegally typically: it is the lower instinct, the tail.

Children's Biblical stories as they have been called,

are beacons of hope when Preached properly:

address mature adults as if mature adults.

Lead mature adults. If to address a crowd of Nobel Prize Winners then if to lead them then first be able to lead them properly: You Will know them by their vessels (appearances yes, though toward the tail, rather for example is it an army tank or a car), You Will know them by how they operate their vessels, You Will know them by their M.O., their Modus Operandi, their Mode of Operating, including their selfishness (if any), their intentions as evidenced, their type(s) of faith(s), what they are protecting and what they are not (perhaps attacking), whether their gifts are true or false hopes, idle promises. For instance an invitation from Nobel Prize Winners indicates they are motivated to protect the Nobel Prize program and it's Winners and it's friendlies so prepare to protect, help, and guide the same; similar for the Banking Industry, if invited to speak at another Church, and so on: so if to utilize the Noah story then perhaps to tell of Noah's "Prize" winning, of Noah's "Banking" considerations such as in terms of properly leveraging principle concerns, and/or to tell of "another Church" working together utilizing talents of many volunteer followers of Noah (upper left illustration).

Your Noah story for the mature audience may contain one or more of the following: scientific formulas, money concerns, lofty guidance for Churches to observe, business jargon, exciting stories of people and nature out of control and overcoming for Christ JESUS, and even if to teach children it is true that many complex Sermons can quickly sink in (rather than repetition) an solve to their delight as they associate with the things they can understand and love and enjoy and share.

Christ JESUS said to know [God (Matthew 13.11, likewise 1 Thessalonians 5.12), likewise Your Comforter(s) and] Your audience. Less toward judgment and punishment and rather for giving higher gifts to sinners toward ascending as was done for You, Saved And Beloved One In Christ JESUS, be aware of on what Your Flock agrees, and otherwise of on what motivated each Member [and similarly / audience person]; do they like to tailgate?, would they really like to shoot Priests?, shoot-up recreational drugs?, own the latest technologies?, have the best car?, talk about their family?, Evangelize?, get away with things (many youth do so to learn)?, drink wine?, go fishing?,...and out of all these be kindly aware and hardly toward lower covenants save urgency as of emergencies if able to first approach them rightly such as with offering higher Covenant gifts for them; see upper left illustration, the herd of Noah, the Flock of Noah, and this is not stated to treat people as if animals rather to treat people according to higher Biblical precepts as of the Noah story including things that even previously uneducated, unenlightened, unBaptized, inhuman, unappreciated relatively stupid and/or ignorant animals of innate traits were able to fathom and do for Noah and for God.

Even a vessel such as a tiny flea with a brain too tiny to see typically with the unaided eye, is able to fly quickly in a swarm darting about and not crashing into another vessel. It is pertinent to God, to Noah, to experts, to children, to animals, and to ascending in higher Covenants. The body reacts. You can opt to put Your Flock to sleep or to enliven, to have the Flock learn at a rate or at another rate, to treat Your Church as for children, yes and rather more for Oneness With God, Godly In Christ JESUS unto New Improved Beginnings with New Improved Gifts Talents Guidance And Giving.

Symbolically a crook in the GodFather 2 movie made a fake gift show donation to the Church, yet Your Christian Church (with a building or without) is real, and Christ JESUS told You to broadcast it aloud and perform the real show without acting (Matthew 5.15). Noah changed the world: for God.

As what Your Christian Leadership for future generations gains hold in Your Heart, You might feel as though an executive or as though President and so on yet as real. For example if Your Church involvement is largely and/or at the moment about an Ark or another vessel such as being tasked with Biblically guiding a spaceship technologically and scientifically yet Christian, then if to come sit at Your computer to prepare Your Sermon or related guidelines then You might feel as though onboard the Starship Enterprise as if Admiral, Captain Kirk, William Shatner, or Commander, Science Officer, and First Executive Officer Spock, Leonard Nimoy: yet for real and with You at the controls and at Command (Acts 27.31, also see previous ICCDBB Sermon "When I Saw God" with Jean-Luc Picard). God does real things, with ships, cars, spacecraft, and more, and in Christ JESUS You are entered in.

Above Drawing lower right:

When You speak Heavenly things

Your voice Will be both heard and seen

You Will speak rainbows:

Perhaps in a million years, or perhaps it is only a rainbow away.

Many people make colored lights appear in many ways, and the people make newer devices and more profound, with lasers and unseen gasses as if magic though real, and such can be for real Christian purposes, hardly to fool, rather to provide the gifts of God.

How Will You "speak rainbows"?, here are some excerpts from 2 Corinthians 1.19 & 20 Berean Study:

For the Son of God, in Christ JESUS

was not “Yes” and “No,”

in Him it has always been “Yes.”

"For all the promises of God are “Yes” in Christ.

And so through Him, our “Amen” is spoken to the glory of God.

The Physics Of God are clear (note that Amen means so be it, "be" is an "=" sign: agreeing: yes). To start to explain precepts for higher purposes for Christ JESUS, consider that You already know the former logic physics of some of the previous lasers: that regular light such as sunlight goes through a crystal such as a ruby [like unto glass specially treated on only one side so it is a mirror from one side and a window from the other side], then another ruby reflects the light and reflecting harmonically the power grows until sufficient maturity to leave it's former housing (Luke 24.49 & Ruth 2.11) as a laser beam that can interact with types of waters (Matthew 14.29) and oils and gems and gasses (Deuteronomy 33.26) such as to form rainbows of colors.

When the Heavenly Father commands, Christ JESUS declares "Yes", the Holy Ghost proclaims "Yes", "Yes" resonates as a grower of light and enlightenment (related references include: yag laser, maser, & rarefraction, also see previous ICCDBB Sermons on mode conversions and refractions).

When God speaks, it is so, therefore if the Christian properly speaks as God and the Christian talks about a rainbow, there is a result (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on higher Covenanting, and on Faith, and on higher pertinent conditions, modifiers, and controls, also on maintenance).

Not made by hands many things have been called miraculous, New unto the viewer(s), though others understand the physics and say how such happened, such as rock formations, cloud formations, star patterns, and so forth. If miracles via nature appear so-called by accident and coincidence, and rather to be wise to realize from Christ JESUS, then so much more the true miracles from You One unto others for higher purpose are to be.

It is a Prophesy Of Prophecies In Christ JESUS.

Pack Your DNA with higher victories while able in God, many yearn for miracles. Many want food, houses, cars, yachts, aircraft, money, comforts, and so forth. To give is goodly, yet be sure to give the higher gifts (such as the first part of Matthew 5, and such as at the top of this page). Give them talent to perform miracles (for Christ JESUS). People live in houses made from trees and from clay and such things came from dust, even the flesh Temple of people came from dust (Job 4.19) and so need the higher Covenanting into the Heavenly Higher Living Branch, the Newer Heavenly Foundation Christ JESUS having overcome the up, the ascending: and yet ascending for One Perfection Perfecting.

In the movie Apollo 13, Jim Lovell played by Tom Hanks explained a problem "suddenly zap everything shorts out right there in my cockpit,"...then in the darkness "there's this green trail, it's like a long carpet that just laid out right beneath me, and it was the algae, right. It was that phosphorescent"...from aircraft carrier props churning the water.

When they were about to fall off the edge of the Earth(?), as Christopher Columbus had been warned, there in the night were dancing lights as discussed in the Drawing above. There could have been many possible sources, alien and/or miraculous unto the people. The unusual can be scary (rather fear God). Yet if feeling helpless, sometimes God provides light and enlightenment, often toward a journey's end. Pray for End Time.

The Word, the Prophecy Of Prophecies, and the Will, the Miracle Of Miracles, is coming. As much as in Your Flock(s) help them enjoy the ride. The journey might be to a new haven of safety, a new world, and/or a New Beginning far greater than expected. Properly give the keys. Give without measure, yet alway(s) give for Christ JESUS. Assist them unto the higher Covenant giving.

To start great works there may be failures. Christ JESUS has the right Path for You, even if there seems to be proper other that of experiences failed. The point is, operate according to Christ JESUS rather than according to former logic. Even if all the prediction models show the course, rely on the One forever reliable, Christ JESUS.

As others had done, Christopher Columbus set out with people and ships, the Santa Maria (shown, and with Nina and Pinta). The starts of some journeys are often without budgets, without vessels, without tools, without much hope, yet whether funded or not, the greater of the accomplishments typically far overshadow the initial stages especially if in the Will Of God (Matthew 6.33 & 1 Corinthians 12.31). And as in the Noah, Apollo 13, and Columbus examples the victories are often forthcoming with miraculous events: the inexplicable unto the sojourners. Your Church Body is sojourning, and miracles are coming: give miracles.

Futuristic technologies of rainbows, dolphins, lasers, alien spacecraft, and even as predicted in former logic though not seen in fact until later as with the above shown dolphin rainbow Fermi Laboratories with US Navy, DOD, and DHS entities, the predicted rainbow fact came as a surprise, known though not; so then the plan was that dolphins go into outer space to board the International Space Station, and similarly is the plan associated with the new gas laser technologies applicable perhaps to Columbus UFOs and USOs with underwater disc with strange lights flashing and Columbus dancing lights in the sky. The New Beginning is with lasing emission sensitive to nanoscale purbutations' affects and effects such as due to heavy water (Nova Science Media, Sueng Ho Choi & Young L. Kim authors).

Miracles and New Beginnings are unto the ascending generally of the known yet unknown: higher Covenant to know the unknown, for their sakes.

The above Drawing on the left shows one of many boreholes, ancient petrified animal dung, petrified antler, cat hair, and life giving bitrification for plants as part of the nitrogen cycle (see previous ICCDBB Sermons) often confused by many as if vitrification which causes impermeability to water as of glass making. During bitrification, bacteria in the soil converts nitrogen gas to nitrites and nitrates that plants can use as a source of oxygen and nitrogen. Noah's Ark is said to have such easily made resin laminated wood which was associated with sealing boat hulls, though many have called it a new technology at the time. Such boat sealing is nearly automatic with some trees and depending on seasons for sap flow.

Knowing the latest former logic breakthroughs often helps to better know the Word Of God, though is often misleading, many jump to wrong conclusions. So it is important to do the higher Covenanting to serve Christ JESUS, prior to the study of former logic reports; even so, along the journey it is normal to find some work together (1 Corinthians 3.8) and some do not [(Matthew 13.30) as a person might expect] save the greater unseen toward even more miraculous higher Covenanting.

What was the Ark Of Noah like in today's terms?, there are larger ships. Though since people are currently more land dwellers than water or outer space dwellers, it is likely more helpful to present for Your Flock the following: some have compared Noah's Ark to a train, among the largest of trains of these times. Think of a train about 100,000 tons and for safety they might normally run the train at a top speed of 20 MPH, times 40 days is 19,200 maximum miles, though Noah's Ark was driven various speeds and likely various directions, though it is not far fetched to imagine that the Noah Family was very possibly the first flesh Family per se to have circumnavigated the Earth; in a vessel equal to a train 4 or 5 miles long yet without much of the extra weight for instance one axle with two wheels can weigh 5 tons, plus springs, car couplings, brake hydraulics, and giant engine cars. Also the steel structure of a train car is about 50 tons, whereas the wood of Noah's Ark was buoyant and the wind direction always favored the direction Noah was headed: with tail winds of storms of God.

For Christ JESUS the gift Noah gave future generations was more than flesh DNA, it was also a guide from God concerning how to properly design certain Heavenly Spiritual precepts, and likewise how to bind such properly on Earth starting with this Known Universe. Noah's Ark had ventilation, water removal, and other considerations (see top Drawing) such as therefore to place creatures that dwelt in marshes in the bottom of the Ark and desert dwelling creatures higher, similarly how to assign Members to positions in Your Church is indicated, mindful that Members given certain opportunities in the Lord may leap higher.

"You are the rock" (Matthew 16.18).

Noahs Ark wolf lion lamb living together in peace with a rainbow from Heaven as a great Holy Promise from God The Father Son and Holy Ghost as One Eternal Spirit. Biblically seeing the future, the current, and the past history as One in JESUS Christ, symbols illustrated drawing chart travel course Mount Ararat toward which Abraham journeyed from the City Of Ur the City Of Light, then through Israel the Promised Land Of JESUS Christ and into Egypt in the land of the ancient alien technologies of the Pyramids and the Great Pyramid intragallactic coded power machine, and Sphinx also known as the Sphynx; with timeline and time lines transfiguration(s); Elijah and the Wormhole, pot of gold, Song Of Solomon 6, Matthew 11 19, Proverbs 3, Revelation 22, 1 Corinthians 9, ICCDBB For Christ JESUS.Noah the movie 2014 AD with Noah played by Russell Crowe and the stones and rocks come to life at the Word and Will of God: rock monsters, rock creatures, stone monsters, living rock formations, alive stones tour, Noah's Altar to God, journey journeys of noah's ark family: in the Noah movie Noah Russell Crowe, Noah's Wife Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins Methuselah, Ila Emma Watson Noah's daughter-in-law and Wife of Shem Douglas Booth. Ham Logan Lerman. Tubal-cain Ray Winstone descendant of Cain. Landing on Mount Ararat all waited months, then Noah built an Altar For God, some generations planted vineyards, many generations spread out to the South, to the Southwest through the later known as the Promised Land, to the Southeast through the Fertile Crescent to the Persian Gulf. Later Abraham journeyed from Ur, Light, the City Of Light, Northwest then to Egypt. Later the Chosen People left Egypt to the Promised Land, the House Of Israel. Later Christ JESUS went from the Promised Land to Egypt and back to the Promised Land.

Noah rode His ship to the top of the mountain: this agrees with point 7 above. In point 4 above, "they know in their heart" though unto former logic only unless also in higher Covenanting, for instance an Evangelist may give a free item to a sinner and the sinner knows though might reason in the self to return the favor whenever the sinner is able or forgets about it: knowing without ascending, even if the sinner give an even greater value favor (due to the type of knowing / covenant level)(Isaiah 65.20) as the sinner has chosen to not be no more in sins. Give Church visitors and rather Flock Members gifts of ascending. A visitor upon displaying interest in the Word And Will Of Christ JESUS is worthy of greater than previously, even so be mindful of higher precepts: give a rainbow.

Christ JESUS said and did as He saw His Father say and do (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for details). Christ JESUS said the very stones would cry out, so when Christ JESUS said it, His Father had already said it. So when His Father In Heaven said it, it was previously, in former logic an End Time relative to when Christ JESUS said it as the New Beginning.

The Christian does not have to wait until after some scientist had said the rock is carbon so it came from life, rather the Christian is to lead all scientists. If a rock is merely as a whistle, even so it would have a spirit. Yet Christ JESUS said the stones would cry out, that has more depth of meaning: let Your Flock have Faith that the rocks and Heavens can come alive as symbolized above from the 2014 movie Noah, with character Noah played by Russell Crowe (shown above) and some of the main characters were Noah's Wife Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins Methuselah, Ila Emma Watson Noah's daughter-in-law and Wife of Shem Douglas Booth, Ham Logan Lerman, and Tubal-cain Ray Winstone descendant of Cain.

Noah with Family went upon the waters as never before, and then too did Christ JESUS:

Do You see the Holy Trend?, from the above situations as motifs that are patterned and fit into the higher Covenanting, do You see the Holy Trend?,

Christ JESUS said He said and did as His Father said and did, and yet Christ JESUS is not only an example unto people, Christ JESUS is that He would also have that Your Flock be an example unto Him, that the goodness of the Heavenly Father be seen in Your Flock, Your Holy Spirit: Comfort the living Christ JESUS.

Often Priests and Ministers and generally Christian Leaders have said, do good as much as able and then God would do more such as to accomplish a mission. And such Christian Leaders were right in journeying the proper Heavenly journey (see ICCDBB For Christ JESUS "Covenants" Sermon first illustration).

Comfort God, let a Member give goodness, even if to instantly rearrange the Universe: What is the Power Of God?, What could You do if You had All Power?, right here You just read the text, and here is more in many talents of One Spirit, and yet rather One New Beginning Highest Covenant Talent: 2 Corinthians 4.13 YLT:

On this planet Noah not only had Faith, Noah showed Faith doing the Work Of God, and this of Covenant is bound in Heaven. Some people that did not ride in the Ark had faiths, in lower covenants, in their sinful lust plans, faiths in their selfishness, faiths in things, faiths in plans to get away with things and actions, and they might even have had some faith that it would rain as Noah Prophesied, but they did nothing about it, they had not the higher motivational Faith to not only believe the Prophecy yet also to do some things about it, to repent, ask forgiveness, offer God thanks and praise, give great help unto Noah and convince others to do likewise, and perhaps Noah and God would find greater mercy appropriate: so from the seed into the fertile soil that agreement unto repentance is the Trend, rather than the sinner decide to run things.

Guided Heaven / Faith in action / Agreeing with Christ JESUS / Covenants (Baptism) / Full repentance / Accepting and respecting the Word Of God toward doing.

New Beginning in Heaven / New Beginning in this world / Agreeing with Christ JESUS / Pertinent Covenants / Your storehouse full of the Covenant levels You have conquered.

When You guide Heaven, You know You are on the right track, Holy Trend, because Holy Precept(s) could hardly let You guide otherwise.

Concerning New Beginnings, during the time of preparing this Sermon is the Thanksgiving Season nationally with Christmas coming internationally and Heavenly. Bringing Heaven into 2016 AD Thanksgiving Season is a New Beginning for this particular Feast Season, as with Church activities, blessings, anointings, family prayers before feasting, and peaceful social events and entertainment. Even so pray for the many more unseen, including many that have much more than maintenance to accomplish and with no soup kitchen in sight.

During this time nationally and with great international impact President Barack Hussein Obama II invited newly elected Donald John Trump to the White House including discussing “some high-flying assets" among other matters. Christ JESUS did similar for His Disciples for instance, after a great feast and victory having fed 5,000 men + others, rather than relax such as after a Thanksgiving Dinner, Christ JESUS had the Disciples immediately get into the boat as an even greater victory was to be had: witnessing Christ JESUS walking on water (Mark Chapter 6). So they were doing rather than self glorifying, let prayers be Heaven to guide them.

The Christian Bible explains the creatures in the Christian Bible stories are symbolic of many other things, spirits, higher Covenanting, and so on. In worldly interpretations and in the Bible is that creatures symbolize nations, often of the past; in Noah's day they also reasonably symbolized tribes and/or individual humans. The future to Noah in counterpart included great groups of people represented in the lion and other beasts, yet in the Heart Of Noah was also the counterpoint of the Living Lamb Of God: a people full of mercy, peace, love, kindness, and respecting Christ JESUS symbolically. Even as God respects Christ JESUS, God was showing mercy on Noah.

Noah did as Christ JESUS, Noah served as mediator between God and the Noah Family. God had authority over creatures and giant construction, and Noah was as if the authority over it, yet merciful God let Noah have the glory. Without Noah there was not that mercy with glory shown on Earth. Without God there was not Noah. There was a Holy Covenant Level with Noah, there is the highest Covenant Level with Christ JESUS.

Rock monsters, with one as symbolized in the above Drawing from the movie Noah, kept the hardest workers of sins away [with strong Biblical support that such was the case (a similar perspective is Numbers 26.10)]. While sinners that were backsliders were still in bed trying to ride out the storm, the hard working sinners almost made it to their "Promised Land" save the miracles God provided: when Noah had already given His best effort and had nothing more to give as far as He could fathom (possibly, rather likely) then God stepped in with Rock Monster miracles, as hoped in Noah for the higher good lest the sinners undo good that was accomplished in God, though miracles as a total surprise unto the hardest workers of sins since they knew Noah as a human and not as a Deity: personal selfish sinful works do not gain access unto such comprehensive properly prioritized miracles. For example similarly many people have sex including bioscience lab experiments, but none make miracle baby JESUS The Christ save One God With Mary And Joseph.

Some sinners worked long and hard, the Noah group worked long and hard, some sinners may have worked longer (if able to survive) and harder than Noah; though it was the Noah group that rode the Ark (Omni 1.26, also reference Nimrod, also note the movie version had details not entirely discussed in this Sermon).

Noah's Ark had the wolf the lion and the lamb living together in peace with a rainbow from Heaven as a great Holy Promise from God The Father Son And Holy Ghost As One Eternal Spirit. Likewise precept on precept, Covenant on Covenant, nations, planets, galaxies, and greater even including the as yet undiscovered according to former logic Known Universe, can and Will live together in peace; hardly that hard workers of sins would find, rather that the Christian Chosen One is sufficiently aware already. Stars and astrological symbols named in history Will be encountered in person: they Will be raised, the Chosen Will ascend, any preferring to rather be sinners would be cast out.

After a long wait of months, after landing on Mount Ararat Noah cast out the goodly, they went out as One over the lands. Some go out properly, others run away unprepared to find hiding places showing their trails of weaknesses and vulnerabilities. If the weakness of the Christian be the strength of God then so hardly be any weakness rather strength, though hardly to offend and so rather few miracles and relatively more meekness. So seek meekness rather than false pride relying on multitudes of miracles toward matters of flesh at selfish command, and let the miracles have a New Beginning in You, let the miracles be One Miracle and with such is the Holy Name Christ JESUS, as it is written in Colossians 2.9:

that even if the Christians scatter to remote places such are One In Christ JESUS, the Only True Begotten Son Of God. In the flesh is the glory of God or the sinfulness of any straying from the Tree Of Life: and if to so stray, then to stray from the better part of knowledge. If to travel in anger and road rage is to travel into stupidity, similar if to travel home drunk to beat the helpless, similar if to travel against a nation or a galaxy with unsatisfactory cause, similar is if to travel into recreational drugs permanently or into sexual problems permanently or into crime permanently or into disease areas carelessly for the fun of it. Noah traveled over the same lands where others had traveled, Noah lived victoriously with a great rainbow, others that had traveled the same lands perished.

The Noah group had a new start a New Beginning, and the generations planted or traveled where they wanted such as Southwest, and Southeast toward which Abram later had his start as a New Beginning Abraham journeyed from the City Of Ur the City Of Light, then through Israel the Promised Land Of JESUS Christ and into Egypt in the land of the ancient alien technologies of the Pyramids and the Great Pyramid of intragallactic coded power machinery with integrated chemical conversions and operations, and where the Sphinx also known as the Sphynx of advanced sculpting precision existed; even having traveled where timelines blurred in former logic with transfigurations later occurred. From the ancient Word to beyond the modern wormhole technologies hardly of money, beyond the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow children's stories, even Solomon in all His glory could hardly purchase such wisdom, for Christ JESUS already freely gives it, even prior to Abraham and Noah.

Here is some further information concerning the travels. Having landed on Mount Ararat all waited months, then in accord with God after the ground dried sufficiently, Noah stepped off the Ark and again started to build, though this time He built an Altar For God. Then some generations planted vineyards, many generations spread out to the South, to the Southwest through the later known as the Promised Land, to the Southeast through the Fertile Crescent to the Persian Gulf. Later Abraham journeyed from Ur, Light, the City Of Light, Northwest then to Egypt. Later the Chosen People left Egypt to the Promised Land, the House Of Israel. Later Christ JESUS went from the Promised Land to Egypt and back to the Promised Land.

A long former logic horizontal timeline, until Christ JESUS, then ascending.

How to be the Creator One of the New Beginning(s) as the Holy Comforter in Christ JESUS The Lord Of Eternal Life. Many have thought in former logic in terms of life and death, in terms of life stops and restarts, and in terms of spirits as within vessels, and in terms of Creation and End Time, and while of great value(s) to know of the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, of higher Covenant is the Tree Of The Eternal, The Tree Of Life, The Tree Of Living In One. Building blocks of ice and rocks are actually living waters from the Belly Of Christ JESUS and with living Spirit Value within. RNA flesh and DNA in the higher Image, and living encoding now and forthcoming are not only in cells yet also in all of the Creator, the created and with all the greater unseen. Illustrated are building blocks for growing RNA and DNA and for binding in higher Holy Spiritual Covenanting for utilizing in Heavenly Holy systems. 50 million years 1% human of the Earth timeline of 4.6 Billion years helix structure. NASA SETI Hubble Space Telescope Milky Way 100,000 light years diameter with the center 27,000 lightyears from the Sun, creation of the Moon 4.5 Billion years ago, Geosphere, hydrogen, oxygen, water, biosphere, double helix distant planets civilizations Medical Doctors sterile viruses diseases anti-bodies, dinosaurs, space visitors monsters, keys to Heaven Hell Death Hades fourth beast ten horns. Adam & Eve 50 million years ago, living banded iron teeth industrial revolution higher spirit 7.3 Billion people population systems Lifeforce Genesis 1, Exodus 18, Daniel 7, Luke 22,2 John 1, 4, Revelation 1, 12, 15, 18, 20, 1 Nephi 9, 3 Nephi 27, ICCDBB For Christ JESUS.

Even in the rocks life already existed on the timeline, so it was not a flatline, per se, though it was relatively dead as compared to when Heavenly Christ JESUS came in the flesh [(briefly at times with Adam and Eve shown above at 50 million years BC though some say more recent dates, Genesis 32.24 & 25) sometimes in Spirit sometimes in flesh], then 2,000 years ago Christ JESUS in the flesh taught peace, so the Iron Age changed from sharp pointed weapons to round wheel hub to axle connections preparing for the coming of the Industrial Revolution and automation. Note that even 4.6 Billion years ago there were attempts at life, and life could hardly be sustained per se until later, and yet today there are attempts at life coming from outer space to reseed Earth [some dangerous, some Manna From Heaven (Matthew 13.30)].

How to be the Creator One of the New Beginning(s) as the Holy Comforter in Christ JESUS The Lord Of Eternal Life: some may wrongly imagine the above timeline is a blueprint for how to go about seeding other planets (reference Star Trek series mentioned above). Traditional former logic trial and error opinions about terraforming are not appropriate (except such as to educate children or as proofs / bioresearchers): errors cost in many ways such as to distract from proper thinking, they cause people to lose hopes and visions, they cost resources, time, money, credibility, and more. Trial and error invites risk, and hardly merely of the obvious, as the greater unseen is considered such as spinoff terraformations of mutant diseases and monsters.

If to travel to Antarctica there may be a very hungry polar bear yards away though unseen: white on white. If to travel to a desert there may be an unseen very poisonous creature within inches: brown on brown. Also if people today can modify genetic code, then of course civilizations out there might have advanced living technologies guarding against intruders and changes intruders might undertake, with swift consequences at the ready (see above aliens and technologies discussed).

Also many have thought in former logic in terms of life and death, and though many things on Earth seem to have been killed, such as lawns / hot sunshine, and be dead but they are not, they are merely dormant. Also a seed might die and be buried, and whether in ten years or in a day yield a life form quickly growing to gigantic proportions such as of bamboo in certain conditions. Some forests can hardly start a New Beginning unless a fire destroys them. Some frogs become frozen solid routinely. There are vast populations of creatures that as if from out of nowhere, spring to life.

There are guess and error ways to terraform, yet rather there is One Best Way In Christ JESUS (see previous ICCDBB Sermons, including on chimera).

In terms of life stops and restarts, in terms of spirits as within vessels, in terms of Creation and End Time, and while of great value(s) to know of the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, of higher Covenant is the Tree Of The Eternal, The Tree Of Life, The Tree Of Living In One.

For One higher purpose, if weeds, diseases, and monsters are not assets, it is time to refer to the Christian Bible and the Word And Will Of Christ JESUS. Some people are starving, so it helps to be aware of which weeds are edible, for instance dandelions can be eaten and can also be utilized to make rubber such as for tires, know which weeds help heal civilizations, know which weeds enrich the soil and related is that some diseases help enrich the soil and consume poisons and other diseases and viruses and convert them into less harmful substances.

As discussed and shown in the Drawing above building blocks of ice and rocks are actually living waters from the Belly Of Christ JESUS and with living Spirit Value within. RNA flesh and DNA in the more advanced Biosphere stage of the timeline, and living encoding now and forthcoming are not only in cells yet also in all of the Creator, the created and with all the greater unseen. Illustrated are building blocks for growing RNA and DNA and for binding in higher Holy Spiritual Covenanting for utilizing in Heavenly Holy the greater systems.

50 million years is shown with only 1% human out of the whole of the Earth timeline of 4.6 Billion years, representing a small fraction of the symbolized helix structure. Yet hardly of that 1%, rather of that much smaller part is the Christian value, the proper value.

NASA, SETI, Hubble Space Telescope, and similar view the Milky Way 100,000 light years diameter with the center 27,000 lightyears from the Sun; such scales might be compared to the Christian Heart value, though the Known Universe is near nothing relative to the whole Universe (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on asymptotes). Similarly is the scale and range of the creation of the Moon 4.5 Billion years ago, the Geosphere as compared to a hydrogen or oxygen atom, water as compared to the biosphere and double helix (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on silicon based life, such as helping to decay forest leaves).

Christ JESUS would have You guide Your Flock to guide others concerning great distances, planets, civilizations, Medical Doctors such as on New Beginnings of new creations, new creatures, sterile instruments and clean rooms yet also on clean plans, overseeing large and small viruses, diseases, anti-bodies, dinosaurs, space visitors, new monsters, and much more.

The above helix shows attempts at life forms. Of higher purpose the life forms that succeeded are normal to Earth, life forms on other planets are normal to those planets, black holes, and stars [One Spirit / God Of Life: many talents (Psalm 97.9 with Job 9.9)]. The talents for living eternally include a subset, the temporary talents. The temporary life forms can be permanent in proper conversion with proper higher Covenanting [mindful that leaps of faith and Prophecies do not always apply (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on thresholds controlled by higher Covenant Holder(s), and Lamentations 2.14 with Jeremiah 14.14)]. False leaps and false Prophesies cause added burdens, misguidance, and temporary life forms.

Many temporary life forms continue to invade Earth, such as to be invasive weeds in the gardens, though many encountering the temperatures, the atmospheres, the types of pressures and plasma fields, the amount of light, and other factors find they cannot transform from dead seeds into living life forms in these particular Earth planet situations so are counted as dust and rock until relocated to a suitable lab or planet or wormhole or star appropriate unto their individual spiritual growth and consequentially their physical body in agreeing growth. Many die permanently breaking down unto lower missions and backward evolution toward the former status of the Big Pulse Creation, though some few Chosen of the Original Plan Of God are in the right place and right time to start ascending from covenant to higher covenant.

There was Adam With Eve and the generations as shown above evolving though of no significant ascending per se, that is as shown in this timeline; though rather than offend Moses, Noah, Abraham, and more, they did ascend even with farming and metal craftmanship; yet Christ JESUS arrived offering the One Christian Baptism In Elias John: the Oneness heartened proper higher talents as with such as were already so ascended (shown vertically), and former logic agrees unto certain measures per se, such as properly righteous facts of law, facts of history, facts of things such as types of things per era, and so forth.

So seeds travel through outer space on the wings of the rainbows of the Holy Spirit. If seeds so travel, then of course as shown in the second from the top Drawing so too can vessels with trays of DNA, and so too can alien beings (see previous ICCDBB Sermons and Affiliate information on recognizing higher and lower life forms, and on the importance of higher Covenanting).

If a person is Christian Baptized as One, then what good is work to be higher Covenanting?, for instance if a person is appointed as king or queen over a nation they might sit in the throne but that doesn't mean they do anything responsible. If a Member is appointed to a position in Your Church, it is good that they do their agreed job and rather they do more good to help, and perhaps to be appointed to higher position(s) in Your Church. Not to judge people, and not to put a Flock Member to the test of their faith, let their be their agreeing and rather far more in evidence and fact.

If to receive or if to travel to a distant planet or if to investigate as much as appropriate wormholes or stars, ensure the eternal lifeforce continue, that is, protect the higher Covenant level(s) that needs no protecting, in other words as a minimum agree with the higher, and make it so. As much as their is faith and agreeing and grace and peace and the other good value(s), make it so. Yet obtain the higher Covenant that discerning at least to that level be over the discerning of the lower measurable parts of that higher Covenant level. Even so, their is One Holy Spirit though many talents are from that One, so be wise concerning discerning as many toward lower Covenant levels are counted as if overlapping and even redundant, for instance a person can be an individual and can also be wed.

So too diseases and monsters can have goodly and badly traits or counted as if such, even though all for One higher good, so while of former logic the goodly are known, be higher Covenanting to find the higher good purpose in the so called badly such as to gain knowledge to apply a strong poisonous acid to things that need undone such as food digestion for good purpose, and apply such as to form a new type of scissors if appropriate; and therefore if able to cut, then associated with welding and other creative functioning: and let all be for greater formerly unseen yet lovingly and charitably for One Good New Beginning.

Christ JESUS would likewise have You guide Your Flock to guide others concerning keys to Heaven Hell Death Hades fourth beast ten horns and similar for their sakes lest they harm themselves, and importantly that they ascend in the grace and delight of the Holy One. Adam & Eve 50 million years ago offered generations the slower evolutionary rate of improvement until Christ JESUS, then the Heavenly windows were opened pouring out blessings over living banded iron teeth Industrial Revolution matters of much higher spirit than wars, with 7.3 Billion people population nearly instantly relative to the scale's range on the above timeline. Such brought forth and Will bring on greater systems of Lifeforce blessings as over such as noted above: Genesis 1, Exodus 18, Daniel 7, Luke 22,2 John 1, 4, Revelation 1, 12, 15, 18, 20, 1 Nephi 9, 3 Nephi 27, and greater for ICCDBB, Your Flock, You, and for Christ JESUS.

ICCDBB Sermon date November 14, 2016 AD.


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Tags: How to plan, design, construct, expand, build, and grow a Christian Church building; the Nature Of God already provides the Church complete with Word, Will, bread, blood, spirit, pulpit and altar (Exodus 20.25 with Mark 14.58) for the Chosen, choose Jesus Christ. How to make lighting, temperature, Holy meaningful substance, along with mood, and outward appearances inviting unto higher purpose, such as with Bible story themes and with pertinence to specific Church plans such as if toward Eucharist, feasts, tools sharing program, broadcasting, and so on. Computerized projections and monitors may greatly advance Your Church, while other approaches are available such as to hang blinds on a wall with a picture painted or attached when the blinds are turned down and another pic when the blinds are turned up to set the tones for types classes or sermons or feasts...or a Church can be patterned after the Christian Temple in Israel, or may employ great masterpieces, or with a room that causes people to think of Noah and the Ark built of Great Faith; and understanding these is very important in vessels too especially as there is now much discussion of long duration deep space flights with settlements hence leveraging value in computerized 3D arts. Laws, professional help, Evangelism help. Mount Tabor pic: transfiguration of Christ JESUS: Matthew 17, 24 Noah's Ark wolf lion lamb living together in peace with a rainbow from Heaven as a great Holy Promise from God The Father Son and Holy Ghost as One Eternal Spirit. Biblically seeing the future, the current, and the past history as One in JESUS Christ, symbols illustrated drawing chart travel course Mount Ararat toward which Abraham journeyed from the City Of Ur the City Of Light, then through Israel the Promised Land Of JESUS Christ and into Egypt in the land of the ancient alien technologies of the Pyramids and the Great Pyramid intragallactic coded power machine, and Sphinx also known as the Sphynx; with timeline and time lines transfiguration(s); Elijah and the Wormhole, pot of gold, Song Of Solomon 6, Matthew 11 19, Proverbs 3, Revelation 22, 1 Corinthians 9, ICCDBB For Christ JESUS. How to be the Creator One of the New Beginning(s) as the Holy Comforter in Christ JESUS The Lord Of Eternal Life. Many have thought in former logic in terms of life and death, in terms of life stops and restarts, and in terms of spirits as within vessels, and in terms of Creation and End Time, and while of great value(s) to know of the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, of higher Covenant is the Tree Of The Eternal, The Tree Of Life, The Tree Of Living In One. Building blocks of ice and rocks are actually living waters from the Belly Of Christ JESUS and with living Spirit Value within. RNA flesh and DNA in the higher Image, and living encoding now and forthcoming are not only in cells yet also in all of the Creator, the created and with all the greater unseen. Illustrated are building blocks for growing RNA and DNA and for binding in higher Holy Spiritual Covenanting for utilizing in Heavenly Holy systems. 50 million years 1% human of the Earth timeline of 4.6 Billion years helix structure. NASA SETI Hubble Space Telescope Milky Way 100,000 light years diameter with the center 27,000 lightyears from the Sun, creation of the Moon 4.5 Billion years ago, Geosphere, hydrogen, oxygen, water, biosphere, double helix distant planets civilizations Medical Doctors sterile viruses diseases anti-bodies, dinosaurs, space visitors monsters, keys to Heaven Hell Death Hades fourth beast ten horns. Adam & Eve 50 million years ago, living banded iron teeth industrial revolution higher spirit 7.3 Billion people population systems Lifeforce Genesis 1, Exodus 18, Daniel 7, Luke 22,2 John 1, 4, Revelation 1, 12, 15, 18, 20, 1 Nephi 9, 3 Nephi 27, ICCDBB For Christ JESUS.

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