Name: Brendan Joel Fehr

Birthday: October 29, 1977

Born: New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Raised: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Siblings: two sisters

Height: 6'1"

Education: graduated from Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute (high school) in 1995

Pets: Opa, a rottweiler (who's now staying with some friends in Canada)

Favorite snack: fruity pebbles

Hobbies: hockey, video games, sleeping

Interesting facts: When Brendan misbehaved as a young boy, his mother would make him stick out his tongue and she would drip some tabasco sauce on it; before getting into acting Brendan wanted to be an accountant because of his love for numbers, he also wanted to be a teacher (how sweet!); Brendan Fehr and Majandra Delfino are dating in real life (another how sweet!); Brendan graduated from high school with first-class honors; he's obsessed with Spiderman

Where have I seen that guy?: Michael on Roswell, Mondays at 9pm EST on the WB; Our Guys: Outrage at Glenridge; Breaker High; Perfect Little Angels; Every Mother's Worst Fear; Millenium; Disturbing Behavior; Final Destination; Night Man; The New Addams Family; Christina's House; Take My Life....Please
