hullo! welcome to the home of the healers. don't know what the healers are? well, i'll explain. one day i was wondering why there were two different groups for fans of brendan/michael (fehrians/lollies), but for the jason/max fans there was only the behrians. so i got two of my friends together and we came up with the healers, fans of max. we have an "official" thread at fanforum and everything. *smile* so, yep, i'm cofounder of the healers--and proud of it! here's a list of some healers, but if you're not on it, it doesn't mean you're not a healer. the only stipulation for being a healer is a love for max. just say you're a healer and you are. :) if you want me to put your name on here, just email me and i'll be glad to.


liz (revolleon) - creator
michelle (guerin285) - creator
sharon (dark ilk) - cofounder

check out our thread on fanforum!

thanks to for the wav of max's singing. :)
