season one

Max:"I'll have an Alien Blast"

Liz:"Me too"

Max:"Excuse Me?"


Max:"We're Just--"



Max:"Well,I'm not from around here"

Liz:"Where are you from?"

Max:"::Points Up::"

Liz:"Up North?"

Max:"::Points Higher::"

Liz:"Your not an-a-Alien..I mean..Are You?"

Max:"I Perfer the term.."Not of this Earth"


Liz:"When you saved me,you risked everything getting out...why?"

Max:"It was you."


Liz:"My Parents are out of town for the weekend..They're at some Star Gazing camp-out..Something about Venus being in the morning sky"

Max:"I thought she was right in front of me"


Liz:"How am I supposed to become what I'm supposed to become,with everyone looking,sometimes I wish I were Invisible"

Max:"Sometimes I wish, I didn't have to be so Invisible."


[Liz & Max almost kiss, but Teacher walks in]

Teacher:"How's the mating ritual going?"

Liz:"I was doing just fine"


Liz:"Were you like Green?"


Liz:"like,3 feet tall,green and slimy,[laughs],Sorry it was Maria's question"

Max:"No we always looked like this,except for the third eye"

[Liz looks shocked]


Liz:"Oh,I knew you were kidding,[laughs] [Hits him lightly],You're such a Jerk"


Max: "Let's just keep running, you and me. Away from here, away from everything. I see everything so clearly now. We'll go some place where nobody knows us. As long as we're together nothing else matters"

Liz: "You're drunk. Nothing that you're saying is true"

Max:[takes her hand and walks over to the light pole] "It's all true, Liz. It's how I really feel. It's all just magic when I think about you"[makes beautiful lights]

Liz: "Max, turn it off. Anyone can see"

Max: [walks over to a car] "And when I'm not with you,[turns car alarm on] I go crazy"

Liz: "Max.."

Max: "And when you're here..."[the alarm turns off]

Liz: "No, Max...please..."

Max: "You're my dream girl, Liz"

Liz: [staring at him]..."And what if I believe you tonight?"

Max: "Then we live happily ever after"

Liz: "And then what about tomorrow? When you go back to realizing who you really are and all of your fantasies go away?"

[the lights become normal]

Max: "I'll still have you"

Liz: "This can never be normal, Max"

Max:[makes fireworks out of the parking meters] "What's so great about normal?"


Liz: "What are you doing here, Max?"

Max: "Well, I have orders from my planet to take over the Earth."

Liz: "Besides that"

Max: "I want to make sure we can still be friends"

Liz: "Yeah. I mean, we are"

Max: "Good"

Liz: "Why wouldn't we be?"

Max: "We really haven't been able to talk since...that night"

Liz: "Max, people do a lot of dumb things when they're drunk. Anyways, I understand"

Max: "And we're friends?"

Liz: "Yeah, we're friends"

Max: "Just friends?"

Liz: "Yeah"

[he starts kissing her]


Liz: "Max!"

Max: "Liz"

Liz: "What are you doing here?"

Max: "I just...I wanted to see you"

Liz: "Here?"

Max: "I had to know if something was real"

Liz: "If what was real?"

Max: "Well, just like you see things, I've seen things...And one of those things..."[sees the shower from Liz's fantasy]

Liz: "You saw my fantasy"

Max: "I had to know if...if what I saw was really from you or if it was just my imagination which it definetely...definetely could have been. Except, I've never been in the girls' locker room and now that I see it and, well, is the same room, I know I didn't make it up"

Liz: "This is really horrible"

Max: "No, Liz. It's incredible, really"

Liz: "This is not incredible." [starts to walk away]

Max: "Wait. Please, listen. Please. The main thing is I didn't just see what you saw. I felt what you felt..when you saw me. And I never thought anyone could really ever feel that way about me"


Liz: "Max, can you understand any of this?" [the glowing light]

Max: "No"

Liz: "Can you take your shirt off?"

Max: "Can I?..Yeah"

Liz: [touches him, but there is no glowing] "I can't do it to you"

Max: "I'm glowing toes, my heart. You can't see it. It's on the inside"


Liz: "Max, everything that we did, everything that we felt..was it...was it all just about this thing? You know, we don't even know what it is"

Max: "Yet"

Liz: "Max, was it ever just about us? You and me? Because a person could feel like they've served their purpose. You know, like being used"

Max: "Is that what you think? Because you're not the only one who could worry about being used. I mean, some girls would do a lot to see themselves fly through outter space. I'm sure it doesn't compare to other things you could be doing, like watching Kyle barf after a beer blast"

Liz: "I can't believe you just said that"

Max: "Why not?"

Liz: "Because it really happened"

Max: "You're kidding me"

Liz: "No, I swear. Last summer this really hot night..."

Max: "No, you know what? Don't tell me"

Liz: "Ok, so what you're saying is that you've saved me from a life of watching Kyle barf?"

Max: "Liz Parker, I don't think that was ever gonna be your destiny"

Liz: "No?"

Max: "No"

Liz: "Ok, fine, if you know so much, then tell me, Max... what's my destiny?"

Max: "I only know the part I'm hoping for"


Liz [while making out]: "Do you mind missing the movie?"

Max: "I heard it got bad reviews"


Max: "When I saw valenti taking you away like that, it just hit home for me. You know, how much knowing me has screwed up your life."

Liz: "No, it's just the opposite."

Max: "Thank you for saying that."

Liz: "It's the whole truth Max."

Max: "I better go."

Liz: "Why?"

Max: "'Cause if I dont go right now things are going to change."

Liz: "Change how?"

Max: "I'm going to have to touch your hair...because it's so soft, and tell you know matter what we go through, it's all worthwhile for me because we're together."

Liz: "and then?"

Max: (whispering) "And then I'll have to do this"

::they kiss::


Liz: "...l just wish I could've stopped you from saving my life that day."

Max: "Don't say that."

Liz: "Max, the day you saved my life...your life just ended."

Max: No, that's the day my life began...Liz, when I was in that room...when they did what they did to me, you were the one that kept me alive. The thought of you, the way your eyes look into mine, your smile, the touch of your skin, your lips. Knowing you has made me human. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny is the same. It's you. I want to be with you Liz. I love you."

Liz: "I love you."


Max: "Look everything I told you before is still true."

Liz: "Max you have a destiny, you just heard it. I can't stand in the way of it."

Max: "But you mean everything to me."

(They look at each other for a moment then kiss)

Liz: "Goodbye Max" (she leaves the cave)

Max: "Liz" (he goes after her) "Liz ...Liz wait."

(Liz stops turns around crying they look at each other for a moment. Then Liz leaves. Max tries to go after her but Michael stops him).

Michael: "Gotta let her go Max."


quotes courtesy of 1947: three pods from heaven and soulmates forever: a max and liz site.
