Message Board Forum Terms of Service
All CMFL-NFC Message Board Forum users must agree to the following policies prior to posting to the Message Board Forum:
  • Debates are welcome, but name calling and personal attacks aren't. Posting any message, information, data, text or other materials that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous, that may be invasive of another's privacy, hateful, racially, off-topic, ethnically or otherwise objectionable is strictly forbidden. All offending content will be removed and repeat offenders will lose their posting privileges. In extreme cases of abuse the offenders ISP will be contacted which may lead to a termination of the their dialup or cable account.
  • If someone's being clueless, try as nicely and diplomatically as possible to give them a clue or merely ignore their postings: don't berate them for being clueless. Remember, not everyone is at the same knowledge level as you are. There are lots of clue-challenged people who, once they get a clue, may make very interesting and valuable contributions to the discussions.
  • Please refrain from using profanity or defamatory language. If you find it impossible to control yourself, please do not post. If you are looking to post in a family
  • Advertising or offering to sell any goods or services for any commercial purpose, as well as, any other forms of solicitation is strictly forbidden.
  • Please do not impersonate any person or entity, including a discussion board poster, CMFL-NFC-SaultStormSite staff member or volunteers. Stick to one cyber handle or nickname and keep it close to you. Please do not sign on and leave a blank for your handle and try to leave your email address when possible.
  • Do not type your messages in capital letters. Any words typed all in capitals signifies screaming and yelling. Make sure your "Caps Lock" key is disabled.
  • There will be no baiting (recruiting signed players) online via our discussion board. All players that are currently under contracts with their respectable teams are not to be recruited. There are major fines for tampering and will be dealt with at the league's Head Office.
  • These rules also apply for the CMFL-NFC-SaultStormSite---NFC-CMFL Guestbook.
If you can't find a message you posted earlier, it means one of the following happened to it:
  1. Your post violated one of the above policies and was deleted.

  2. Your post was responding to a post which violated one of the above policies and was deleted.

  3. Your post was pushed behind a number of of new posts and is no longer available for viewing.

  4. Your post was erased by the originating network due to use of server space or computer error.

We want the CMFL-NFC-SaultStormSite discussion board to be a fun, relaxed place where everyone can come and enjoy discussing The Northern Football Conference and The Canadian Major Football League in a friendly atmosphere. Your help in keeping things friendly is greatly appreciated. If you decide you can't keep it friendly, we do reserve the right to revoke your posting privileges.

We at the CMFL-NFC-SaultStormSite---NFC-CMFL--Message Board Forum, however, realize some of you do not want or wish to participate on a message board full of free speech and adult language but would rather a much more restrictive lighter version of the original message board. So we have created another version for those that are, shall we say, more refined and civilized. The original named ADMINISTRATION will still remain for the enjoyment of CMFL-NFC administration (ie. players, coaches, owners, etc.) and will not be supervised nor edited as with extreme closeness. We expect the lighter version named FANS AND FAMILY to be the message board used by all CMFL-NFC fans and families (ie. friends, families and fans, etc.) for their enjoyment.

Thank you for your cooperation,



New to the CMFL-NFC-SaultStormSite is CMFL-NFC Chat Forum which can be only used with a membership from the online server providing the service.
Click here for CMFL-NFC Chat at the Message Board Forum

Another service for CSFL-NFC-SaultStormSite users is the CMFL-NFC Mega-Major Links which can be used without membership in any online server.
Click here for CMFL-NFC Mega-Major Links of the Canadian Major Northern Football Conference League

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