T.K. Chang Selected Publications

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Law Review & Op-Ed Articles

The Golden Share in China (Far Eastern Economic Review)
No Moral Hazard in China (Wall Street Journal)
Not Too Big to Fail in China (International Financial Law Review)
E-Commerce and Retailing in China
The Making of the Chinese Bankruptcy Law: Study in Legislative Process (Harvard International Law Journal)
China the Wild East (International New York Times)
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone 1982 First-hand Case Studies (深圳经济特区1982年第一手案例研究)
The Making of Chinese Bankruptcy Law (Chinese Translation)
Avoiding Japan’s US Investment Mistakes(避免重蹈日本在美投资覆辙)
Chinese Faster to Accept Change (New York Times-International Herald Tribune)

College Admissions, Law School & MBA, Homeowners Insurance Coverage, Etc.

College Application Secrets 申请美国大学诀窍 (Chinese and English)
Law School or Business School? 读法或读商? (Chinese and English)
Surviving and Succeeding in College 挤进窄门之后—大学制胜准则 (Chinese and English)
Covid-19 Pregnancy and Childbirth Case Study
Homeowners Insurance Coverage Nightmares
Homeowners Insurance Coverage Nightmares (Word Version)
© Copyright 2023 Ta-kuang Chang (T.K. Chang) 张大光