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Utopia Winterguard Alumni's Homepage

Welcome one and all! Please make sure you sign our GUEST BOOK!!! and visit ourFavorite Links!
We want to know you visited us so let us know you were here and what you think of this site!

Utopia Not Coming Out 2001

Utopia 2000 wins State Championships and brings home the GOLD for the 5th time in 7 seasons!!! Story coming soon!
Utopia 2000 scores an 89.3 in pre-lims at World Championships, it's highest score ever! Full story on World's coming soon!
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Come back anytime!


For Past, Present and Future members of Utopia there is plenty to be proud of! You have come a long way baby! From the early years as a Flag Line to become a top ranking guard in Scholastic "A" class. In their last 6 seasons they have won 4 Gold and 2 Silver Medals at State Championships. For more details see the Awards page!

This site is being constantly updated! Make sure you come back and visit frequently, as we are updating weekly!
We need pictures and info from early Utopians about the early years! We also want to post anything you may find interesting or want to share with us! If you are a member,past or present, instructor, parent or crew member, we want to hear from you!
E-mail any pictures or info you would like to see included.

We would love to share what you are doing with Alumni Profiles! See page for information!
Creative & Visual Design

Roger Smith hired an unknown Jason McIntosh in the 1994-1995 season and Utopia earned gold and the State Championship his first season with them!
He has designed Utopia shows including 1995's Because the Night , 1996's Mull River Shuffle , 1997's Kosmic Moon , 1998's Sol-Fa ,1999's Steel Works and 2000's Ballerina!(see link for "2000" Ballerina our the guest book page!) The current guard has their own site designed by Jason!
Prior to Jason McIntosh arriving on the scene Utopia was taught in "1993" by Karyn and Kelly French, who were responsible 2 years later for introducing Roger Smith to one of their students, a young Jason McIntosh. They stayed on as his co-instructors for the next few years until Kelly moved to Quebec and Karyn decided to start a family. Both were well loved and much missed!
Over the years Utopia and it's individual members have recieved many Winter Guard awards at both the Michigan Color Guard Circuit and Winter Guard International Competitions. We have designed a page with a listing of the AWARDS I have documentaion of. If you know of any other awards and would like to share them please E-mail me!
Creative & Visual Design

All of the past and current members have been students of Ferndale High School. The group is supported by the Ferndale High School and the Band, Orchestra and Guard Boosters Organization!
We sincerely thank them!
Several web businesses have agreed to pay us a commission on anything bought from them through our website. Some will pay us a small fee per click as well. We urge you to visit them for any needs you may have and support the guard as well. Check out their links on the Boosters Page!

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