Alumni Profiles!!!

Paul K.-aka Ox, Moose or Pauly
I'm currently a student at Wayne State University and am nearly done with degree in Chemical Engineering; 2 classes left! I work at Henry Ford Hospital, but that's boring stuff. I also spent last summer performing with MAGIC Drum and Bugle Corps in Orlando, Florida. Life as I know it up to now...well, it may be true that each individual is dealth a certain lot in life, but after that its up to that individual to make the most of it. Simplistic, but hey I think it works.
I was in 1995's Because the Night and 1996's Mull River Shuffle shows. My favorite was Mull River Shuffle by far. Not only because I didn't get injured that year but the whole season was just a gas. The best part of guard is the friendships. Outside of winterguard or drum corps you just can't make friendships like that! My best memory of guard was the trip to Grand Rapids during Mull River Shuffle. Despite the disaster with the floor the guard grew so much that weekend. To future guards I would say...Work hard and do what you're supposed to do. Even more so you need to trust every single person on the floor to perform their best in order for your personal performance to soar. "FLY HIGH FOR FERNDALE!"

Erin V.-aka Scooby or E
I attend Sienna Heights University in Adrian, Michigan. I am an Art major with a concentration in photography. I hope to some day be able to pay off my student loans and have a decent job that I love!
I was in the original Utopia, 1995 Because the Night, 1996 Mull River Shuffle and 1997 Kosmic Moon. My favorite winter guard show was Janis (Kosmic Moon). My favorite Marching Band show was Joseph. The best part about guard was the skin tight outfits, outrageous make-up, asthma attacks and weekend practices (yeah right!)...the best part about guard was the bus rides, sense of family, and the pure adrenaline rush of performing. Best memory of guard...geez...there are so many memories, both good and bad. Winning two state championships (being cheated from winning states during Mull River) comes to mind. The continuous fighting really sucked. Words of wisdom to future guards...try not to care about the small stuff that can ruin friendships. Don't wear bright green underwear when wearing a white dress and white spandex shorts.

Amanda D. - aka Peaches or Manda Mae
I am attending Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, (2nd year) and studying to get my bachelors in the arts with an emphasis on dance. I am also getting certified as a Massage Therapist in the spring or summer. I am a hostess, soon to be a waitress at Ruby Tuesday’s. My life is as always complicated and busy. I live with 3 wonderful girls and have lots of friends here, but I really miss my friends and the familiarity of home. I have a “special” person in my life, Dave, he attends Central. We’ve been together for 2 years and are very happy. I haven’t participated in guard but hope to before I age out. Oh, by the way, I got my tongue pierced.
I was in 1993’s Twilight Zone, 1995’s Because the Night, 1996’s Mull River Shuffle, 1997’s Kosmic Moon and 1998’s Sol-fa (Contata Mundi). My favorite from a show point of view was Sol-fa. It was fun, energetic and I was proud to be in it (not that I wasn’t for any other). From the relationships and how we got along point of view, Mull River. Even though we didn’t get 1st place, we were still a team and we performed for each other, not to win. My best memories were being a part of something that was very unique, being proud and performing. The best part of guard? Which one would you like? The nervousness I felt before every show, the excitement I felt afterwards, the struggle I had in rehearsals, the joy I felt after finding out our place in the state, the sorrow I felt when we lost know that I could have done better. Words of wisdom to future guards....for the group, try and stay together, you have to spend A LOT of time with each other, sleeping, eating, bus trips, going to school. Get over yourself and your need to always be right and getting your way. If you don’t compromise, YOU WILL FALL APART! Get to know other guards. It’s fun to know a lot of other people, especially during awards. Besides if you continue with guard, you could have connections. Love you all!

Personal Information

Lindsay B.- aka poo poo or Brewski
I am currently attending Eastern Michigan University full time. I have a part time job at Circuit City in Ann Arbor. All I do is school work, when not at work. Weekends are the same boring thing ever when there are no PARTIES!!!
I was in Because the Night, Mull River Shuffle, Janis Joplin (Kosmic Moon), Sol-fa (Contata Mundi) and Steel Works. Sol-fa was my favorite because it was the most fun I have ever had in guard. It was the first year for us to have a change in music (no words). The best part about guard is performing and meeting new people from other schools around the state and country. My best memory of guard was during Because the night, it was our first time in Michigan A and we won 1st place! It was the best feeling in the world. My words of wisdom to future guards is keep trying, never give up, the harder the work the larger the reward. “I MISS MY LIFE!!! I MISS GUARD!!!"

Katie C.- aka Kit-Kat or Riotgirl
I was attending Eastern Michigan University. I am currently working full time.
I was in Because the Night, Mull River Shuffle, Janis (Kosmic Moon), Cantata Mundi and Steel Works. My favorite show was Cantata Mundi World Championships. It is such a rush to know half of the people at high school can't do what I am doing or go as far as I have. The best part of guard is putting on the make-up and getting dressed. You get so exicited. My best memory of guard was being in the flyer at Worlds. My words of wisdom to future guards...It's the hardest and most emotional thing you will ever do!

Lindsay B.- aka Boo, Boo-Boo, Lin, Lins, Linnie, Stew and Princess
I am still going to school at Ferndale High School in Ferndale, Michigan. I'm the treasurer of the Interact Club and a member of the National Honor Society. In addition, I am currently in dance and chorus for the spring musical Carousel.
I was in Steelworks. Since that was the only show I was in that was my favorite. I liked it alot though because of the story it told. We all played roles as parts of a machine. In the beginning, the machine was started up and continued work as usual, but then it started producing it's products incorrectly and broke down. After a sequence of the machine being fixed, it was working normally again. At the end of the show though, the machine proved that it was not fixed correctly by blowing up! The best part of guard is making a close circle of friends with the other guard girls as well as the instructors. It was like a family sometimes. Also I can honestly say that I liked all of the hard work that was involved. My best memory...I know I have many but the first that comes to mind is the last night we spent in Ohio for Worlds. We all had this plan going for quite a few weeks that we would somehow "GET" Jason. We bought silly string and shaving cream and suprised Jason at his hotel room door. A few girls laughed a little too hard, you guys know what I mean. My words of wisdom to future guard members...eventhough it will get really frustrating at times, all the hard work pays off. It feels so good when awards are being handed out, and your name is not called until the very end.

Karen K. (No nicknames to note!)
I am currently attending Wayne State University for my BFA in Technical Design in theatre. I am also working at Wayne State in the scene shop building the sets that are used at the Bonstelle theatre. I am also designing shows at the Studio theatre at WSU, as well as working at the Detroit Repertoire theatre and the Jewish Ensemble theatre and other various theatres around the Detroit area.
I was in Twilight Zone, Because the Night and Mull River Shuffle. My favorite show was Mull River Shuffle because it was the most fun, everyone seemed to enjoy it the most, and the audience loved it. Most of all because the music was awesome. The best part about guard was the sabre line and the competitions. My best memory was during the Twilight Zone traveling down to Centreville, Ohio in a winter hurricane and going to regionals. It was just such a crazy trip with all of the snow. Words of wisdom to future guards...Don't do it just because your friends are doing it, do it for the Passion of the Art, and the physical exertion of the sport. And overall the excellence of the execution. Utopia reached to ultimate pinnacle, don't stop now...there are still new heights to climb.
What's Happening Now!

Amy T. - aka Mushi
I am a mom of one (who thinks she is a member of Utopia)! I am working in direct sales and I am teaching winterguard and color guard at Ferndale High School.
I was in "Because the Night", "Mull River Shuffle" and "Kosmic Blues" otherwise know to Utopia as Janis. My fav show was Mull River Shuffle because it was like an old irish folk song. If you know me I am very Irish and into my culture. Not only that though it was a very fun show to do. Guard has produced so many great memories for me that it is hard to pick one. It has always been such a big part of my life. I would have to say though that the very best part about guard was that I got to share it with my very best friends. And I continue to make good friends from it. The best memory I have of guard has got to be the look on our faces my senior year at state finals right after our performance. It was the best look you could ever see on a group of peoples faces. We knew that we had done the best show of our lives and it showed when we won the state championship that year. It was a very emotional time, filled with joy that we had done a great show and sorrow for the seniors because it was our last show together. My words of wisdom to future guards...No matter how hard it is, it will turn out to be the best thing that has ever happened to you. You will have a great time, even with your instructor breathing down your neck to do it one more time, because there will come a time when you wish you could do it just one more time. I also performed with North Coast Academy in 1999.