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Compassionate Dowsing

Learning to use an intuitive perspective

clairvoyance grounded in meditation practice,

we can find what is needed, from the infinite within,

including compassionate understanding and specific therapeutics,

and take the next step on our paths

The focus of this workshop will be to bring our intuitive knowing to the forefront of the healing process so that we practice a unity of intuition, compassion, healing, and medicine, going beyond their separation, which has often been the rule in conventional forms of practice.

Randall will present a practice similar to remote viewing, using a flowchart of questions, known as THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM since the early 1980's, whereby we can expand the possibilities open to our clients and to ourselves, possibilities which include and go beyond those suggested by modern bio-medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, physical therapies, psychological and other healing models. A clear and practical method for intuitively reading the condition of the physical-etheric, emotional, mental and causal-spiritual bodies will be presented in detail. This will allow you to use your higher-self connection to obtain very specific information which is beneficial to your client or yourself now.

Each participant will receive over 40 pages of handouts, and the dowsing charts needed to practice the art of intuitive readings using the INTEGRATING SYSTEM as a guide to help find what will provide the current optimal benefit from a soul or spiritual perspective. This method may be used in your practice, whether it is personal or professional in nature, or both, as it adapts well for use with many healing arts, such as counseling, flower essences, homeopathy, acupuncture, massage, herbal medicine, nutrition, or other forms of energetic healing.

This integral process is designed to help us in the discovery of the individual and specific essentials which best meet our clients’ needs, and our own needs, for healing. This is particularly relevant when we seem to be stuck, or not responsive, on our path. Using active learning methods, Randall will involve seminar participants in practicing the skills of opening to receive specific guidance from our Unity-Self, including working with pendulum dowsing as one method of focusing our intuition.

The workshop will appeal to any person or health care practitioner who wishes to develop the use of their intuition and Unity-Self guidance in practical ways, as well as those wishing to explore what it means to be fully human and live with activated heart-will and a compassionate view.

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Randall Barolet is a practicing intuitive healer, vedic astrologer, teacher and writer. With education in engineering science, environmental planning, film and television production, and as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Vedic Astrologer(jyotishi), he has worked as a health care practitioner and teacher for 30 years, providing intuitive readings using THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM for 20 of those years, assisting clients and seminar participants to practice ways of discovering, recognizing and creating health from within, using their own divinity, the clear and radiant emptiness of our natural mind. Working with our life paths, which may bring us into relative imbalance, suffering or disease, we begin to see these states as an integral part of our soul-unfoldment process, which is inviting us to awaken in and beyond our personalities to recollect sky-like awareness. This is a self-settled, vivid awareness free from conception---the awareness that remembers the whole universe is inside us in each moment. Using an intuitive reading method known as THE INTEGRATING SYSTEM, and humorous inspiration, his seminars work with people discovering the wonderful nature of life's journey as a multi-dimensional and shared experience of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. We can be 'finding what is needed' in each moment, by simply asking from the compassionate view of stillness and emptiness. He may be contacted directly by email:


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Last Update 1 May 2006
Copyright 1999-2006, Randall Barolet. All rights reserved.
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