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Sailor Star Makers Info

Name: Taiki Kou
translates to:light of the big air
Birthday: May 30 Astrological Sign: Gemini
Blood type: AB
Responsibilities: Guitar (Keyboard, Writing Lyrics)
Club membership: Literary club {huh... what a weiner} Hobby: Reciting Poetry
Favorite subject: Literature
Least favorite subject: None
Favorite food: Sushi
Has trouble with: Arguments

Taiki Kou one of the ever popular idols of the group the Threelights, would you believe he is really a she? Well it is true (doesn't the phrase "Behind every successful man there is a woman" go very well here?). In truth, Taiki-san is really Sailorstarmaker, a Sailorsoldier from the Kinmoku star system. Along with Sailorstarfighter (Seiya Kou) and Sailorstarhealer (Yaten Kou), make up the trio known as the Sailorstarlights who are the guardians of the Princess Kakyuu as well as their star system. When Kinmoku was attacked and annihilated by Sailorgalaxia, Kakyuu disappeared and it was the Starlights' mission to find her. That led them to Earth and disguising themselves as a male idol group to use as a cover to search for Kakyuu. Taiki-san up-close
Taiki is a person who tends to be very secretive and tends to stay away from the all the hype of being an idol (well I suppose he has his reasons). At times he can be cold, but there are those rare moments where he is just so sweet and caring (like the time he visited the little girl in the hospital). He's very studious not unlike Ami, in fact Taiki and Ami had tied rankings on one test in episode 177 (in the manga Taiki had outscored Ami and boy Ami must have been pissed ^^;;). His favorite subject is Literature and is a member of the Literature club (though it's stated in the manga he's also involved with the gardening club).
When he has free time from idol work, school, or whatever, he enjoys reading and writing poetry, yet he doesn't prefer the type poetry that involves trusting hope to the stars (if you don't know what I mean, you should read Taiki's Stars Prologue). He also has interests in working with computers (he maintains his own homepage as mentioned in episode 191 so it proves he has a lot of internet experience ^^). True to his nature, he is very loyal to his cause and would possibly die to protect Kakyuu as well as Sailormoon. This is shown greatly in the events leading to the Starlights' death in the manga as well as in the last few episodes in the anime.