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This Website is Created in Memory of my Son,
Zachary Chase Oakes,
born Fri. Oct. 13th, 1995 ,6 weeks early.
Zac was born with a very rare Heart Disease,
called Transposition of the Great Vessels.
At this time , there were very few cases in the US
with this type of Transpostion.
Zac would undergo his First Heart operation at only 4 days old.
Without Surgery right away ,Zac had no chance of survival.

Zac remained in the Hospital approx a month following Surgery.
He seemed to go down hill , but bounced back pretty quickly.
There were a few times I broke down wondering
if I would be able to take my baby home.
While Zac was recovering from Heart surgery ,
he also had to learn to eat from a bottle ,
and we had to learn to put down an NG tube ,
in addition to learn about his medicines he would be on.
I was so anxious but yet nervous to get him home.

I knew Zachary would need more surgeries in the Future,
In addition to follow up visits,
I read and learned as much
as I could about this particular Heart Disease.

I was very over protective of Zachary when I got him home.
I would not let people around him that had a cold,
and was leary of new people being around him or holding him.
Zac's Nana purchased a Baby swing upon Zac's arrival home.
Zachary absoulutely loved it ,
he would just grin and smile ,
and it would not take long before he dozed off.
Zac was a very good baby,
he rarely cried and was always smiling.

Zachary was my First Born,
and ment the world to me.
I can not even descibe what great happiness
he brought to me.
This website has been created
so that Zac can be remembered,
and as a Tribute to little Zac.
There is also information
on this Particular Heart Disease,
Poetry,and More about little Zachary,
including the day we lost him.

Zac also had a Brother
born to this same Heart Disease.
I was told this Heart Disease is Not Hereditary,
in fact my chances of having a Second child
to this was 3 % out of 100 %.
Jacob was Born 2 Years after Zac passed.
He lived till the age of 3yrs.
Before he passed away to heart and lung Failure.
If you would like to read Jacob's Story
or visit his website,
you can click here or use the Drop Down Menu.

Not a Day passes by
that I don't think of my Precious Angel Sons.
I miss them so very much.
I shall always hold them close to my heart.
If you would like to read more about Zachary ,
please go on to the Next Page.
I thank you for stopping by
and hope you will sign the Guestbook while you are here.
Please come back again
as I am updating Both Boys Sites,
and will be changing and adding New things.
If you would like to learn more
about this Heart Disease ,
Please look in the Scroll Menu for more Information.


© 2001/02/03/04
This site Created and maintained by Twila
In Memory of My Son

Last Updated:9-19-04