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October 17th, 2003//
Yeah yeah, hey all.. so the layout might be kinda boring? A tad bit.. I don't know I haven't built webpages in like a year or something, that shouldn't seem like long.. but especially when I'm trying to get used to a new graphic program (Photoshop) when I'm used to using something else.. it might take me a while to get great at making the layouts! So just give me some time okay (: Yer probably thinking "I don't care." but anyways.. this site isn't about design right! Well.. Okay.

Awesome, today we get school off.. and it feels great to be home. My library book is in at the library so I'm going to go pick it up later on today.. the book is called "Shogun" by James Clavell. Hopefully it'll be a good'n. Okay, not much else to say. Good day.
Hey guys. Welcome to Jekyl and Hyde (subject to change..) Not sure I'm happy with the name yet ; ) What you can find here is my personal writings, and maybe a few other things about me, and other awesome links and stuff... so look around and enjoy!