By Stacy Fontenot
A.J. got the call around three O'clock in the morning. He had been fast asleep because earlier that night he had done a concert and poor AJ was worn out.
At first AJ had egnored the annoying ringing of the phone, but the second time it had begun to ring, he grudgingly picked it up. Later on when he found out what the call had been for, AJ was glad that he had finally decided to answer it.
AJ had rushed to the hospital and was by his dying girlfriends side in a matter of minutes. It had turned out that Emily was driving up to South Carolina to pay AJ a surprise visit and had gotton side swiped by a drunk truck driver.
The doctor were all telling AJ that Emily was lucky to have even come out of the car in one piece, much less alive. The cops told him that her car was no more and that it had flipped several times before it blew up. They also told AJ that it was one of those rare cases where if Emily had been wearing her seatbelt that she would surely be dead by now.
Now, AJ stayed sitting by Emily's side in the intensive care unit and he looked down at her swolen purple face with cuts and small burn marks and teers quickly came to his eyes.
AJ hated seeing the person that he loved most, be in so much pain because of him. He rememberd what else the doctors had told him, that Emily had broken nearly every bone in her back, legs and arms. They even told him that she even crushed her skull in one place. They also told him that if by some miracle of a chance that Emily did make it past those very vital 24 hours, that she would be nothing more then a vegtable for the rest of her life. All that she would be able to do would be to mover her eyes and barely talk, if even that.
The memory of those worlds made AJ cry even more, wich at one time he never would of done, because he never cried infront of people. Although this time was most deffinatly an exception.
AJ reached under the light sheet that coverd Emily's badly brused and burned body, to hold her hand, but quickly wished that he had not, because Emily's once soft, silky white hands were now purple with bruses and black with burns.
"Oh, Emily!" AJ sobbed between teers, "you never deserved this!"
Just then the doctor that had called AJ walked in. He was a tall man with light colored hair and wore a long with jacket.
"As much as I hate to say this," the doctor said lightly with concern, "we can both see that Miss Emily here is in alot of pain." The doctor then paused, took off his glasses and cleaned them nervously. "I think that the best thing you can do do for her is to let her go."
AJ knew exactly what the doctor was getting at. He stood up and sadly nodded his head. AJ bent over Emily and carefully placed a kiss on her badly brused cheek. "I love you Emmy Lou." AJ whisperd in her ear as he then pulled the plug and set the love of his life free.