

Stealing someone else’s work is wrong. Plagiarism is a crime as is violating copyrights. All works of literature on this site are Copyright © 2000-2001 to Heaven On Earth. As the webmistress and author of this site, I, Kaity own everything. Nothing may be reproduced without my consent. All 'News' information has been found using the Internet, television or radio. Due to my lack of a scanner, pictures used on my site are used with the consent of the owners. If you would like to use anything of mine on your site, please feel free to E-mail me and I will connect you with the original owner of the pictures. No part of any story may be copied at any time, for any other purpose. I am an active fanfiction reader. If you "borrow" anything of my site, I will eventually find it. Please respect my wishes, leave my ideas and creations alone. Thanks.

