
I came across the site Writing On The Line and this really great creation. It's called 'The Pact' and it's basically a fanfiction writer's way of getting the feedback they deserve. NO FEEDBACK=NO STORY NO LOVE=NO INSPIRATION. So many times I've sat in front of my computer, a blank screen in front of me with a little blinking cursor..and there is NO urge to write. No words come to mind, no funny or romantic story lines appear. My readers are my inspiration, if they don't tell me what they think, I automatically assume the worst. Many have no idea what that feels like, to have no inspiration. It's frustrating! You want to pull your hair out. You can't express yourself...and ontop of that, you have a throng of fanfiction readers who are expecting you to update, fast! I tried this 'Pact' and it worked. After a week of no feedback, the E-mails started rolling in, and my inspiration returned. For any fanfiction writers out there who are suffering from the same problem, use this Pact, follow it, and see the results. Click below to be transferred to Writing On The Line and the Pact.
