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Remember to sign Aubry's Guestbook!!!

Last Updated: DEC.08.00

Hi, my name is Aubry Elizabeth Earnest. I was born on October 4,2000 at 2:16pm. I was a couple days over due, and mommy wanted me out so she could see my beautiful face. So her and her doctor disscussed what they would do and they decided to safely labor induce me. I was just too darn comfortable in my mommy, I wanted to stay as long as I could! I had a little bit of breathing problems at first but the doctor fixed me right up. I'm gonna be okay though. I came into this world weighing a whole whopping 9lbs and 2oz. I'm a lil big girl huh

This is a picture of me....Aren't I a Cutie Patootie!

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All of the Winnie the Pooh characters are fictional characters based on the original works of A.A. Milne and Ernest H. Shepard. The characters and their names are registered trademarks of the Trustees of the Pooh Properties, Dutton Children's Books, or the Disney Corporation. The images on these pages are copyrighted illustrations of the Disney Corporation and/or Dutton Childrens' Books. The Disney Corporation and Dutton Childrens' Books in no way endorse this web site, nor are they affiliated with this page in any way. These pages were created by the webmaster/webmistress strictly for the enjoyment of Winnie the Pooh fans from all over the world, both children and adults!