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Nuclear Pulse Propulsion.

Project Orion - Its Life, Death and Possible Rebirth - Michael Flora.
Revisiting Project Orion - The Space Review ~ by Sam Dinkin. ***NEW!***
The Manhattan Project is over ... The Space Race hasn't begun ~ by Scott Hawker. ***NEW!***
The Spaceship that Almost Was - ~ by Lee Krystek.
"My Life Was Defined by Space Activity." - Trashotron ~ Rick Kleffel and William H. Mook.
Nuclear Pulse Propulsion. - Encyclopedia.
Project Orion - The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight.
Building Tomorrow's Space Battleship's with Today's Technology! - news.
Stanislaw Ulam's Nuclear Saucers - Scott Lowther.
Sputnik and the Chevrolet Bel-Air - Excerpts from George Dyson's book PROJECT ORION.
Electromagnetic Effects from a Ground Launched Nuclear Pulse Rocket - Ben Pearson.
Orion will rise! - CDI Part I by Martin Sieff.
Orion can rise! - CDI Part II.
The Road Not Taken (Yet) - for by Glenn Harlan Reynolds.
The Case for Orion - by me.
Project ORION Test Vehicle - Smithsonian.
Brief explanation of Orion with diagrams - by Robert A. Daley.
The Rocket Boys - by Phillip Manning.
Orion and Empire - Tim Schriener.
The Orion Drive - Tim Cronin.
Letter to Michael Flora from George B. Dyson.
Far-out Pathways to Space - David P. Stern.
Orion - - Mark Wade.
Atomic rockets: Those were the days - Kevin Maney.
Orion - ~ by Paul Wilson.
Project Orion - Nuclear Pulse Propulsion - Wikipedia.
Orion Page - Whitchurch School Website.
Rich Baker writes about Project Orion - The in Sharp Blue.


The Golden Age of Atomic Power in Space - Theodore Taylor interviewed.
Frontier Theory - the future of NPR - Brian Dunne interviewed.
Freeman Dyson and son George - Science Friday. Recording available.
Freeman Dyson, frog prince of physics - ~ By Kristi Coale.
Experiments with bomb-propelled spaceship models - Freeman Dyson.
Freeman Dyson's Brain -, by Stewart Brand.
Flights of fancy -, Freeman Dyson interviewed.

Documentary and Film.

Project Orion - Film Report No. 1 - ~ this footage available to order.
2001 AND BEYOND - Documentary about 2001: A Space Odyssey and Orion.
TO MARS BY A-BOMB - BBC Documentary.
Code Name: Project Orion - The History Channel ~ available to order.

Orion Today.

Gabriel EPPP Paper - External Pulsed Plasma Propulsion.
Mini-Mag-Orion - ~ Andrews Space & Technology.
AIMstar - Antimatter Initiated Microfusion Starship.
Daedalus - detailed design study of an interstellar spacecraft.


Project Orion: Verdens første atomdrevne romskip. - Dutch Orion page(I think).


Project Orion Book Reviews - book written by George B. Dyson.
Project Orion - by Scott Lowther ~ this book is on hold, but far from cancelled.
The Starship and the Canoe - Freeman and George Dyson ~ by Kenneth Brower.
The Curve of Binding Energy - Theodore B. Taylor ~ by John McPhee.


Orion Girl Story ~ 'Diary of a space tourist'. ***NEW!***
Project Orion, Part I - 'Jackass Flats' - - Ramelov Model Products ~ Matthew Poliakon.
Part II - 'Ice Fishing on Europa' - - Ramelov Model Products ~ Matthew Poliakon.
Why Orion was chosen for the movie 'Deep Impact' - ~ by Charlene M. Anderson
Battleship Michael - Renderings of an Orion from the novel 'Footfall'.
Time for the Stars - by Robert Anson Heinlein.
The Stone Dogs - by S.M. Stirling.
Footfall - by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle.
Orion shall rise - by Poul Anderson.

Orion Conspiracies (for those seeking a good laugh)

APOLLO- A COVERUP FOR ORION? - Tranquility Base.
Orion Alien Conspiracy - By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone.

Space News!

Space Daily - Your Portal to Space.

Universe Today - Space news from around the Internet, updated every weekday.

Space Today - Covering Space From Earth to the Edge of the Universe.

Please send additions, corrections, suggestions, comments and hatemail to the email address at the bottom of this page. This is only a small selection of the available websites concerning Project Orion. Some of my own personal favourites. If you know of any good articles yourself or have even written one then please contact me. I'm always happy to hear from other Orion fanatics.

Some of my published internet articles related to nuclear power and space can be read below if anyone is interested. Mostly stories I had published at SpaceDaily.

Those of you aware of the Mars Society who follow the fortnightly 'Radio Free Mars' broadcast can soon listen to me stumble through a recorded interview which was conducted by Jim Burk and slated for airing after April 29th. Due to a lack of funding the show has been delayed.

Yes, I'm collecting money to build a Starship. Should make an interesting tourist attraction when completed.

Visit the new Orion message board if you are looking for good discussions. For space news I always recommend SpaceDaily.

Say hello at the original Project Orion Club if you get a chance. The first Orion forum on the internet and still running after all these years.

Articles and Letters.

Some of these articles and letters have appeared at numerous media sources. Let me know if you see them in some odd corner of the web I may not know about. Nuclear Space news is growing in popularity and I have trouble keeping track of all the places discussing it. Writing articles is a haphazard hobby for me but I do try to churn out a few each year now. Like all things, writing is most difficult at the beginning. Once you actually have an idea of your subject and start typing it just flows on from there.... tap...tap... tappity...tap.... tap...


Letter to Bush's Space Panel ~ advocating heavy ground launched Orion.
Article on nuclear space only B-movie science ~ Straight Goods.
NASA's Age of Steam ~ Ad Astra.
Nuclear Powered Desalination Plants ~ Begging Australian politicians to address the water crisis.


Nuclear Space And Fears Of Nuclear Proliferation ~ Spacedaily.
The Exploratory Ape ~ Light Science.
Will There Be A Nuclear Space Race Between America And China ~ Spacedaily.
NASA To Boost Nuclear Space Science With Project Prometheus ~ Eagle Alliance.
The Nuclear Heart of Planet Earth ~ Spacedaily.
The Case For Orion ~ Spacedaily.
Facing Pandora's Box Of Nuclear Myths And Prejudices ~ Spacedaily.
The Ultimate Weapon ~ Spacedaily.
Space Critters ~ Spacedaily.

Wayne Smith.
Founder of the pro-nuclear space movement. intro page.

Why build an Orion?

Why launch an Orion?

Fallout Fallacies.

Space Message Board.

Project Orion Funding Update!

Project Orion Gallery.

Email: webmaster at