Any suggestions or constructive criticism is wanted and much appreciated! ;) Thanks a bunch!
I have to tell everyone I'm not copyrighted and that I don't own the Monkees..I guess I'll make it easier by saying that I do own the characters Katie, Allison, Emily, Josh, Mrs. Jacobson, Mr. Vincent, Janet and the Stage Manager. If I left anyone out, oh well.
This is my first series so far. I'm currently working on a few others...they'll be posted soon. Enjoy!
Part Three-I'm lost I said, though I knew she was sleeping
Part Four-I'm empty and aching and I don't know why
Part Five-Life was such a simple game a child could play
I'm Not Your Steppin' Stone
Still-in-progress series. At first I was worried that the people I'm basing my characters on would get upset with me, but just the opposite happened...Gwyliane is very pleased with her alter ego Anne. The others have yet to comment on their own fictionalized selves, so I take it as no news is good news, right? ;)
Guest apperance by Gwyliane *g*
The Monkees are on Dark Shadows! Hee, it kinda pokes fun at both shows, but you ain't gonna get most of the jokes if you're not a Dark Shadows fan. I haven't finished it yet, I have a feeling it's gonna be lo-ong. Have fun!
UPDATED! A (finished!) round-robin fic by Melisssa, Rainbow, and QueenMicky.
This is a Friends spoof written by Bastet. If you're fan of Friends you'll love it; if your not a fan you'll probably like it anyways. I'm Audrey, by the way, cuz I'm cool like that. E-mail Bastet! She'll love to hear whatcha think of her writing!
Episode Five-Mangled Shakespeare
Okay, if you have some fanfiction and you have nowhere to show it, never fear! I'll take it and host it right here. Just e-mail it to me with instructions on how you want it posted and I'll put it up right away!