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 Hey! This is a place where I can put emails, or conversations I have had with people that have met Riley Smith. So far, I only have one very *lucky* person to share her story. If you have an interesting story about how you met Riley, please email me and tell me all about it. Please include Your first name, when you met him, how you met him, and of coarse, give us the juicy details! Thanks guys!

-First Encounter-

 hi. my name is Paula freeman. i am big fan of riley smith and a friend to him. i was looking at your website and i thought it was really cool. mine and Riley's uncle are good friends. i am also sending riley a special gift for him on his birthday. well, anyways.... keep up the great work on the website!!! -Paula freeman

then i replied... and she wrote me again!!!

hey. thanks for replying!! i met riley about 2 years ago while visiting my uncle. he is really cool and super nice!! i actually didn't even know he was an actor until like this year!! that is So0o krazy!!! riley is dating someone. her name is Ashley lyn cafagna and she is an actress also ( bold and the beautiful ) and also co hosts American teen video with riley. well, as far as i know they are still dating. i rarely ever talk to riley because i am so busy and so is he. well i hope that i answered all of your questions and feel free to email me at any time !!! GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WEBSITE !!! :) -Paula