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I don't know how often I will write, but I promise to at least check in regularly.

Feel free to drop me a line

Janury 18th, 12 days post-run

Whoa - Sylvie, what happened between November 10th to now? What about the race? What about those prerace jitters? What's up with that?

I know, I tried to keep up to this, but what I haven't mentioned is that I am in the process of writing a short memoire type of booklet for the future Arthritis Society participants - a sort of "my experience" type booklet, which I will post here once it is completed. I couldn't keep up both pieces, so the other won.. Sorry, this may not cut it, but tis the best I could do.

I'm in a low down, blue mood right now - it's sort of the post Christmas, post-contract win, post-race win... it's just the "now what do I do" stage - one needs to let the body recover, and the mind, so it seems. So as my mind recovers, you can still read up on my race report, and see neat pictures of our celebration afternoon! Until then, I am now able to add "half-marathoner" to my name! Yippee... Cheers Sylvie

November 10th

I have GREAT news! Just found out that I've actually EXCEEDED my goal of $4,000! thank you, thank you, thank you - to all who supported me! YOU ARE WONDERFUL!

On a sad note however, due to problems with my knee, I have had to rescope my distance, and unfortunately, am going to do the HALF MARATHON instead of the full. I'm hoping that by the time I return from Florida in January, I can take a few months off completely, then hopefully the medication will take effect, and I'll be able to start putting in the distance again. Although I am very disappointed, I need to be careful not to take risks - I want to keep doing this fundraising year after year.

So, instead of a Mickey medal, I will be able to share my Donald medal with Amanda. I still need to make it under the time limit - the scoop mobile does show up at the half marathon too!

Winter is on its way, no doubt about it - it was zero degree today (celcius) and that's getting right down nippy. I enjoy training in this weather - and tomorrow is another long training session. I have to keep my focus - training is still something I must maintain. Knowing you've helped me surpass my fundraising goal sure helps me there! Thanks again...

October 31st - Halloween night

Brrr - brr... can you believe it snowed here today! There was actually snow on the ground as the first few trick or treaters came by... So, winter is on its way. Fortunately, I am so lucky to have as a sponsor, Peter Laughton, owner of Bushtukah - the greatest outdoor gear store I know of! He outfitted me for winter running and I sure do appreciate that, considering the weather will not likely get much warmer for quite a while!

Knee has been giving me endless problems, but icing and elevating seems to help. I just keep on concentrating on the reasons I am doing this... So if you pass me by on the street as I make my way around the neighborhood with my new gear, give me a wave, or a call!

October 17th

OK, Ok... I know, I'm pityful when it comes to keeping this updated. Thing is, same old, same old... same training, except longer and harder, same challenges, and - oh - GREAT NEWS - Getting so close to the goal, I am actually smelling the $4,000 mark!

I did find out, much to my dismay, that the marathon organizers will not let anyone finish post 7 hours. Now, 7 hours might sound like a lot to you, but for slow joggers, or medium walkers like me, this is going to be close... Can you believe they actually patrol the course, and at 7 hours, they (their term) "Scoop you up" to the finish line, no medals, no certificate... Ugh, how awful! So, no twisted ankles, no dehydration, no slowdown - and maybe no potty breaks...

Actually, I've changed my approach from fast walk to right now, run 2 minutes, walk 2 minutes - and it's getting easier by the day - so I'll see how my progress approaches as the day gets closer, and I'll plan my strategy at that point in time. You HAVE to know I will avoid at all cost the "Scoop patrol"...

Plus, I want Amanda to be able to wear that medal around her neck - that's my aim! So, happy training to me! I'll keep you posted folks - just hope I don't slip on any dead leaves on the ground...

August 28th

I am so excited! I now have a great corporate sponsor - Bushtukah, THE store for outdoor gear! I want to thank Peter and his staff for supporting me in my marathon/fund raising quest! I will make the Bushtukah group proud! Cheers Syls

August 25th

Excellent day today - Amanda and her family were over for a visit, and to meet Michele, the editor of our local paper who is going to run an article on the project - pictures and all! We're heading in the homestretch as far as funds are concerned, and right into the dedicated training as far as the miles are concerned! Gotta love it! Cheers Syls

August 21st

First, the good news - I'm at $3,451 !! A shy $49 from the mimimum required, and a small $549 dollars away from my goal of $4,000! I've spent the last week at a pretty intense course for work, and my training has been was put on hold for 4 days - but got back in the gym today, and even though I didn't think I would, I MISSED MY WORKOUT! I think this is a good sign! Cheers,

July 30th

Yehah! I've reached my $3,000 in funds! Happy day! And my training is going well, I feel my stamina increase each week - can't complain about anything at this point - project is on track! Happy August to all! (it's just around the corner!)

July 22nd

I've finally put Amanda's page together, and I sure hope that my words convey the incredible person that she is. I've also been very diligent in working out, ensuring as much as possible to get my cardio work in, as well as some weight resistance training before the official start of our training program. Contributions are coming along well, I believe my biggest challenge will be the training, not the fundraising! But, I'm psyched for it!

July 3rd

Happy 4th of July to all my American friends, and Happy past Canada day to my Canadian friends. Well, I just somehow realized just how FAR 42 km really is! I tracked my trip to work today, and the back and forth doesn't even get me to 42 K. Does that mean my longest run will be to work and back? Doubt that - I expect the longer the runs, the more they get done on the weekend. We should be hearing from our trainer soon. Contributions are coming in pretty regularly, thanks to all who have contributed, and for all the others, I'll be back in touch, JUST IN CASE you forgot all about it! (smile) Cheers all!

June 25th

This is so wonderful! I have now over $1,000 of contributions. Thanks to wonderful folks like you! You all will keep me going on those long long training sessions.

June 21st

I am so excited! My donation page is now up. People have already started donating, and that just makes my day. I actually get an email from the Society each time someone donates, so this makes my end of day email check a real pleasure! Tomorrow is an information session at the Arthritis Society, and they've asked me to speak as the representative new participant. Hopefully we'll get more walkers or runners to join our group! Now, hopefully I'll hear from the parents of my future hero, all would be perfect!

May 19th

Hi folks. I just received my Arthritis Society registration kit, and I am actively trying to match up to a running Hero. I am told this shouldn't take too long. I also know the contribution page (enabling you to contribute using a secure site and your credit card) will soon be available. That doesn't stop you however, from sending me a check, in the name of the Arthritis Society, of course! Still building up the strength in my legs, and gettind ready for the start of my official training. Stay tuned! more to come!

April 22 - Just starting off with the development of my website. I officially registered with the Joints-In-Motion program on April 19th. My commitment is set! I've been walking about 10 km per week, with my longer walks on Sunday. I've been told the training doesn't start until September for our group, but I will train earlier with the group heading out to Lauzanne Switzerland. They start in early May. Stay tuned for more news!

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